This aint no vacation, I'd rather be in school
Math class would be more fun than being my dad's tool
Cuz he runs his house like he's still running a squadron
And mom's not calling so I feel like I'm forgotten
I know she's been at home so I guess I don't mean shit
That's a wack attitude, I sound like a little kid
But that's what moving so much will do to your head
You move 300 miles and try to grow up again
We had to get transferred so dad could pay the bills
Somehow I made it through childhood without learning social skills
And came out on the other side all shitfaced and scrawny
Cuz them ADD pills, they just eat up your body
And I spent 2 years in a basement instead of getting ripped
A poor kid in Clarence goes through hell fitting in
It's hard living life between Salt, Genessee, Lapp, and Transit
When you've been over this wall but now you can't get past it
How can you blame me for being depressive-manic
When half the kids here have never met a Hispanic?
The only black they see is putting shingles on their roof
The only Asian they've met is the one on the Cup-O-Soup
God, give me the strength to make it to August
So I can haul ass to college and escape from all of this
You can call me depressed but let me make a prediction:
You won't solve all my problems by writing a prescription
Taking all these meds just got my brain burnt
And this house switching deal got me living the short term
Cuz why should I unpack if I'm leaving in a week?
Saturday is the farthest ahead that I can see
Anyway, I got into Albany, life's good
How I did it's a myst'ry won't never be understood
Now I'm an item with Hillary, hoping things will go smooth
But she's also my best friend so we've got so much to lose
I'm afraid it's gonna flop but I hate to think or say it
My rhyming's coming back after extended hiatus