It was time for another year of school... uneventful, eventful... and everything in between.
I walked up to the grey block, hand in hand with my twin sister. Theo was my polar opposite; long straight chocolate brown hair to my shoulder length carrot top, dark brown eyes to my blindingly bright blue ones, tan to my pale skin, short and athletic to my tall twiggy build. She was bold, while I was restrained. But we complemented each other like day and night.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" whispered Theo, looking unusually serious.
"Yes," I answered simply and she smiled weakly, "Are you sure?" I asked her and she smiled and nodded.
She glanced behind us to see if our chaperone, Kerry, had our luggage.
"Excuse me miss," he squeaked, looking nervous.
He couldn't be much older than me, I felt horrible that we were paying him minimum wage as a limo driver and he still couldn't go to college because we were too busy having him escort us to parties. I'll leave him a big tip.
"Yes?" I asked him, turning around.
"There seems to be someone knocking violently on the window..." he trailed off uncertainly.
I whirled around, paused to un-stick an unruly curl from my lip gloss, only to see Felix banging on the glass window of the passenger side.
"Oh god," I muttered under my breath.
But truth be told, I was glad to see him, Felix was the only constant in my crazy life.
"I'll cover you if you want," offered Theo, stepping slightly in front of me so Felix wouldn't see me when he figured out we weren't in the car any longer.
"It's all right, he goes to our same school, I'll see him eventually..." I sighed and motioned for Kerry to bring the cart that held our bags over to us.
"RAIN!" Felix screamed when he saw me, I flinched and regretted not taking up Theo on her offer. Felix ran towards me and hugged me tightly, "I've missed you so much, are you alright? Nothing's happened to you? Everything is okay?" he stepped back and looked me over, checking for any sort of harm.
I smirked, "Felix, I'm fine, please stop."
"Is he bothering you?" I heard a voice ask and I whirled around.
"No, it's quite alright. He's not bothering me," I smiled at the tall boy, blonde hair, nice.
"Are you sure?" he asked incredulously, eyeing Felix suspiciously.
"It's fine, I'm her boyfriend," Felix slung his arm around my shoulder and I flung it off.
"No you're not. I may be talking to you but I can't ever forgive you so stop saying that we're still together," I snapped, my good mood ruined by Felix's arrogance. I stomped over to Theo who was helping Kerry find where to put our bags.
"Let's find our dorm quickly, I don't want to have to talk to Felix yet. I haven't had enough time."
"Alright, I think our rooms are..." Theo spun around in a circle with her eyes closed, her finger pointing in a random direction. She stopped spinning and announced, "That way!"
She was pointing at the parking lot, and the street, and then a housing development.
"Second time's the charm," she said and spun around again. She screeched when she bumped into a guy and fell over. He looked at her like she was crazy. Scratch that, she is crazy.
"Oh I'm so sorry!" he said and grabbed her arm, helping her up.
"Humph," Theo dusted the dirt off her distressed jeans and sniffed irritably, everyone else was wearing shorts and t-shirts because it was unbearably hot for September, but not Theo, she didn't have that kind of liberty, she had to wear long sleeved shirts and long pants.
"Do you know where 12th year dorms are?" I asked him, he looked smart.
"Yeah, that's where we're, Blondie and I, are staying... our stuff is already there," he said.
"I'm guessing Blondie is the guy who offered to make Felix piss off?" I asked.
"Yep," the guy told me, then added, "I'm Zach by the way," he introduced himself, shaking hands awkwardly with both Theo and I.
"Theo," she piped up.
"I'm Rain," I told him, less enthusiastically.
"You can call me Blondie," the other guy said snootily, like he wouldn't deign to address 'peasants' like my sister and I, we're probably 10x richer than Mr. Snooty-Pants.
When he turned around, I flicked him the birdy smugly.
"Ha, Rainies got some attitude! That was great! It was all like... I'm HOTT BITCH!" Theo laughed, doubling over.
"What the hell?" asked Blondie.
"None of your business," I told him, just to show him I could be snooty.
"What, can't do whatever you did to my face?" he asked.
Sure I can, and I gave him the one fingered salute again.
Blondie rolled his eyes and stomped off to find some other people to belittle.
"Nice friend you've got there," I grumbled to Zach.
"He can be nice. He's just PMSing today," Zach explained and I tried not to smile.
"First timer?" asked Theo, a hint of pity in her voice.
Zach chuckled, "This way, I'll show you the dorm. And protect you from Blondie in case he decides to unleash his wrath upon us mere mortals!"
"Thank you knight in shining armor, we will forever be indebted to you!" Theo raised her arms to the sky and I shook my head. At least she's got a playmate now that she can be crazy with; I don't have the energy anymore.
Zach laughed, and I cracked a slight grin.
"Theo..." I chuckled softly.
"So, how do you guys know each other?" Zach asked, helping us carry our bags up the stairs.
"We're twins," we said at the exact same time.
"JINX YOU OWE ME A LIPGLOSS!" I yelled, then dissolved into a fit of giggles.
"You don't look like twins," Zach said skeptically.
"We are, but I'm older by two minutes," I informed him proudly.
"By the way, Rain, I think Isaac likes you," Zach chuckled.
"Who?" I asked, Isaac...hmm... That name rings a bell, oh well.
"Blondie," Zach explained.
"What?" I exploded.
"He only stared at you the whole time," Theo laughed.
"Ugh, I feel dirty now," I cried, scrubbing at my arms in disgust.
"Don't worry, he won't go anywhere, you hate him. He's not that stupid," Theo predicted.
"I wouldn't count on it..." Zach mumbled as we reached the top of the stairs.
Kerry was at the elevator, he was going to meet us on the second floor.
"Here we are, what room are you guys?"
"Room..." Theo said slowly.
"It should say in your letter, the one you got that said you were accepted," Zach explained.
"I have that," I pulled it out of my little backpack, "We're room..." I skimmed the letter, You have been accepted to Butler Academy we are pleased to have you...blah blah blah blah... "Room 13!"
"Yay 13!" Theo yelled and ran to the vanilla colored door that had a bronze 13 on it.
"Do you need a key?" I asked.
"They only lock from the inside and from a master key that the principal has," Zach said.
"How do you know all this?" I asked.
"I was here last year and I had to sit through orientation. Very boring but you get to learn everything from the cockroach problem in 1990 to what kind of floor tile they have in the cafeteria. Quite informative," he rolled his eyes.
"I heard they have a pool. Are we allowed to go swimming?" Theo asked excitedly. She's practically a fish.
"Yeah, but you have to take a swim test to go in the deep end. It's a freak of nature system if you ask me but I guess some 18 year olds never learned how to swim..."
"Well I'll let you guys 'explore' your room, later," called Zach and opened the door a couple feet away. At least we've got a good neighbor.