
"Haven't seen you in a while," a young man said, embracing another, taller, man.

"Yeah," the taller said, "It had been a while. Sorry I've been busy."

After five years, and so much trouble the two teenagers, Zach and Isaac, were hardly recognizable. Zach had bags under his eyes and he was obviously undernourished, not because of lack of money, but for lack of caring. Isaac's eyes were bloodshot and open wide, like he never slept at night.

"This is hard for everyone, I want you to know that. It was brave of you to do this," Zach said, motioning to the decorations around them.

"Well, our last wedding wasn't exactly...picturesque."

"Neither is this one," Zach jerked his head at a mellow looking older woman, Theo and Rain's mother was very recognizable, except for the placid expression on her face.

"It's all right with her now, she's been talking to a therapist and they've put her on medication."

Zach looked back at the woman who had killed the girl he had loved, at least that's how he saw her. She was a woman without emotion, her most severe anger and depression were suppressed by medication, but so were happiness and joy.

"Is Rain okay?" Zach asked.

"I think so, she's finally opening up a little. Last night I showed her the will and she cried. It's the first time."

"What will?"

"Theo's, from when she was 10," Isaac smiled weakly as tears filled his eyes, " 'I leave everything to my best friend and sis, Rainy. Except the cat, because she always forgets to feed him, Tristan can have him.' "

Isaac looked back at Zach, he too had tears in his eyes, they both sniffed and pretended they hadn't been crying.

"Rain asked me to throw out all her old things because it was too painful, but I kept them because I know she'll want to look at them."

Zach gave Isaac a sympathetic smile.

"When they were kids Theo said she wanted to be buried next to their dog, Trix, in the backyard, with lots of pink and rainbow flowers on her grave."

"Rainbow flowers, that's definitely a Theo thing," Zach chuckled and swiped at his eyes.

"Rain obeyed her wishes exactly, in our backyard we have a whole square covered in wooden flowers, pink and rainbow. Rain spent months making them."

"If you would all take your seats, we would like to begin."

During the ceremony, Mrs. Ix sat staring emotionlessly at the program, she had taken 3 extra pills that morning because she was feeling especially emotional. It wasn't like anyone was watching her anyway, except for the plants in her desolate apartment. Zach closed his eyes and thought of 5 years ago, he hadn't even gotten to say goodbye, he hadn't been able to help her, he hadn't been able to do anything. He had 'what if'-ed himself to the point where he had millions of ways he could've saved Theo, but somehow, he hadn't had any of those ways when it had counted. Rain cried softly and Isaac squeezed her hand tightly, comfortingly.

"Do you, Isaac Harris, take Rain Ix to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Do you, Rain Ix, take Isaac Harris to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I'm sorry Theo, I let you die, it's all my fault," she whispered, "I do," she said aloud.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Isaac leaned in to peck her on the cheek, she wasn't appreciative of PDA, but instead she kissed him on the mouth, for the first time. Happiness shot through every nerve in his body and then she pulled away, leaving him missing her 17-year old self even more.

As they walked back down the isle Mrs. Ix approached Rain, "This is exactly what your sister would have wanted. She loved you more than anything, I just wanted you to know."

Rain embraced her mother and despite the pills, her mother's eyes started to tear.

At the after party Zach approached Isaac and said, as more of a question than an observation, "Rain seemed sort of mellow today?"

Isaac glanced over at Rain and she looked up at him. The corner of her mouth turned up and a gleam returned to her eyes, "Today was a good day."

I'm lost at sea,
The radio is jamming but they wont find me,
I swear its for the best
And then your frequency is pulling me in closer
Til I'm home.

And I've been up for days
I finally lost my mind
And then I lost my way.
I'm blistered but I'm better and I'm home.

And I will crawl, theres things that aren't worth giving up I know.
But I won't let this get me I will fight.
You live the life you're given with the storms outside

Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

This room's too small, it's only getting smaller
I'm against the wall, I'm slowly getting taller here in Wonderland.
This guilt feels so familiar and I'm home.

And I will crawl, theres things that aren't worth giving up I know.
But I won't let this get me I will fight.
You live the life you're given with the storms outside

Somedays all I do is watch the sky,
Somedays all I do is watch the sky.

I think I, I could use a little break, today was a good day.
I think I, I could use a little break, today was a good day.
It's a deep sea on which I'm floating. Still I sink to think that i must...

Crawl, theres things that aren't worth giving up I know.
When you can't bear to carry me I'll fight.
You live the life you're given with the storms outside

Somedays all I do is watch the sky,
Today was a good day, today was a good day.