To the three Sophies in my life

To the three Sophies in my life. To my Grandma Sophie, for her strength and spirit. To my Cousin Sophie for her sly humor and joy in life. And to my friend Sophie, for having one of the kindest souls I've ever met.

Love to you, my girls.


Chapter XV

Sophie spent the better part of the following days burrowed in Ethan's arms; they couldn't be apart from each other for more than a few hours at a time, especially after Ethan – finally- learned that Sophie was pregnant.

At first he had been utterly clueless, but had worried when he saw Sophie was sick of her stomach practically every morning and sometimes just the thought of food gave her nausea, but some other times she was eager to eat gross combinations of food that made him want to hurl.

"Sophie, I must send for the doctor, it's not normal that you're sick like this," Ethan had said one morning when he had waken to find Sophie's spot on the bed empty, and heard her throwing up in the bathroom. He had helped her wash her face and brush her teeth and then they had sat together, Sophie happily cuddled on Ethan's lap, drinking overly-sweet tea.

"Nothing is wrong, love, I assure you." Sophie had said. "Actually, things are great. More than great."


Sophie smiled and leaned more heavily on Ethan's chest and when she spoke it was in a whisper just above his heart. "I'm pregnant."

Ethan kept silent for a long while, making Sophie wonder if he had heard her at all. She was about to ask him but Ethan surprised her by catching her chin with his fingers and lifting her face. "Are you certain?" He asked softly, his thumb gently caressing her cheek.

"Yes." Sophie answered in the same soft tone, unable to hide the surge of happiness that always came when she thought about the baby she was carrying.

Ethan kissed her then, a smile lingering on his lips and cuddled her even closer. "Good," He said. "I want a dark-haired little girl, just like you."

"Just like me?" Sophie asked cheekily. "My brothers always swore I was the bane of their existence."

"And you're the bane of mine. But I still want a little girl, just like you. I insist on it!"

And from that moment on, Ethan was convinced they were having a girl, and there was nothing that would make him change his mind.


A few days later, Sophie was busying herself with a pile of correspondence that she hadn't felt like answering for the last few weeks - and which had become impossible to answer since Ethan had come back to her, filling her days with love and her nights with lovemaking – while she waited for Ethan to come back from whatever errand he had gone out to.

Evan was out in the garden, playing with Mr. Buttons and Sophie had nothing to do but wait, and answer letters to friends and family.

Sophie was happily writing a short note to Jenny, saying she would love going shopping with her for more baby clothes, when Ethan's arms closed around her.

"Precious," he said softly in her ear and then reached down for her belly, giving it a slow, loving rub as if to greet the baby too. "What are my beautiful girls doing today?"

"You don't know if it's a girl."

"It will be. If not we'll make one. I shall know no rest until I get my wish of a little girl, just like her mother, is fulfilled."

"You're crazy." Sophie said but snuggled into him. "Why did you leave so early?"

"I left at nine." Ethan said. "You waved me off."

"But you know I don't really wake up until ten, I can't be held responsible for anything that happens before that."

"I shall remember that," Ethan chuckled. "Would you forgive me if I say that I left because of a surprise I have for you."

"That depends on the surprise." Sophie said.

Ethan went around the chair, picked Sophie up and sat back down with her on his lap. "Well, I went to get these." He said and showed her two tickets. "In two weeks we'll go to Italy for a month, just you and me. And during this little holiday we shall embark on a quest to make up for the lost time"

"Like we haven't been making up for the lost time." Sophie sighed. "I was sore this morning from last night alone!"

"Ah, sore yes; but, were you sorry?"

Sophie blushed and pretended not to notice when his hand slid to her breast and cupped it through the fabric of her dress. "No, and you well know it."

"It's still good to hear it." Ethan said, enjoying himself immensely and growing bolder in his caresses.

"Not, here!" Sophie said, blushing again. "Evan is right outside!"

"He's too busy to mind his old parents."

"His old father, thank you very much. I, his beloved Mom, on the other hand am still a spring lamb." Sophie said cheekily, knowing Ethan wasn't trilled remembering the near ten-years of age difference between them. "And what are we going to do with Evan exactly during this holiday you're suggesting."

"Mother and Richard are coming back in a few days to stay with him." Ethan grinned. "I already told Evan and he's happy to stay with my mother."

"So you planned it all, before you even asked me!"

"Yes." Ethan answered.

"A little, high-handed of you, don't you think."

"No," He answered and kissed her full on the lips for a good long while. "So, Italy with me?" He asked.

"Anywhere with you," Sophie said, resting her head on his shoulder, still a little dreamy from the kiss.

"I love you, Sophie." Ethan said. After not saying the words for so long, he found that he needed to say them often, make sure Sophie knew.

"I love you too," Sophie answered, lifting her head and linking her slender arms around Ethan's neck and kissing him soundly.

She would go to Italy with her husband, come back and have beautiful babies with him – Girls, if Ethan had his say on it – and they would live together and happy for a long, long time.

And thing would be as they always were meant to be.

And Sophie would feel like she was always meant to feel: Happy and well loved.


End of Chapter XV


End of Where Dreams Begin.


Thanks you so much to everyone for liking this story. Sophie was always something else for me; because she was named after three people whom I love dearly (see first line of the entry). I hope you like her as much as I do.

And I hope you guys stay on for Maddy-and-Nikki's story: Suddenly You, it should be up soon.

Love you guys LOTS,
