A black rose, petals
falling from decay over time,
murdered by the harsh ice of
Toxicity, love's most potent weapon,
double-edged blade of disaster.
Every time I break, you're there to pick up the pieces.
A crimson rose, petals dancing
from jubilant ignorance,
slowly dying in the warmth of spring's
Every time I'm lost, I find myself in your arctic gaze.
Sinking through a tear-filled ocean, an infinite sea of
blind and deaf, there is no escape for the fallen.
which can be felt can be manipulated,
within every strength lies
an innate weakness.
Time flows only forward, not even memories can turn it back.
Fiery sunsets pale in comparison to your
your voice makes even bird song dissonant in contrast.
paradox in which every question has an answer,
an enigma that, in
itself, explains everything with nothing.
Ying and Yang, good and evil, the clarity without which life cannot exist.
With a
gaze that can calm and diminish sunsets,
love has no power over
you; emotions have no hold.
With your power, you can part the
waters in which I'm drowning,
why then, do you waste your time
with imperfection?
You're already complete, true mortal
too bad I'm frozen in your arctic gaze.