The Five Of Us Aren't Going Anywhere


ME: Hey doodlets. I can't tell you how excited it made me to click on the 'create new story' link here on FP. I hope you like my new story, I'll tell ya the chapters are gonna be longer and the story's gonna be fuller. And unlike my other stories, the chapter titles won't be song lyrics. I promise to work my very best on this story! I'm gonna turn the talking over to Gage, kay? Because he's gonna be telling the story most of the time, and he wants to put in the disclaimer and junk. I'll be here once in a while to answer your questions if he can't, or give you a little spoiler here and there. Here you go…

Hey. I'm Gage. Is this thing on?

Haha no, I'm not actually holding a mic. I just thought I'd say that because that's how I feel right now, kind of in the spotlight and the center of attention.

Um…it is what it's called, right? A 'prologue'? Anyway, I'm gonna be tough and stern now, because I gotta do the disclaimer.

Yes, this story contains minor male slash. 'The five of us' are really close friends, some of us since we were born, so we touch, hold, hug, and mess with each other. Not in a sexual way…well…not most of the time. Because none of us are in love with each other. None of us do…those things with each other. We're just a bunch of teenaged boys that love each other like brothers; therefore we are closer than any friends could ever be. I'm sorry if it offends you or anything, but this is life. Deal with it. There is also swearing, (see when I made the point that we are teenaged) and some things that could offend genders. I mean no harm in this, I'm just a messed up person. It's not like I'm going around bashing anybody, but if I mention something that applies to a sex and it's in a derogative way, then please don't flame me. Also, I'll speak how I wanna speak, so beware of me saying stuff like wanna, gotta, and 'cause, and bad annoying grammar. I'm also not taking the time off to make me sound intelligent for you. Whatever comes naturally to my mind, I say. Pretty easy. Sotherefore it's probably not the most 'exuberant, sumptuous technique of conversing and allocating thoughts'. But I don't care and you shouldn't have to either, 'cause we're in this for fun, aren't we?

Okay, now that's out of the way. Sorry if I'm coming on like I'm really rude and dominant. I'm not like that around most people. It just felt like the only way I could get that out in the open without…not doing a good job or something. Huh.

Next is the 'I do not own this or this or this, but I own this and I want it', but I don't know that that's officially called, so yeah.

Jaime does not own Linkin Park, TNT, The Sixth Sense, All Star shoe brand, The Weather Channel, or any other media she forgot to mention in the upcoming chapter or chapters or any of their affiliations or anything about them at all. It just appeared in her story somehow because she's a psycho bitch like me, only she's female and I'm male. So I shouldn't be calling myself bitch, now should I?

And furthermore, Jaime created all characters, settings, ideas, thoughts, and scenes in this story, therefore if you take them you will be unhappy because Jaime will be livid that you stole her characters she worked so hard on. And that's not good for you, for the record, okay? But, if you wanted per se to borrow someone with her permission first, then that would be okay. But Jaime asks that you please mention that she created them after all the negotiating is done, kay? She'd be really flattered if you wanted to borrow one of us. So if you want permission, email her by the address given on her profile and she will give you the rules and conditions.

ME: Yes, that was Gage for you. Do you like him yet? He might take some getting used to. So I might as well tell you this: Gage is me. Well, he's sort of like me, only he different in some ways. Like he loves certain foods that I hate. He prefers certain people I'd hate. He loves certain music that I hate. But our similarities are in the way we process thought so rapidly it turns into a bunch of rather meaningless sentences when it's written down, and I believe that no one thinks like me, therefore anyone who does is me.

So his sentences may drag on, they may just be one word or two. And Microsoft Word hates me for it, but it's the way I think and eventually write. I speak of Gage as if he was real because I want him to be. If the characters weren't realistic, then the story would be a total suckfest, right? He's not real, but he's me, so he is in some senses. It may not makes sense, so if it doesn't then prepare for a lot more of it coming up. If you can't stand it I'd suggest you hit 'Back' and find a story about celery. It cures scurvy. At least I think it does…