"I hate fucking ants!" Rex screams in shrill cry, much like a little boy. Maybe even a little girl.

"Then fuck something else." Damien says with a sigh.

"That's not what I fucking meant, loser!" Rex snaps, dropping the green plastic cap to the ant farm down into it. Immediately ants start crawling all over it.

"Do you have to fucking say 'fuck' in every sentence?" Damien sighs again, shaking his newspaper so that it straightens and he can read it. I don't know why he is reading the newspaper. It's actually sort of frightening…

"You're no fucking better."

"SHUT UP!" I scream. It's only 5:30 am and those two dipshits are already up. Rex is screwing with Damien's ant farm, if you haven't guessed, and Damien is…reading the newspaper. And somehow they're both very loud and annoying. Only those guys…

I screamed through the wall, banging my fist on it for good measure. I hoped it scared them. Wait a fuck; they're in the same room as me, seeing as I can see them.

Wait, what?

Time to go back to sleep.


I wake up and realize I'm in Damien's room.

I thought I was in the family room.

Oh well, I don't give a shit, long as I'm half awake and still wearing underwear.

"We have fucking school today, guys."

"Not me."


Yep. See if you can identify those people speaking in order. I've give you a hint, the first speaker is Damien, the second is Ty, third is Rex. Oh shit I think I just gave you the answers. Sucks to be you.

"Take your fucking hand out of the fucking ant fucking farm." Damien deadpans.

"What the hell you guys? Did you make some sort of commitment to say 'fuck' in every sentence?" Tyson finally asks, agitated.

"No. But that's a fucking good idea!" Rex says. His hand is covered in ant. He looks stupid because he is smiling and there are ants all over him. Which is stupid. Like him. I decide to tell him so.

"You're stupid."

"Muchas gracias tú manzaña feo!"

"Rex, you just called me an ugly apple."

"I know. It was fun."

I moan and roll over, away from them. I'm sleeping on the bed in Damien's room. It's weird because now I remember falling asleep in his family room. One of the fuckers probably moved me because their family room has…crickets. Like badly. So bad that they jump on your hands when you watch movies. But they don't in Damien's room. Probably because it smells so much. But now they'll probably come in because there are ants all over the place and crickets eat ants. Wait, do they? I bet the crickets actually stay away from Damien's rooms because he kept them as pets before and they hate him and escaped and are never coming back and now live in their eternal paradise in his family room, which is downstairs and I was supposed to be sleeping with them but one of those fickers kidnapped me. Did I just think 'fickers'? That's so silly. I'm saying that now.

"Mercedes, make those fickers shut up."

"'Fickers'? What the hell, Gage?"

"I like that word. I'm using it and you can't stop me because I can and I will use it forever and all eternity."

"That's redundant."

"Stop reading the dictionary."


ME: Well, this is all I currently have for chapter 3. The plot is actually coming up, believe it or not, and it makes everything harder to write. I wrote this immediately after I wrote the second chapter, but as you can see writing 15+ pages in a continuous sitting is very difficult. So I pulled it up just now and read it, and it made me smile, so I'd thought I'd share with you. This story is actually turning towards drama, which is going to be fun. Oh, and action too. Drama induced by action.