Journal Entry #1
Oh My God! I cannot believe that I'm on a plane that's going to Latvia. Donaslade, Latvia that is. Who, may I ask has ever heard of a country called Latvia? And no, it's not anywhere near America, it's on the other side of the freakin' planet! From what I've heard, it's some god forsaken country that snows three- fourths of the year. Ugh… I hate snow.
My dad bought me this journal. This is probably the only time I'll ever write in it though. I just don't have anything better to do. I mean, I'm stuck on this plane for another five hours. What else am I going to do that's gonna waste time?
Anyways, I'm use to living in a lot of different places, so I guess this isn't to bad. My dad, Frank, he works in the government. I don't exactly what he does, but we've had to move a lot. He's been dragging me all over the world with him ever since my mom died when I was four. I've already lived in North America, England, Brazil, France, and Australia. I've also been to eleven different schools. Four of them were highschools. I'm only seventeen! And of all places in the world, I have to spend my Senior year in Latvia.
My new highschool is called West Latvia Highschool. It's an English speaking school the people who speak English go to and rich Latvians send their kids there too. I'd fall under the earlier category. There probably going to be a lot of stuck up rich kids there. Yippie, I'm going to have a lot of fun.
I just realized it's really cold on this plane. It smells, and the guy behind me is snoring REALLY loud. My dads looking through brochures of places we should go see in Latvia before summer vacation is over and I have to start school. He always does this when we're moving, but we never end up going anywhere. We get to the new house, and an hour later he's leaving for work.
This notebook sucks I'm just going to throw it away…
A/N: This is my first story I've ever written, so please review.