This was a story I put on Quizilla a while ago but I never finished it... and so I decided to put it on here. So don't accuse me of plagerism. My account on Quizilla is kaibagrl1892 so if you want to read it in the way it was originally meant to be then go check it out.
Anyway... this is in YOUR point of view (or at least most of the time), so it's as if YOU are in the story. Pretty spiffy, eh? So yeah, I hope you like A Vampire's Pet, I'll try to add more chapters later but I can't right now- I'm at a friend's house.
Your character's name for this story is Katherine, okay? She has reddish-brown hair and hazel eyes. If you don't like this character then just replace her with your name and appearance or something. Oh, and she's about 16-years-old (she obviously gets older as the story goes on).
Sorry it's kinda more of a girl's story but if guys read it I'll be happy! xD
I own all the characters in this story unless otherwise stated! (sometimes I forget to state though)
I hope you enjoy it! xD A lot of people on Quizilla seemed to like it at least. Rating for safety... might be some inappropriate-ish things like language, lots of romance, etc. but we'll see.
You awaken almost immediately to the sight of the sun glaring through your windows. You glance over at the clock on your nightstand sleepily, but it only reads 6:30. You groan as you reluctantly sit up, wishing that you had remembered to close the curtains the night before and you slide on a dark purple robe. You go into the kitchen but find no one so you decide to grab something to eat. You take it to the dining room table and start to eat it when you are greatly troubled by the silence. Groggily, you turn on the TV in the family room and you decide to watch a TV show marathon for a while. Afterwards, you head into the family room so that you can see the television better. You try to shield your eyes from the sun shining in from the large bay window, but it's no good so you decide to sit on the window's ledge instead. After a while, you get bored and wonder if anything is outside. It is late fall and the trees have lost all of their leaves, making the woods behind your house easy to see through.
To your surprise you see a boy trudging through the bare trees. He is walking slowly toward your house. He's not bad either as far as looks go: probably older teens and is wearing some jeans and a dark hoodie, of which the hood is pulled over his head but you can still tell that he has short dark brown hair. After a moment of watching him, you finally notice that his body is very injured. Not in good shape at all.
You finally decide to go wake up your parents but to your surprise, they aren't there! So you choose to quickly change into jeans and a sweatshirt and head outside to help him yourself. You run out to him as fast as you can, tripping clumsily over nothing. You collapse to the ground and grab your aching leg, realizing that you had hurt your knee. The boy notices you fall and comes over to you pretty quickly, despite whatever might be ailing him. He bends down over your leg and caresses it softly with his hands, making you wince. Suddenly, you notice that his skin is very blotchy and looks almost burned.
"Are you okay?" He asks you, his voice soft but with a certain amount of edge in it. He pulls up the leg of your jeans to have a better look at your injury.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine," You look down at his skin again and then back up at his burnt face. He didn't look so attractive anymore. "But you don't really look so good!"
"Oh, my skin? Well..." He sighs as he pulls down the leg of your jeans. "Let's just say that my skin is very sensitive to the sun and I've been out for a little while. But if we get inside I should be fine. You'll see."
He winks at you and you nod as you try to get up but fail miserably, collapsing back onto the ground. Furiously, your cheeks burning red, you stare at the ground lamely as he helps you up.
"We can go to my house," you say pointing up at it, trying your best to shake off the embarrassment
"Sounds good to me--anyone home?" He looks at you strangely, almost suspiciously. It's a little weird to you, but you don't really mind it. You've received stranger looks from your old classmates in middle school.
"No. I don't think so." You stare at him woozily as he starts to walk you home by letting you lean against his body. You think you hear him murmur something softly to himself, but you shake the thought off and allow him to keep helping you home.
The two of you finally arrive in and he sets you on the living room coach gently and sits beside you. His skin looks better already; he's almost handsome again.
"Thanks for letting me come in," he says coolly. You can feel his gaze on you but you refuse to look at him, still abashed.
"N-no problem... T-thanks for helping me h-home." You find it hard not to let your voice waver. This was so weird!
"It was the least I could do..." His soft crystal-blue eyes sink into yours as you sigh happily. "So can I get you something to drink... Katherine?"
"What?" You suddenly snap to attention. /How does he know my name!?/ You think to yourself worriedly. "Um, no thanks, uh..."
"My name is Tallor," he tells you, running the backs of his fingers down your cheek soothingly. And then he adds: "You know... you're actually kinda beautiful..." He leans close to you, taking your hands into his. You try to scoot away from him but you fail, for he only closes the space between you again.
He smiles and leans over close to your ear and seductively says...
(Ohmygosh a cliffhanger!)