A/N: This is the product of a party of ours... ahem. Yeah. That's really all there is to be said. If it makes little or no sense... well, it was never meant to.
Straight but wants to be gay
Italian French man
On a ship
Getting out stripping biz
Stowing away, pretends to work on boat
Met Lady Andrew at a strip club in Istanbul
Sailing to the holy land to claim the drug traffic for France
Speaks only French
"Ginger /snap/" is his nickname from L.A.
Sir Frankalot
Canadian beef master
Gay ship captain
In love with cortavio
From gay ghettos of Quebec
Smuggles drugs in beef
An alchoholic
Too drunk to notice
Lady Andrew
& cross-dresser
Guy masquerading as a girl
Cortavio is in love w/ Lady Andrew
The Muscle
Frankalot's body guard
Glares at everyone
Has no personality
Responds well to compliments about muscles
Tries to seduce Lady Andrew
Omg there's a PLOT?!
The spaces are time lapses in which we never figured out what would happen...
-They get on the fucking boat and they meet. (Sir Frankalot is WASTED.)
-Lady Andrew and Sir Frankalot duel over Cortavio. Frankalot cuts Andrew's clothes off and it is revealed that she is a he! (During sex in the past, Cortavio and LA were so wasted, cortavio didn't notice that LA was a man.)
-Cortavio and Frankalot fall in love
-Lady Andrew and Muscle fall in love
-everyone dies when police raid ship in a drug bust