Does not own anything mentioned that may or may not have a copyright on it
"Vampire book Top Seller 5th week in a row"
The headline catches your eye as you pass a newspaper stand. Of course you'd heard of the book before, everyone has. You don't get to be top seller hiding in a closet. Now, if you'd read it was another question. And the answers was no. Not that you didn't want to be as "cool" as the next teeny bobber, but there are better things to do than drool over some non-existent vampire.
Ok ok, you admit it to yourself. You can't afford the book T-T. Everyone else is too afraid you'll damage their copy to lend it to you. And the library's copy? Never in, and if it was, you have no idea what the other vamp-lovers have being doing with (or to) it. But a fad can't last forever, right? Right!? It'll blow over just as fast as Pokemon did.
Lost in your thoughts, you continue to walk home. You're like a robot. You've walked this way so many times your body leaves your mind alone, functions as its own entity. You walk in your room and realize it's been a while since you've cleaned this place. You pick up some old school papers to throw away, then drop them back down and flop onto the bed. Your bag falls on the floor, it probably broke something. Hopefully it was that ugly cup your aunt gave you last Christmas. You pine over the lack of vampires in your life for a few minutes and then decide you'd be better of wasting your time online. By the time your mother (father/parental unit, it's your mother now) gets home you've been starting at that hypnotizing screen for 5 hours already. You grab your bag and pull out some homework before she walks in your room. Content that you're the angel she raised you to be, your mother goes to the kitchen to make (heat up from a can) your dinner.
It's 10:30PM now. You've been dawdling since you finished your homework. It's now that you get the brilliant idea to look on for the vampire book. You can read the first 5 pages, satisfy some of your lust, and go to bed. Unfortunately, this only intensifies your want for the underworld. At 10:52 you get in bed, vampires running dizzily about your imagination.
1:07AM :You wake up for no real reason. Wait, no, there is one. Your room is freezing cold. Too tired to investigate, you pull the covers up closer and shiver. Your left arm is falling asleep so you roll over to face the bedroom. Only, in stead of your bookshelf you see two bright eyes staring back. You gasp, the creatures runs, and you're left alone in your room, the bedroom window wide open…