My Dearest Love,

I'm pleased you enjoyed out night together. I wish I could have been more hospitable. Unfortunately, vampires don't seem to be "living it up" as much as humans would like to think. There is more I could have showed you, I suppose. However, there is only so much time. Time. Something mortals fear. Something I have a great deal of.

Which is why I'm writing you this letter. For I fear I have run out of time. Or, more accurately, I have run out of hope. My wish was that by finding you my despair would be cured. However, love does not solve all problems. In fact, it generally entangles those that already exist. I had become torn between your happiness and my own. You are better off fully alive than caught in the lapse of life and death. I have decided to spare your happiness than risk both ours.

Continuing our nightly visits is not an option either. You were not meant to live without sun or sleep. And yet, I don't think I can live without your company. So I chose not to live at all. A thousand years of torture is worth more to me than a meaningless life. If I am to simply exists, breath only but miss out on life, then there is no point to immortality.

Do not interpret my words as withdrawing my vow of love. It is for love that I must go. If I were to stay I could only refute your plea for my curse for so long. To live as a parasite is not the reverence that you deserve. I see now that I should have departed silently without that first visit to your house. But I cannot take my actions back.

Please, my child, I beg, do not follow in the path I take. I realize that to gain love and loose it so soon borders on more than a heart can bear, but it borders only. What I sacrifice for you will be made in vain if decide to follow. Thus, I leave you with a single silver bullet. Let it remind you that someone loves you more than life itself.

And so it is with a heavy heart that I say Goodbye. Remember always that while my body may die, my love never will.

With eternal love,
