The theme from Star Wars started blaring from my phone. I rushed to answer it.

"Hey JJ, what's up?"

"Thank God you're there Amora. You're never going to believe what just happened!"

"What is it?"

"Well... you know how today is mine and Ha's anniversary?"


"I went to surprise her with a gift, I felt pretty bad about sneaking behind her back lately... and I wanted to make it up to her for a while before I broke up with her... and anyways... I get there, walk up the stairs to her bedroom, open the door... and what do I see? She's tied up to the bed, naked. And guess who's on top of her?! MARCIE!!!!! She had a fucking whip and was wearing leather and everything. It was kinky ass shit. I can't believe Ha fucking did that to me... I mean, this is something I would expect from Marcie... but Ha? I thought she was better than that. I don't deserve this."

Wow. This story was a little close to home for me to hear. I mean.. HELLO, doesn't this sound familiar? What happened to me on mine and JJ's anniversary? That's right, I walked in on her and Marcie fucking. And now she's on the phone to bitch at me about Marcie doing the same thing to her? Isn't THAT ironic!

"JJ... honey... let's think about this. 1) You were going to break up with Ha anyways. Why the fuck do you care? And 2) how dare you call to bitch at me about this. I mean come on, don't you recognize this story? Don't you find it a little insensitive to call me upset about this, when you did this exact same thing to me when we were dating?"

"Oh... well... I just thought that you'd understand..."

I don't care if I am falling for her all over again, no way was I dealing with this shit. I hung up the phone.

I mean... what did she expect, for me to pity her or something? Tell her that everything would be okay, that it didn't matter, and I was here for her? I didn't have that luxury when this happened to me, I'm not about to give it to her.

"Angel, I mean... how could she be so insensitive? Here she wants me to take her back, and I pretty much told her already that I would, and shoe goes and pulls a stunt like this? I mean... what if this is all a big mistake and I do go out with her and something like this happens? I don't know if I can handle this again," I whined to Lina.

"Look, Love, maybe you're too good for her. Did you ever think about that? She doesn't deserve you, she never has."

"Of course I think about that. I think about it all the time. But then I think about the butterflies I get whenever she smiles at me or touches my arm. I think about all the times she's made me laugh so hard it hurts. I think about everything. She's all I ever think about."

"Well, if she means that much to you, what do you want me to tell you? That everything will work out okay? You know I can't do that, because I can't guarantee it. You're fucked, plain and simple. I can't see why you don't just try to find someone new. There's plenty of girls out there that would love to make you happy. Trust me."

"Oh like who Lina? Nobody likes me. If they did, they would have told me already. Nobody has ever liked me except Jacqueline. Sometimes I wonder if anyone ever will."

"Amora, that's not true. How could you say stuff like that? You're beautiful, intelligent, fun... I mean, I would kill to have a girlfriend like you."

Did she just say that? Why yes, yes she did. I wonder if... no, there's no way... Angel couldn't possibly like me... I'm reading into this way too much.

"Erm... if you say so. Look I have to go. Mom just got home, and you know how she likes to eavesdrop on my phone calls. I'd hate for her to hear what we're talking about. Love you."

"Yeah, no problem, you too," she replied quickly as I hung up the phone.

I really am beginning to think God hates me. I mean... just as things start going well, everything comes crashing down. It's a weird and twisted cycle, and I keep getting the short end of the stick. Everything was going to be okay and then stuff like this happens. I guess I could be overreacting, but come on! This is just too much... I mean the irony gods must be laughing their asses off on this one. Does Jacqueline really expect me to help her through this? Is she really that nuts?

I am also beginning to think this is all a big mistake. What if I'm not even falling for her again, what if it's not her I love but the idea of her that I love? You know, like... I want someone there so badly that I start imagining things. Maybe I don't really want her, I just want someone and she just so happens to be there. Maybe I should learn to stop second guessing myself and analyzing the shit out of everything. Who knows? Who ever knows?

Certainly not me.

For the second time today I heard Star Wars blaring from my phone. Sprinting up my stairs two at a time, I managed to get to it just before it went to voicemail. A bit winded, I answered, "Hey Jacqueline."

"Hi Amora. Look, I just wanted to apologize... it was really terrible of me to call to you earlier... I didn't really think about how bad it was until after you hung up on me... and well, I just feel really bad about everything. You know I never wanted to hurt you in the first place and that I'd take it all back if I could. I know that I can't. I also feel bad about being such an ass earlier. I hope that this doesn't change your decision. You know, now that Ha's out of the way..."

"Stop JJ, not now. I can't do this right now. It's not the right way, the right time. Let's just take things slowly okay? I'm glad you apologized, but I'm still a little upset right now. I mean you had no right to expect me to be okay with all of this. I don't know what you were thinking. Actually, you probably weren't thinking at all. I'll just talk to you later, okay?"

And for the second time that day, I hung up on her.

A/N: OMG! Guys... I'm soooooo sorry I haven't updated. I've had this chapter sitting on my computer ready to upload... things have just been so crazy in my life I haven't been able to update... and I'm sorry this chapter is so short. It's mostly dialogue but it is kind of important. You guys probably thought I died or something... Anyways, I promise to make it up to you as soon as finals are over. I'll write a chapter (hopefully more) over break and I'll try hard to make them amazing! I HOPE YA'LL STILL READ THIS!!! Love always!