History Always Repeats
Story By StormDancer
Chapter 5
I couldn't believe myself. I was doing work, on a Saturday night. Honestly, who does that? If not being a bastard meant having no life, this was going to have to stop. I looked up from my homework, alerted by the thundering on the stairs. The door flew open, bouncing off the wall. My cousin came charging in with it.
"Ky!" he cried, 'Long time no see, man!"
"Aiden," I grinned as I rose and pulled him into a one armed hug, "It's only been like three weeks."
"Exactly," he threw himself down on the chair I had just vacated. Sighing resignedly, I collapsed on my bed.
"Why are you here?" I asked.
"I'm moving back," he explained offhandedly, "So, how's your new life? This whole remaking yourself plan working?"
"Wait, are you going to Capulet again?"
That would be bad. My resolution couldn't stand with Aiden urging me to go back to his way of life. Sluts and parties were still too attractive.
"Nope. Parents made me go to Montague. Said it would be more convenient for them."
"That sucks." Hopefully, Aiden wouldn't notice my complete lack of regret.
"I know, it does! We can't be the duo, anymore!" obviously, he hadn't. He was too focused on his own regret.
"At least we'll be closer then we've been for the summer," I observed.
"Yeah, and you can let me come to all your dances!"
"Like you wouldn't come anyway," I drawled.
"Well, yeah, but now you can help me find all the hot girls!" That was my cousin, only one thing ever on his mind.
"You don't need my help. You have a 6th sense for them."
"What can I say? It's a gift." He smirked, 'along with the gift of getting girls to fall for me."
Yeah, he had that charm. Part of the reason I had been almost glad to move was to get out form under his shadow. I had my fair (okay, more than was fair) share of girls, but still, always being under Aiden's shadow irked me.
"So maybe I shouldn't take you, you'd keep getting all my girls," I teased. He stood as if to lunge at me.
"You wouldn't do that?" he whined, "Everyone knows Capulet has hotter girls!"
I managed to dodge his punch and retaliate with one of my own. When our impromptu wrestling match had been resolved we were back in our seats, my long dark hair was mussed and his shorter chestnut hair was standing out at odd angles.
"No, seriously, man," Aiden asked, "Are there a lot of hot girls at your school?"
Liz Farah's image swam in front of my eyes.
"A good few," I admitted.
"But didn't you tell me you already had a girlfriend? Umm… Tara, that was her name." That had never stopped him from doing anything before, but it was always worth a try. I didn't exactly want to sacrifice Capulet High's girls to my cousins oh so tender mercies.
"Ditched her last night. Trev's date was way hotter."
"Yeah, Trevor Leras. Remember him? Goes to Capulet still. You've probably seen him."
"Right, him." Wasn't that the guy Liz Farah was going on a date with last night? "Did you get his date?"
"Well, I made a good impression. She was definitely flirting with me, not Trev. But dude! You cannot conceive of how great she was! She was forward, but not slutty, and it was amazing!"
"What did she look like?" I asked. It couldn't be Liz. That would just be far too much of a coincidence.
"Great body, dark hair, tall," Aiden looked like he was ready to go forever about her various attributes, "Actually, she looked a lot like another girl from Capulet. Maybe they're cousins."
"What was her name?"
"Whose? The new girl? Eliza. What an awesome name! I mean, is there anything about her that's not perfect?"
Okay, so maybe it was Liz. Eliza is yet another nickname for Elizabeth, after all.
"But if she's cousins with one of your exes, that might be a problem, I pointed out, I mean, how would you feel if I went out with one of your exes?"
"Wish you the joy of her, and tell you how to get rid of her when you were tired of her."
"But that's just you, Aiden, most people have finer feelings."
"No, even if they are related, it's fine. Beth wouldn't do anything, she was always timid."
Beth? What if he was the Aiden who had broken her, according to her friends? But Aiden wouldn't do anything that bad.
"What happened to Beth? That might matter."
"Dunno," he shrugged, "I found someone else, and we kind of fell apart."
So maybe he would break her heart. Well, if it was the same girl, it was my cousinly duty to warn him Liz was out for his blood.
"Has it ever occurred to you Eliza and Beth are the same person, with a 3 year age difference?"
Aiden shook his head dismissively.
"Couldn't be. Beth was mouse, man. Especially in the sack. But Eliza? She's a lion, I can tell."
So that was something no one had told me. They had been sleeping together!
"How old were you and Beth?"
"14 maybe. 8th grade, I think."
I had known Aiden had been sleeping around since even younger then that. But the fact that he said it so casually, and so callously… Wow, he really was a bastard. It had never really struck me as strongly as right now. And I used to be someone like that?
No, I had never been as bad. Not quite.
"Why are you so interested in Beth anyway?" Aiden asked, "She's old news. Probably a complete slut now, or dead. She doesn't matter."
Okay, screw my cousinly duty. Aiden was getting on my nerves. Maybe it was just my stepping away form that kind of life, or the fact that now I saw the result of Aiden's rampages, but I couldn't look at life his way. And I couldn't stand that he did. Liz had my permission to screw him over, if that was the shock he needed.
"Just curious," I managed to sound casual.
"Whatever, man," he glanced around, "where are video games?"
"Pick one," I gestured to them, "I can kick you ass in any of them anyway."
So he was a bastard. It was still fun to own him in a game.