*3 YEARS LATER* Literally! Yes, I'm back. Well I've been back just not writing. But I've decided to rewrite HHEWWC, since I myself do hate it when I'm left off in the middle of a story. I also think that by rewriting the story again it might actually inspire me to finish it. I won't promise to update daily, but I will update the story often. It's getting finished this time guys, that's guranteed. Hope to hear your thoughts on it

"Hmmm, no way. His friend is so much hotter." I spoke into the phone as I leaned back on my chair and looked at the computer popping a chip into my mouth.

Yea, 3 things at a time. I'm multi-talented.
Yeah, either that or just good at being a bum.

"No way Nicole! Just look at his picture." my best friend Jen argued back. I glanced over at the picture again and rolled my eyes, SO her type. Me and Jen are practically losers with no such thing as an interesting life. So we were spending this thurday night looking at people's MySpace pages. Well, mostly boys. Well, mostly scene boys.

Ok ok, I know, I'm labeling. But I mean, I can't help it. It just so happens that that's the word assigned to that type of look. Don't get me wrong, I don't base who I like on that, but I do guiltily admit that I find them adorable. Recently this was a look that had come much in style in my school. Of course, my school had it's Goths, preps, jocks, nerds, athletes, gangsters, weed-heads, and even normal people. But in my opinion, there was no such thing as normal, it just another branch on the label tree. I personally liked this style. And I had picked up a few things from it. I mean, If you like something I find it highly dumb to not go along with it just because you think everyone is doing it and you don't want to form part of a majority or a label. And as I was saying before, I know I'm labeling, but well, if they're already labeled that by others, then fuck it.

You should be ashamed of yourself! How would you feel if they called your soup can?
Why soup can?
Because they have labels
Well, scene guys are really hot. So I'm complimenting someone when I call them scene. Soup cans are not hot!
Really? Well how about when you put them in the microwave genius?

"Nicole!" Jen screamed into the phone making me snap out of the small argument I was having with my conscious. "Are you listening?"

We'll continue this later. I noted squinting inwardly at the voice in my head.

"Oh errrr yeah, sorry." I said returning to my previous activity. As my eyes browsed trough the page of Jen's victim, something cute caught my attention. A boy wearing an incredibly cute pink shirt was on his top. I didn't hesitate to click on his picture, leading me to his page.

It wasn't the typical self-thrown bathroom mirror picture though. He seemed to be resting against a tree, most likely in the park but since it was a torso picture I wasn't able to tell. His black hair fell across to one side, somehow however managing not to cover any part of his gorgeous face. His pink shirt had the image of a black broken heart in the bottom corner. Yet his smile seemed to show he was far from brokenhearted.

"Anyways, what ya going to do this Sunday?" Jen asked. I could hear her clicking away on her keyboard. I swear, one day her fingers will fall off.

"Nothing. What did you have in mind my little muffin of doom?" I asked her as I browsed the guy's page.

"Well, I'm not exactly sure yet, but I was thinking-"

The last thing I heard was something about a show. Because as Jen rambled on I put my phone down so I could concentrate on what I read.

My name is JoelBut you can call me JJ, Joely, Jay; whichever you preferI'm the boy you love to hate

Trust me, I'll liveI'm 17 on the outside;; 6 on the insideI break hearts like the west was wonI'm pretty pessimistic, or whatever, as people sayI can be very persistentI drink at times. Don't smoke, don't do drugs.

I like it when people remember small facts about meI laugh when other people stopMusic is the coolest thing since Skittles

Scene kids and hairspray cause global warming. FACT!Sue us.I'm the jealous type, if you're mine, you're mine and mine onlyI also spend day in day out dreaming about life and my futureDon't hold out and let me wear your clothesIf you give me a first good impression, I'll become quickly attached to you

Like if I had known you for ever

I'm easy to get along with

Fallen in love with me yet?

Suddenly there was a ding dong from my screen, and I realized Jen was buzzing me by msn messenger, since I had left her hanging on the phone."Jen, I'll call you later." I said quickly into the phone before stuffing my mouth with chips and hanging up.

Oh my goodieness
Your goodieness? Look at HIS goodiness!

Without even waiting, I added him to my friend list.

Why? Is not like you're going to even make a move.
I could!
Pft, yeah. And Santa Claus is real.
What do you mean?
Is Santa real?
oh...umm, wow…go get yourself a cookie or something…

I was about to say something back to my conscience when I noticed a new alert, he had accepted my request.

Wow, that was quick. I wonder if he looked at my page or I was just one of those many girls who add him daily.

I quickly became self-conscious, I wasn't used to taking initiative like this with guys so I felt a bit embarrassed. I looked over his page again, this time being able to view it fully since he had accepted my friend request. His page was full of pictures with his friends. Compared to his cocky diva profile intro, he actually seemed like a nice down to earth guy. Surprisingly, he didn't have 50,000 friends like everyone did now adays on myspace, he had a decent 458, which was nothing with the popularity contest that had become of myspace.

Suddenly, I was caught off guard when an IM popped again in my screen. A name I didn't recognize. But then again, I did have my screen name on my page so it could be anyone.

XThisPoeticTragedy: Hi

XxPanicxX: Umm, hi

XThisPoeticTragedy: Do I know you?

XxPanicxX: Uhhh, I don't know. Do I know you?

XThisPoeticTragedy: Well….Maybe…You just added me to your myspace

Oh, my fucking, god. Shoot me.
Well he should after you just cursed at him

XxPanicxX: Oh yeah….ummmm…well, hi?

XThisPoeticTragedy: Errr, hi

XxPanicxX: Well, gotta go

I don't know why, I always did this. When I ran out topics to talk with someone I always said I had to go just so they wouldn't think I was boring.
But you are boring
Could you be a little more supportive?
No sorry hun, you see, all of us voices just like contradicting and teasing you confused teenagers. I thought you would've gotten this by now.

XThisPoeticTragedy: No you don't

XxPanicxX: Yea I do

XThisPoeticTragedy: Liar Liar pants on fire!

XxPanicxX: Pft, and how do you know I don't have to go boy?

XThisPoeticTragedy: Because….you would have left already

XxPanicxX: Well, you're distracting me!

XThisPoeticTragedy: Do you mind?

XxPanicxX: Lol, not really

XThisPoeticTragedy: See? You don't have to go. So, you like my page?

XxPanicxX: Yeaaaaaa..I guess…

XThisPoeticTragedy: I know, I'm fucking awesome

XxPanicxX: Wow, isn't someone a bit cocky?

XThisPoeticTragedy: Hehehe, it's a gift…what's your name?

XxPanicxX: Nicole

XThisPoeticTragedy: That's cute, I'll call you Cole. So what school do you go to?

XxPanicxX: River side High, you?

XThisPoeticTragedy: Me too! I've never seen ya there

XxPanicxX: Me either. Weird, I would have noticed

XThisPoeticTragedy: Hehe, why?

XxPanicxX: no reason?

XThisPoeticTragedy: Lol, I know I'm a smexy beast, you don't have to deny it

XxPanicxX: Wow, ego alert!

XThisPoeticTragedy: I am!

XxPanicxX: Pshia so is my ass

XThisPoeticTragedy: Well, I don't know about that….but to me it sounded like an invitation to check it out

I chuckled.
Awww, you like him. You're flirting with him!
Am not. I just think he's nice. It's true what he said in his profile. He really is easy to get along with.. I don't even feel uncomfortable.
You're blushing
Shut up

XxPanicxX: lmao, no it's not an invitation

XThisPoeticTragedy: Proposal then?

XxPanicxX: lol, noooooo. You're so not my type


XThisPoeticTragedy: lol, ok. You're just jealous because I have better hair

XxPanicxX: Oh no you didn't!

XThisPoeticTragedy: Oh yes I did!

XxPanicxX: Oh you are sooo going down!

XThisPoeticTragedy: Hehehe, bring it on. After school, tomorrow!

XxPanicxX: Lol, nah I'll pass

XThisPoeticTragedy: Scared?

XxPanicxX: No…

XThisPoeticTragedy: Have a date?

XxPanicxX: lol, don't worry your pretty little head about that

XThisPoeticTragedy: Ohhh

XThisPoeticTragedy: So you think I'm pretty?

XxPanicxX: -.-' Someone's ego is overheating. Anyways, gotta go, it's late

XThisPoeticTragedy: Bye Cole

XxPanicxX: Bye boy

XThisPoeticTragedy: Call me Joel

XxPanicxX: Lol, bye Joel

XThisPoeticTragedy: You're nice

XThisPoeticTragedy: AIM me next time?

XxPanicxX has signed off

Truth is. I had no intention of AIMing was, until Destiny put him in my way once again.