-Let Him In-

Chapter Twenty-Three: Cody Doesn't Fit

Author: Out-Spoken-Runaway

"Baby, I still can't believe you beat up Teddy. My gosh, Riley you are my HERO!" I rolled my eyes for the thousandth time, unable to stop the grin from forming. Keir and I were currently cuddled in front of the fireplace in my house, just sharing small talk. I felt happy, finally Keir and I would get some alone time- don't get me wrong, I love my brothers and parents to bits, but I need some private time with my boyfriend!

"You have this odd habit of repeating it over and over again until I want to slap you." I muttered, mock-glaring at him. He gave me a cheeky smile in return.

"Only for you baby." He whispered, leaning his head against mine. We watched the flames flicker, enjoying each other's company. After a few minutes, Keir broke the silence.

"Hey babe, tell me about your brothers." He murmured. I didn't respond, thinking and smiling to myself, remembering all of the stupid things we used to do. Keir nudged me after a little while, urging me to talk it out.

"As if you couldn't tell what they're like! Dante is just…he's completely outgoing and hilarious to be around. You can't ever be bored with him. He's so childish I could cry- he was always like that. I remember the time I was seven and I spilled my ice cream down my shirt- and the worst part was that it was already melting and sticky, so it was really nasty. When it happened Dante just stood there, laughing his ass off. Kind of like what you're doing now." I glared at him, slapping his knee to shut up. He wiped the tears away from his eyes, nodding me on.

"But don't get me wrong- he's not all laughs. I guess that's his problem- he hides everything behind his jokes and whiny attitude. He's really a caring and sweet guy- I know it. He's really protective too, like the time this one guy pushed me into the mud, and Dante went to go and beat him up. That's probably the best time he ever showed how much he cared for me." I smiled at the memory; one of the best.

"What about Damian?" Keir asked quietly.

"Damian…wow. He's in a way…like Dante…but not really at the same time. Yeah, they're twins but…that same memory I just told you, when Dante beat up that kid for me? Well, Damian came straight over to me and comforted me. I guess you could say that Damian would first go over to whoever is hurt to make sure they're okay before he goes over to kill the guy. I guess it balances out- if one person gets hurt, one goes to beat the other up and the other comes to comfort whoever is hurt. Then they both gang up on whoever hurt the person." Keir nodded.

"So where do I fit in here?" He asked.

"Well Keir, with your jealousy streak, I'd have to say you'd probably beat up the guy to bloody bits before anything else. Damian would be there for a bit before you two switched places. And Dante…well…I don't think he'd take a break from smashing his face in."

"Hmm…and what if I came to you first?"

"Well then you'd be taking Damian's place and not beating out your frustration." Keir nodded.

"I love you baby girl." Keir whispered. I felt my stomach twist into a thousand knots unable to break free. I realized that I rather liked the feeling.

"I love you too Keir."

"I LOVE YOU ALL SO, SO, SO MUCH AS WELL, BUT CAN YOU PLEASE CUT ALL THIS MUSHY LOVEY-DOVEY CRAP?" We were startled out of our trance when Dante's (whiney, annoying) voice broke through.

"Stop being jealous Dante. Maybe you'll find a sex-crazed druggie for a wife someday." Damian muttered, walking in hand-in-hand with some brunette.



"DAMIAN IS THIS YOUR GIRLFRIEND?" I yelled out, somehow feeling a sense of dread in me.

"Uh…yeah…s-she is. Her name is Cody." I felt my stomach plummet at the sound. I felt like now that he had Cody he wouldn't need me around anymore. I felt like now…now I was just a back-up, if Cody couldn't go out, he'd call Dante and I. This made me wonder how Dante must be feeling…

"Riley? Riley, come meet Cody." I snapped out of my haze, realizing Dante was shaking me. I nodded and smiled at him weakly, him somehow sensing how I was feeling. I looked for Keir, noticing he was talking to Cody…and laughing. This made me want to throw up.

I quickly looked at Cody, noticing just how good she looked in comparison to anyone. She was tall, maybe around five foot seven, slim to the point of a nice figure, with long legs- she made me cringe. I just realized how much of a turn on she must've been for guys. She certainly was pretty- with rather large apple green eyes; a small nose and small yet full lips. She didn't exactly have high, prominent cheekbones, yet she didn't exactly have baby fat for cheeks- it was just enough to complete her look. I smiled sadly, thinking she probably didn't even know how good-looking she really was.

I stood up, making my way over to her. I noticed that Damian had such a goofy expression on; the kind when you know someone has it bad for the other. I noticed Keir laughing wildly, his smiles wide and genuine. Dante was currently standing next to me, his facial expression showing nothing but boredom. I quickly realized only Dante and I were aware of how this changes everything. I felt my stomach churn.

"Uhm, hi Cody, I'm Riley, I'd hate to stay and chat so I'm just going to go. Hey Dante, come help me fix my bed. Thanks and it wasn't nice meeting you! Bye." I rushed out, dragging Dante out along with me. I looked back, noticing no one even noticed that I came and left- they didn't even notice Dante- which is pretty damn harsh, and impossible.

What probably stung the most was that Keir didn't even realize I existed the moment Cody walked through that door.

Dante shut the door after himself, coming after me as I climbed on my bed. I curled up in a fetal position, trying to hold the tears down. Dante climbed atop my bed as well, his hands going behind his head, resting against my headboard.

"Riley kiddo, I know…I know that Cody…she's…"

"An attention whore." I filled in for him.

"Well…more like attention bitch, but sure. She's…I guess you could say she doesn't mean to do the things she does. Like she doesn't realize that she steals everyone away. I mean…now that we're back together, Damian will want to spend time but then he has Cody too, and she'll want to tag along, to 'get to know you better'. She did that to me too. And I really cannot stand her. She's too perfect…like she's so superficial yet it's not really superficial 'cause she's really…all that perfect. She annoys me…she makes me seem so defected, I hate her! I can't believe Damian would fall for something like that."

"He seems so…happy…"

"That's the only reason why I'm not fucking around with her." Dante whispered.

I moved from my position, crawling towards Dante. He hugged me tightly in his arms, when I suddenly realized that Dante probably had to and will have to put up with this for much longer that I will. "I feel jealous Dante, and I feel bad for it." I whispered, longing for Keir. I hugged Dante closer to me, glad I at least had one person with me.

A knock soon came at the door, neither Dante nor myself made any move to open the door. The door opened softly, and soon Cody, Damian and Keir filed in. I shook my head, clutching to Dante even more. I didn't want to see any of them at the moment.

Keir seemed to notice my distraught, making a move towards me. I'm guessing Dante gave him his evil glare, because I was still tightly encased in Dante's arms. I could almost picture Keir's face- wide eyes, thin, tight lips, jaw clenched. I felt a depression beside where Dante and I were seated, and I instantly knew it was Keir- if he couldn't hold me, he'd want to be near.

"Riley, is everything okay honey?" Cody said, in her come-hither voice. Jeez, I'm not a guy, don't use your seduction voice on me!

"I'm fine, now go fuck yourself." I muttered into Dante's chest, though no one but Dante and Keir could hear me.

"What was that sweetie?" I know it was really mean of me to be acting like a bitch towards her, but I guess I was just feeling really tired and upset, so I took it out on her. I looked up at her, and I guess my face must've looked blotchy, with my eyes and nose red and poufy. I was pretty sure my hair was all frazzle-dazzled, and with the lovely snarl set, I'm pretty sure I looked picture perfect!

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Keir's jaw dropped. He had a look of guilt on him, and though it sounds very sadist of me, I felt oddly happy.

"Look, miss perfect, I don't need your help. Yeah, you make my brother happy, so that's the only reason why I'm tolerating you. Don't bugger into my shit and I won't bugger into yours. Got it? Good. Now get out of my room. The lot of you, go on!" I snarled. I figured that I would eat my words later on, but still…it felt good to relieve all the tension.

"Let's go…maybe she's PMS-ing." Damian muttered. I went back and buried my head in Dante's chest, trying to stop the smile from coming out- I expected Dante to say something like that, but Damian? I even let a little giggle come out.

"R-Riley…can I…can we…talk?" Keir whispered. I didn't reply, but I knew Dante thought I should, as he placed me in Keir's embrace. Dante left the room, and I was mentally shouting a long string of curses towards him.

I sighed. I didn't really want to talk- I guess I was just really fed up with everything. I just wanted to sleep- and well, pretty much never wake up. I closed my eyes, forgetting everything and just enjoying Keir's presence. I'm guessing he thought I fell asleep because he started to stroke my hair lightly, kissing me at the top of my head.

"B-babe…I…didn't mean to ignore you. Cody…she was just telling a joke that was funny. To be honest…she kind of makes me feel defected because she seems so perfect, y'know? I'd like it better if she were…if she has some flaws…like the rest of us- like normal people. Damn she must've grown up in a nice environment. I know you're feeling cranky about how bad she makes you feel…but baby…I don't care about how defected or whatever people may see you as…I think you're gorgeous, and you're all mine. Finally my girl. I guess you never knew how long I've been waiting for this to happen…but it's been a few months. Baby, I love you, and only you. Don't you ever forget that."

I smiled, inhaling Keir's Old Spice scent. I raised my head, looking up at Keir. "I love you too baby." I grinned widely, laughing when I saw Keir starting to blush.

"Oh my, is that my baby blushing?! HAH, FOR ONCE, it is YOU blushing, and ME smirking! MWA HAHAHAHA!" I yelled, feeling suddenly happy.

"Ssh, babe, stop yelling!" He hushed, his cheeks getting redder and redder.

"Awww, are you embarrassed?" I smirked. Keir's cheeks just kept getting redder.

"Babe, don't even get me started on you. You know I know plently of things to get you embarrassed…and flustered...and horny…"

"Psh. Just let me gloat babe." I smiled, kissing Keir on his cheek. He smiled softly, like he was happy that I started to show more affection.

"Babe, I wasn't kidding. I really do love you." Keir said softly, looking at me with such tenderness I felt my eyes start to water up. I hugged him really tightly and forcefully, making him fall back onto the bed.

"I love you to Keir." I said shyly, my cheeks heating up.

I climbed completely on top of him, trying to find my comfy spot. I laid my head on his shoulder, one of my legs up and bent at the knee, the other normal. I shifted around a bit, something poking into me. I removed it, then snuggled back into Keir.

"Babe," Keir groaned. "You need to stop wiggling around…you're giving me ideas…"

My jaw dropped and I quickly scrambled to the other side of the bed.


Dante's Point Of View There's something odd about her…

I couldn't really understand why Cody was setting me off. For some reason; she seemed for familiar…in such a bad way. I know I shouldn't be jumping to conclusions…I mean, my brother's happiness means a lot to me; but I want him to be happy for the right reason.

For some reason, I just couldn't understand why he would choose Cody. I mean, yeah, she's pretty and all, but seriously…she's too…perfect. Has he even told her about us? About our family? About Riley?

They've only been dating for like…4 months. He shouldn't even be thinking of marriage at this age! Besides, I'm the oldest, I should get the final say on who ends up with who!!

Maybe this is what Riley meant when she said I whine a lot.


Maybe I should look into her. Something doesn't fit in with her. Like now…she's sitting with Damian, and the only thing she's looking at is his ass. Wait; now he's turning around…and now she's looking at his…woah. The other side of his ass…

Maybe she's only interested in sex. I should get Riley to look into this with me…

Anything to make sure my bro will be okay.

A/N: I know…it's been like…half a year.

I'm a hoebag…I know!

Still. I have more ideas for this and for another story. It'll be finished soon. I might make it like a series…for Damian and Dante.

And definitely Sayleen and Kevin!