A/N: This may be, the most cliched story I have ever written. Which is saying a lot. I got the idea from story I read some time ago, though, it's not exactly the same. Anyway, I hope anyone who decides to read this likes it and whatnot.


It was the nothingness that scared me. I wished it could be something different. Maybe a horrible smell, or a horrible inhumane noise. Hell, those things would be a walk in the park. But no, there was no noise, no smell, it came without warning, out of nothingness, and it took everyone with it.

It took my parents first. My mom and dad had gone with me to the basement, where it lay. I had tried to persuade them, telling them that it was dangerous, that they shouldn't go, to listen to me, for the love of God listen to me. But they didn't. And the nothingness came and took them. I can still remember the screams. The horrible blood curdling screams of my parents, screams riddled with pain and fear, as it took them back into the nothingness. At the time I wished the screams would have just stopped, they were enough to drive me to the brink of insanity.

Had it not been for my big brother, Darren, the nothingness would have surely taken me too. My big brother had come just as the nothingness was drawing in our parents .I remember my big brother tried to stop the nothingness, but he didn't succeed. Fortunately, both of us were able to escape, Darren with a small cut on his arm.

After that day, I noticed a change in Darren. He became more afraid of being around the house. He would lock himself in his room, as if to keep the nothingness out. He wouldn't even let me , his own brother, inside to see what was wrong with him.

I couldn't just leave him there, maybe something serious had happened to him when he was down there with the nothingness. I managed to find one of the house's spare keys for his room. As I turned the lock, I can remember feeling the same as I felt when the nothingness came and took my parents. It must have been coming from Darren's room, I was sure of it.

As I rushed in to save him, he began to scream, the same kind of scream my parents had uttered. I told him not to scream, I was there to save him, but he kept screaming. The screaming was affecting me, making me feel anxious, scared, and angry. I told to be quiet, it was gonna be alright, I was here, but he didn't pay attention, he kept screaming.

I made my way towards him, I had to make him stop screaming. I was sure that by now, the nothingness had heard him, and was coming for us, I didn't want to die, I didn't deserve to die. I yelled for him to shut up, but he didn't, he kept on screaming.

Again, I yelled for him to shut up, just as I yelled to my parents. But he kept on, he screamed when he saw the knife I took out from my pocket, just as my parents had. And I thrust the knife into his chest, much in the way I had done to our parents, he kept on screaming. It drove me crazy, soon all I was yelling was, "Shut up, shut up!" Each time stabbing him, each stab more powerful than the last.

I remember the glazed look in his eyes, when he finally shut up. The way the knife seemed to easily slip out of his body. How his lifeless body slumped to the ground. Most of all, I remember the relief. Relief that he had finally shut up, and that incessant had ceased.

I was safe now, the nothingness wouldn't come for me. It had taken my parents, and, it had taken my brother. It had no need for me.

I left my brother's room, and made my way outside. It was a beautiful day.

A/N: I make no apologies. This probably does suck. But hey, when I think of something, I just gotta go for it you know? You know the drill, review if you would like, but no flames please.