Lyrra stood there, looking around herself blankly, taking in the dark stone walls of the vast chamber she was in. There, in front of her, sat a young, handsome king, upon a jet black throne, wearing an onyx crown. He was the most powerful-looking man she had ever seen, not because of size, but because of his air, the way he held himself, the confidence in his face and stature.
"So, you are Lyrra," he said softly, and a chill went up her spine.
"Yes, I am," she replied. "But who are you?"
"That is not important at the moment," he told her. "For now, all that matters is that you are here, before me, at last. You are quite as beautiful as your sister, surprisingly. Different, but equal. I hadn't thought that possible."
"You know my sister?" She queried, confused now. Was this someone from Vyya's old life? Someone, possibly, with a score to settle against her twin?
"That is not important, either," he replied, infuriatingly.
"Why did you bring me here?" She demanded.
He smiled coldly, his handsome face lighting. "That, my dear, is the important question. I brought you here to speak with you."
"On what subject?" She asked, trying not to lose her head. How had she even gotten here? The last thing she remembered was lying down to sleep. "Because history is not my topic…"
He chuckled. "You're almost as impertinent as your sister, too," he said, seeming pleased. "Good. You will need as many of your sisters qualities as you can possess to deal with me."
"Why would I want to deal with you?" She asked harshly, trying to inconspicuously glance around for an escape. "You have given me no reason to want to help you, or to trust you at all…"
"Only fools trust me," he said dismissively. "I would be disappointed if you trusted me. But you will help me. I have plans for you, and your six companions."
"My what?" She asked, confused. "I do not have six companions. Companions in what?"
He laughed. "If you do not know, I am not one to enlighten you. I think the lessons would be best held another time. For now, be assured that I am watching you, and that I will be seeing you again, very soon. Until then, examine the shadows- you may see what is hiding in them."
Lyrra sat up in her bed, gasping, her body sweat-soaked. Had it been a dream? Shivering and remembering the man who had spoken to her, she hoped beyond hope that it was.
To be continued…