1Chapter 1:
I sat outside the stoop of my house and watched the U-Haul truck pull up in front of my home. Well it was technically no longer my home My father had found a new job and had decided to move down to Connecticut. The decision was so quick that I still could not grasp the fact that I was leaving. I was leaving my friends, my school, everything that had meant so much to me.
"Chasity dear will you help me with these boxes?" My mother shouted from inside the almost empty house. Slowly I stood up from the porch and entered the house. I looked at the walls where the pictures of me and my older brother had been hanging from only a couple days ago. I looked up at the staircase that I had climbed everyday of my life. The house held so many memories I wasn't ready to let go of.
"Your sad about leaving aren't you?" My mother stood beside me and looked up longingly at the staircase.
"Why now mom?" I whispered.
My mother Heather placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and sighed. "Sometimes we have to make sacrifices Chasity. Right now your father has the chance of a lifetime and I promise you it won't be difficult. It's honestly very beautiful down in Connecticut."
"I don't care if it's beautiful mom. I love it here. I love it here in Phoenix." I replied. "I'm going to miss my friends."
"Sweetie we're all going to miss this place."
"Okay guys is everything loaded up?" My father Daniel stepped out of the kitchen carrying a box that said "KITCHEN SUPPLIES" in chicken scratch handwriting.
"I just need to load up some of the boxes in the living room that's all." Heather replied. "Jack come downstairs and put your boxes in the truck"
My older brother came running down the steps with a box bigger than him in his arms. "Hey mom I found my black belt"
"Great Jack. Now go to your father he's waiting for you in the truck." Then she turned and faced me. We both made a silent agreement to no longer talk about the house as we walked into the living room.
After packing in the final box I turned to step into the truck when I heard someone calling my name. I turned to find my best friend Jordan running towards me. I smiled sadly as he reached me.
"Hey." I smiled weakly.
"Hey." He smiled while trying to breathe.
"I guess your leaving huh?" Jordan asked. His big brown eyes looked sad. Some strands of his chocolate colored hair fell over his eyes and I pushed them away lightly.
"Yeah I am." I felt my stomach drop as I said it. It was as though I was coming to that realization. I was leaving it all behind. And honestly it hurt so bad to admit it.
"I'm really going to miss you Chase." He said sadly.
I felt my myself choke on my tears. Why did goodbyes always have to be so hurtful? Why couldn't they be as simple as a hello? "I'll miss you too Jordan." I walked up to him and hugged him tightly. Closing my eyes I hugged him tighter hoping to keep it burnt in my memory.
"Hey I want you to call me everyday. K Chase? Everyday."
"Everyday." I smiled.
"Chasity we're leaving." My father shouted from the front seat of the car.
"Okay dad." I shouted and looked back at Jordan. "Don't change Jordan."
"You either."
We hugged and I walked towards the truck. I hopped into the front seat crammed with my dad, mom, and older brother. I could see Jordan waving from the rearview mirror as we drove away and a single tear slid down my cheek.
I don't remember dozing off but I awoke to the truck pulling up in front of our new home. I rubbed my eyes and my older brother stretched and yawned almost hitting me in the face as he did so."Welcome to our new home." My father smiled as we stopped the truck. I pulled open the door and jumped out of the truck. Stretching out I faced our new home. It was a two story house. The walls were painted white and we had a little porch with some rocking chairs in the front. The house seemed welcoming but nothing like the home we had left behind not so long ago.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" My mother smiled at it appreciatively.
"Yeah just beautiful." I muttered and went to grab my boxes and claim my room.
After about fifteen minutes of arguing with my older brother I got to keep the room with the balcony that faced the little river just passed the forest. I dragged up my boxes of clothes and hangers and began to hang them in the closet while my father bought in the furniture with my brother.
"You're lucky mom took your side and let you keep this room." Jack muttered angrily.
"Shut up Jack." I hissed as I continued hanging clothes.
"Knock it off you two." My father snapped as he placed my bed in the room. "Jack go get your sisters mattress in the truck."
"Why can't she get it herself?" Jack objected.
"Do it Jack." My father hissed and Jack obliged muttering obscenities as he went down the stairs. My father stood at the doorway. There was an awkward silence in the room and I turned to look at him. He was staring out the window sadly. "I know you're not happy about this move Chasity and I'm sorry it had to happen this way. But I really am looking out for this family's best interest."
"I know you are dad. I didn't mean to be such a prude about it." I replied. I felt fake saying this though. I knew I was just saying this to please him. "I'll get used to this."
He smiled and stepped aside as Jack heaved my mattress into the room and dropped it onto my bed.
All the unpacking was almost done. We were a small family so there wasn't much we had to move into the house. The heavy stuff like the furniture we got out of the way first and now we were putting all the little things in their proper places when there was a knock at the door. I wonder who it could have been.
A/N: Yeah I know it's a short chapter but I promise the next chapters will be much longer