Chapter One
Meeting a brat
It was morning, the air was scorching, everywhere buzzed of mosquitoes and I had ran around for a good half an hour now, looking for the group of idiots. Luckily for me and unluckily for them, I had finally spotted them.
"Oi, you lot! Skiving off, are you?!" I clenched the swatter fan in my hand and clubbed each of the guilty boys around the head. "What're you doing?! Get to work!"
"Bu-but…" One of them stammered out, whilst the others nursed their heads. I glared at him.
"What?" I barked.
The boy pointed nervously behind him, eyeing my swatter in fear, "We caught a kid trying to sneak in."
I peered around them, and indeed, a grey lump of what I assumed was the said kid sprawled messily across the floor. I sighed heavily, it was another beggar no doubt, I'd got to beg Cook for some bao-zi (1) again.
The four idiots were still standing there, I lifted my swatter again. "Are your asses all itching for a wallop? Didn't I tell you to get moving?! The work isn't going to do itself, you know!"
Grumbling, each of them gave me a dark look before scampering off. I smirked, watching as they huddled together, no doubt complaining about how annoying I was. I turned my attention to the mass of rags on the floor.
"Hey you, get up," I called. "Do you mind, Lord Zhou's expecting an important guest these few days, and it would kind of ruin it if you were seen greeting them instead." The bulge didn't move, it could be dead for all that I've seen. I became impatient, "Look, I'll give you a bowl of porridge and some bao-zi so get your ass moving."
It still didn't move. Now annoyed, I reached my toes out and poked him. "Oi get up, I know those brats aren't your ideal kids but they wouldn't do any serious harm so stop pretending."
I was beginning to wonder if the kid was deaf. Kneeling down, I reached out a hand to lift the rags but a faster arm beat my hand away.
"Don't touch me."
The lump finally shifted itself. Two skinny elbows propped a body up and soon a face materialised, I could now see it was a boy; a dirty, skinny boy at that. Unfortunately, two eyes were glaring at me defiantly through long bangs of unruly hair. The intensity of the glare could possibly kill most people, but then I wasn't most people, I was the apprentice of tutor Cook. Besides, it was too hot to be bothered by some kid.
"Look, you're hungry aren't you? So why not just come in quietly with me and get some food then we can say bye-bye?"
Hell, I was being nice to this kid, who by the by was still glaring at me. The ungrateful brat.
His gaze momentarily left me and shifted to the court behind me, eyes travelling over the gate banner. "You're a maid at Zhou Fu (2)'s?"
He could read? I blinked, this was a first, beggars weren't supposed to be literate. Even I only knew a few words only. Then an explanation came to me: everyone knew where the Zhou Fu was around here, someone must've told him.
"Yeah, so?"
"Good." He stood up and brushed himself off. Looking at me coldly, he ordered "Escort me in."
I was beginning to like this kid less and less. First of all, I was the one helping him so he could at least show some gratitude. Secondly, I was the maid at Zhou Fu's and not him so what the hell was he ordering me around for?! And third, he was a good damn four inches shorter than me and by the looks of it, about two years younger so he should treat me like a superior and not like I should be kissing his ass.
Luckily for him, I was a logical person and knew that if I was to retort I'd just have to be around him longer and the heat was becoming unbearable. Therefore I simply ignored his 'escort' wishes and just walked into the courtyard myself, whether he followed or not was his problem. The sound of shuffling told me he did, and I let the evil smirk out again.
"Don't touch anything," I told him, "If you ruin anything I can't help you." By anything I was referring to the rows of cherry blossom trees and the beds of peonies. I had seen beggars before staring in awe at such beauty, and remembered how their hands itched to touch the flowers.
I heard a scoff. Turning slightly to look at him, I realised that he wasn't the least bit interested in the flowers; in fact, it almost appeared as if he found them mediocre. What the hell was up with this kid? I thought. He even walked like he was a royal prince. Also, as I continued my inspection, I realised the there was something about him that no vagrant had: power.
"Yun-er! Have you found those lazy brats?" A familiar voice called out my name; I turned to see Cook standing there with a pan in her hands. Her eyes drifted behind me and narrowed, "Another one, girl?! I told you to stop bringing beggars in! Mistress will kill you if she finds out this time."
I rushed over to her, "Oh c'mon Cook, just give him some food and get him out of here. He'll never even need to see Mistress." Cook was still looking dubious, I pressed on "Besides, those brats attacked him 'cause they thought he was sneaking in so…"
"They what?!" Cook shrieked, "Wait 'til I get my hands on them." I pleaded silently with my eyes, she sighed, "Fine. But this is the very last time." I grinned, Cook acted mean and tough by she was a big softie at heart.
"Okay kid, com-" I turned around, but only to face an empty courtyard. Oh shit…
"Yun-er! Go find him!" Cook screeched in horror, "You can't afford to give Mistress another reason to dismiss you now! She hates you as it is."
I nodded hurriedly and took off. The brat! I was helping him and this was how he repays me?! When I find him, he was going to get a serious wallop.
However, finding him seemed much harder than I'd anticipated. Two hours later and still I haven't had any luck. I had been running around for a good three hours now and my body was plagued with fatigue and heat from the sun. Bloody hell, he was probably caught by now anyway, and that means he would be questioned by Lord Zhou or Mistress and then… I groaned, I was going to get sacked for sure.
Dejected, I trudged up the stairs to the master chambers in defeat. Might as well tell Lord Zhou myself than he finding out from Mistress. I knocked on the wooden doors gently, "Lord Zhou, it's Yun-er."
The doors swayed open, Mistress's disdained gaze landed on me as soon as I came into view. Next to her was Lord Zhou and a stranger wearing expensive robes I didn't recognise. I cringed realising I was going to get beaten in front of a stranger. I kept my eyes on the floor and stepped in.
"Yun-er, we were just talking about you," Lord Zhou's voice rang out. I tensed, so he knew already… No escaping now, only one thing to do.
I dropped to my knees and bowed deeply, pressing my forehead into the floor, "I'm so so so sorry Lord Zhou, I didn't realise… It was entirely my fault; Cook didn't have anything to do with it. I swear it will never happen again. Really, I will never do it again. I promise, promise promise."
A loud laugh echoed around the room. I dared not look up; boy was Lord Zhou mad if he could even laugh. Footsteps approached my huddled figure and I clenched shut my eyes. I was dead. I was dead. I was going to be skinned. I was going to be killed. No way back now…
"Silly girl." Two large hands gently took my shoulders and lifted me up. I saw Lord Zhou's usual kind eyes smiling at me, and allowed myself to be stood up.
Confused, I stutter out, "Wha…"
Lord Zhou led me to a seat, "We were just going to thank you. Why on earth would you think you were going to be punished? You were the one who greeted Lei after all."
Lei? My mind reeled. Who was Lei?
"Shi-shu (3), perhaps I wasn't clear before. I hadn't had time to inform 'Yun-er' gu-niang (4) of my name before we parted, hence she wouldn't have known who I am."
That voice… that same annoyingly authoritative voice. I could barely believe it as my eyes locked onto the speaker of that voice. He had changed, massively. No longer wearing those grey rags that made him look like a tramp, the boy now smirking at me wore a set of magnificent emerald robes and no dirt marred his complexion. The only feature about him that hadn't altered was the pair of dark, brooding eyes. They sneered at my gawping expression.
Mistress narrowed her eyes at my reaction, "If she didn't know who you were, Lei, then how did…" A flash of understanding befell her. "Yun-er, did you mistake Lei for a beggar? And you were going to take him in? Didn't I tell you what would happen if you did that again?!"
I winced at the ice in her voice. Yes, I remembered.
"If you take another beggar off the streets again, I don't care what the Lord says, you're going to be thrown out, got it? After a good beating for even bringing in trash like that in the first place!" She had yelled as she twisted my ear.
"I-I… I…" I stammered.
"Come now, fu-ren (5), don't be so harsh on her." Lord Zhou said, "After all, if she hadn't brought Lei in, we would never have recognised him and that would be disastrous. So it's really thanks to Yun-er's good heart that everything went so smoothly, isn't it?"
Mistress turned to him, angry. "You're always protecting her! Every single time! You… Don't think I don't know why! It's because she's A-Mei's daughter, isn't it?! You-you… and that wench…"
I looked up at Mistress who was near to tears, and saw the suddenly saddened expression on Lord Zhou's face. My mother… This wasn't good. I knelt down again, and bowed. "I'm sorry; this is all Yun-er's fault. Punish me as you fit, Lord Zhou and Mistress, Yun-er deserves it."
There was silence.
I blinked in surprise as the boy, Lei, stood up; again, that air of authority surrounded him. He gazed down at me coolly and turned to Lord Zhou and Mistress. "It's not her fault. I wasn't dressed appropriately for the visit and she couldn't possibly have recognised me. If it weren't for her kindness, I would never have been able to meet Shi-shu and Mistress. So please, do not punish her; if someone has to be punished, then I am willing to take receive that punishment."
I wasn't sure who was more shocked: me or Mistress. I gaped at him, unable to believe he was willing to be beaten instead of me. Mistress was staring at him also, probably at a loss as to why he was defending a common low-class maid like me. He appeared oblivious to us both.
Lord Zhou clapped his hands together and smiled. "No one's at fault here, let's all forget that now. Anyhow, Lei, I have someone I would like you to meet." He beckoned a small figure which I hadn't noticed until now. "Jing-er, come in."
A petite girl about thirteen years old shuffled timidly into the room. She cutely bit her lips and toyed the hem of her robes nervously. Mistress saw and slapped her hands, "Stop it, Jing-er." The girl squeaked and hid behind Lord Zhou.
Lord Zhou chuckled, "Leave her be, fu-ren." He realised that I was still standing there. "Yun-er, would you bring us some tea?"
Startled at being addressed so suddenly, I quickly scrambled up and bowed my head in respect to Lord Zhou and Mistress, and then turned around and curtseyed to Lei, who looked at me blankly. I turned to leave.
"Lei, you still remember my daughter Jing-er, don't you?" I heard Lord Zhou speak, Lei nodded in acknowledgement, bangs falling into his eyes. Jing-er blushed deeply. "She's just a year younger than you and…" Lord Zhou's voice fainted as I turned the corner.
By the time I came back, Lord Zhou and Mistress had returned to their respective chairs and Jing-er was sitting shyly in the seat next to Lei. I curtseyed and began pouring tea for everyone, starting with Lord Zhou.
"Thank you, Yun-er." Lord Zhou smiled and I turned my attention to Mistress, "Lei, as you know your father and I were the closest of all our shi-xiong (6), and when you and Jing-er were born, we made a promise to deepen that bond, linking together our families by blood."
I was now pouring tea for Jing-er, who thanked me quietly.
"This was going to be settled after you two have grown up and developed your feelings properly. However, the abrupt death of your father made it necessary to alter the situation. Lei, your father wrote this letter to me a few days before he died. Here."
Lei courteously received the letter and began to read. I turned over his cup and picked up the teapot. I couldn't read the letter but knew from the silence that the letter bore important information. It seemed a long time; finally he looked up from the letter and spoke again, this time his voice was shaken.
"I knew he wanted me to train but... Father… never mentioned this.I..." He turned to Jing-er, who flushed scarlet at his gaze, and then to Lord Zhou.
"Jing-er and I… are betrothed?"
I dropped the teapot.
"You insolent girl!" Mistress shrieked as water spilled all over the floor, and splattered onto Lei's robes. "What are you doing? Clean this mess up this instant!"
"Sorry, sorry. I'm so sorry." I spluttered as I dropped to my knees and began picking up the china pieces.
"No Yun-er, leave them!" Lord Zhou called, but it was too late. A sharp pain seared across my palms and fingers and soon redness stained the floor. I bit my lips and ignored the pain, reaching out for another shard. A fast hand grabbed my wrist.
"Don't be stupid." He whispered, my blood dripping onto his emerald sleeve. He had gotten down from his seat.
A smaller and gentler hand touched me. I turned around to see Jing-er attending my wounded hand, wrapping it delicately into her silken handkerchief. Mistress looked like she was going to explode, but Jing-er didn't seem to notice her. She just held onto my hands with concern.
"Jing-er, take Yun-er to the doctor, quick. I'll call someone to clear up later." Lord Zhou said and called another maid in.
Jing-er nodded and helped me up. As I rose, something fell out of my robes. I realised in horror that it was the wooden doll that mother had left me. However, just as it was about to hit the floor, a flurry of green blurred past and caught it. I looked up to see Lei holding it out to me.
Lord Zhou stood up; I silently took the doll. "So fast! Lei, you're the mirror image of your father! He was called the Dark Horse of Wind because of his speed, and you just then… Excellent, this is perfect. You…"
I didn't know what Lord Zhou said after that. Jing-er gently led me away from the room and the doors swayed shut behind us. I held the wooden doll closely to my chest.
Of course I didn't know it then, and wouldn't know it for a long long time, but the boy I had just met, the boy with the dark, brooding eyes wasn't going to be just anyone. He was going to become someone very important to me; the one most important to me. And then, just like that, I would lose him.
(1) Bao-zi: steam buns, can be stuffed or plain.
(2) Fu: where government court official's lived. It's the name of their mansion. In the case of Zhou Fu, the court official of the residence is named Zhou.
(3) Shi-shu: Lei's father was an apprentice of the same master as Lord Zhou, hence Lei would address Lord Zhou as Shi-shu, 'shi' meaning the context of master/apprenticeship and 'shu' meaning uncle.
(4) Gu-niang: a polite way of addressing young females. It's similar to the term 'miss' in English, however, 'miss' is uncommonly used whereas gu-niang was very common as a polite courtesy term.
(5) Fu-ren: It literally means 'wife' but the tone is more affectionate.
(6) Shi-xiong: 'Shi' here is the used in the same context as (3) and 'xiong' means 'brother.' Hence shi-xiong means apprentice brothers, Lei's father and Lord Zhu were apprentices under the same master.
Not much to say here. Most of the stories on fictionpress are centred around high school so I'm not sure if this type of oriental, ancient China theme would go with your tastes. To be honest, I've only bits of ideas as to how the story goes, eg. Only a few scenes, so any suggestions you make I can take into account and perhaps infiltrate it into the story if possible. Lol.
I rushed to finish this as I have exam tomorrow – I know, bad bad me. Any reviews, criticism or encouragement are welcome.
Hope you enjoyed the story so far.
Sorry for posting this story again, I accidentally deleted it when I thought I clicked on edit. S