Funeral Songs
Remember that time,
We were in your car together,
And we planned our funerals,
Deciding upon mix CD's
And strange young children,
Everything to mess with the heads of those
We loved.
And we laughed and laughed
And I laughed till I was near hysterical.
I wonder if you ever realized I was trying not to cry.
You complain about your feet
All the time
And I counter with my back and my neck,
Each one of us trying to best the other with our pain.
My fingers, I say.
My voice, you say.
But when it's my Grandpa who had the cancer
And my debate partner who took the pills
And my Grandma who didn't recognize me
When she died,
You stopped competing and simply
Asked if I was alright,
So often that I would get annoyed,
Because, honestly,
It hurts too much to let down the defenses.
So I would say I was fine,
Laughing and choosing more funeral songs,
Then when the cancer finally killed him off,
You never saw me cry.
You only heard me make
Sarcastic comments about
The minister.
I would catch you staring at me at random times
Just watching,
And I'd get annoyed
Because I'd couldn't let myself care too much
Even in front of you.
Even though you were there
When my Grandma died.
Me, answering the phone
With the screech of
Friends singing along to "Wind Beneath My Wings"
In the background.
Me, digging a hand into my sister's
Desktop Zen Garden
And sobbing.
You, hearing beyond the singing first
And coming in to find out what was wrong.
I hated crying in front of you all.
I still hate crying in front of anybody.
You say that I'm stronger than you,
And maybe you're right.
I say that half of everything that comes out of my mouth
Is facetious,
And maybe I'm right.
You say I'm stronger,
Except when it comes to boys
And you recognize this,
Cause I always end up caring too much when
Nothing can come of it
And I try not to care when something could,
Hiding behind blanket terms of Pride and Dignity,
While you roll your eyes and say
That you'll never really understand me.
Maybe that,
Or maybe you'll never really understand
Which half is facetious.
Maybe I never will either.