-Afterthought - 追想
It was a normal Saturday afternoon. It was kind of cloudy too, which was alright because it kept things cool since it was summer. The sky wasn't its usual brilliant blue but dull with a hint of grey. The leaves of Japanese maples swayed with the wind as if performing a sad ballet for any whom may pay close attention. I, Sasaki Kaoru, was distinctly focused on the performance.
I was six years old and only in my first year of grade school. My mother had taken me to a playground near our apartment; she was worried I wasn't getting enough sun because I was so pale. She was always fussing over me and worrying too much. I guess it's because my father died a month before I was born, at least that's what she told me. Back then I couldn't help but believe her being just a small child and new to the cruelty of the world.
I was uncertain about the new environment, because I couldn't remember being to a playground or park before. Eventually though, I took a spot on a small swing and hardly moved and just stared at the trees. It was peaceful and I liked the quiet; mother and I were the only people there as far as I had seen. At that moment I wouldn't have had it any other way. I had no friends, so my mother was my entire world and I didn't like anyone else intruding in that world.
Well I felt that way until I met him.
What sounded like a battle cry of a samurai jolted me out of my trance and I whipped my head around to find the source. My mouth fell open slightly as I watched, slightly startled, as a boy took a leap and jumped into a sand box just in front of where I sat on the swing. I could feel my dark eyes widen as I stared at this wild "animal". He began to kick the sand and laugh maniacally at first then it turned into more of a playful giggle.
I had never seen someone with so much energy and fire. He was completely different from what I was used to and I couldn't look away. He was a little taller than me, which made me wonder about how old he was. The hair was something that immediately caught my attention. It was about as wild as his character, sticking out in odd places and had the resemblance of someone who has not brushed their hair recently. He looked like he had just woken up. The color was different from my coal black. It looked like chocolate, a rich dark brown in color that surrounded expressive eyes of a similar color, perhaps darker.
Suddenly he turned to me and offered a toothy grin. I made no expression and continued to stare as he approached.
"Hey! What's your name?!" He asked; he was rather loud.
"Sasaki," I replied softly. I was timid and cautious then.
He didn't seem to understand and tilted his head slightly, then laughed. "Well what's your given name?"
This surprised me a little but I promptly replied none the less, "Kaoru."
"Cool. Can I call you that? Do you wanna be friends? My name's Miyake Takashi! You can call me Takashi!" He then stuck out his hand, full of cheer.
My eyes wandered down to the outstretched limb. I noticed he was a healthy color; not dark but nor was he pale like me. I looked back into his eyes and to my own astonishment, I took his hand. I didn't understand why at first, but I was immediately drawn to him.
"Yay! Let's go play then, Kaoru! C'mon!" He dragged me from the swing and I knew my life was changed forever. Takashi became my best and very first friend that cloudy day.
Author's note: In japan family names come before given names, so keep that in mind while reading this fic. Also after this, POV will be Takashi's until the epilouge where it will return to Kaoru's. Thanks and Review!