AN: AAAAHHHH!! Sorry for not updating for so long… please don't kill me lol anyway after receiving some complaints about the leading man's hair color I've decided to spice things up with a rather alluring MALE brunette!! Bwahahahahahah
Chapter Four
"Miss Walsh" the screeching voice of my dear chemistry teacher Mr. Abbit exclaimed with utter shock and horror "Are you… asleep?"
Well, duh not now you Natzi. Seriously what's with people here calling me miss? Jeez and I was just in the middle of a rather delectable dream with Orlando Bloom. He was bending down with the soft ripples in the background his lips were getting closer and closer… BAM!! That's when Mr. Abbit decided to bring me out of my wonderful dream. Orlando bloom…drool To bad all my answer consisted of was "No Sir."
Aggravated he turned around and continued on his droning of some complicated science term in his ugly grey suit. Can you believe that he actually only owns ONE suit. He teaches at a prestigious stuck up school for God's sake everyone here is practically rolling in money...well a percentage. Teacher's pay must be bad, thank god I don't plan on making that career choice.
"So if you combine the…" Mr. Abbit droned on with more of his nonsense. Damn, I still can't get over the owning one suit thing. We actually know for a fact he owns one suit according to Lucy a Freshman actually flicked a blob of Correction fluid also known as Twink at him and its still there this very day right in the middle of his left breast pocket.
To make matters worse I am practically 100 sure that I'm never going to learn anything from this chemistry class because his head is shiny! SHINY I tell you SHINY! Okay I officially hate bald science teacher's going by the name Mr. Abbit. No Bex, F.O.C.U.S!!
"Ring, Ring"
"Thank God" I muttered to myself "Saved by the bell." I was thinking way too much about my chemistry teachers clothing and his head, how disturbing.
Stupid Logan, ever since he asked me out the whole entire student body keep on giving me weird glances. The straight guys are mainly curious while the girls and gay guys keep on sending me death glares. Was it that hard to believe that Logan Mr. Hotshot top of the food chain would be interested in me, a nobody. Yup even I think it's a bit too good to be true even if he is my childhood nemesis but as the famous saying goes 'There's a fine line between love and hate.'
"Sweetie" my mother called from the living room "Logan's here."
Somehow right after I told her that Logan and I were going on a date she got the ridiculous idea of little blond Logan and Samantha's running around Martha's Vineyard where one of our numerous holiday houses were located. She'd even gone as far as picked out the wedding gown for my supposed future life, a white satin floor length gown with intricate designs surrounding the tight bodice and down the left leg with a strapless top. It was quite fetching actually not that I'd ever tell her that.
"Coming" I called slipping the last earring on and grabbing my favourite pair of Jimmy Choo's while racing down the stairs. I was met with the comical sight of Logan sitting there on our couch wearing black dress pants and shoes and a button down white shirt being grilled by dad with questions such as 'What are your intentions with my daughter' "When are you bringing her home' with a threat or two added here or there just for the effect.
"Daddy" I giggled laughing at the abnormality of the situation "don't scare Logan"
Logan raised his eyebrows giving me the classic 'Me? Intimidated' look which translated to 'my poor ego aaaaahhh'
When we finally managed to get away from Dad and his intense questioning I whistled at the sight of Logan's car. A black BMW (AN: I always wanted one of these sighs).
"Wow, nice ride" I commented to him while running my hand along the side.
"Yeah" he replied smugly opening up the door to the BMW unknowingly just proving my theory on 'complimenting a guy's car is great male ego boaster'.
"Why aren't you ever the gentlemen?" I giggled again sliding into the passenger seat and bathed in the attention I was receiving.
The ride to the restaurant was fairly boring with 'My Chemical Romance' blasting through the speakers and a bit of forced conversation here and there.
The restaurant Logan took me to was a high class European one complete with the ridiculous over priced items.
When we walked in we were greeted with the sight of a typical busty blonde waitress who seated us though not without roaming her eyes appreciatively over Logan and giving me the 'What is he going with you' look. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the menu.
"What are you getting?" asked Logan awkwardly. Nice to know I wasn't the only one. Just as I was about to reply a waiter cut in.
"Rebecca?" he asked "Is that you?" The waiter was a suspiciously familiar male with brown hair and hazel eyes, a particular surfer who I had vowed to forget.