Just a short A/N: "Risse" is pronounced as "Reese" and "Kaden" as "Kay-den". Just to make things clear. :D. and I don't own In-N-Out. I wish. Yum.

Oh Great. Just Typical.

1. Perfection

"Oh, well CRAP!"


Risse looked forlornly down upon right tennis shoe that was now playing host to a most disgusting lump of… Well, crap. She then burst into a sudden litany of words of what she thought of exactly what pet-owners should do with their ("…freakin' unused!!…") pooper-scoopers ("…can be shoved UP their…").

Well now. Let's just leave it at that.

The morning's hectic activities combined with her MP3 player blasting away into her eardrums had apparently distracted her during her habitual night run to the point in which she didn't spot the pile of animal feces lying in the middle of the sidewalk, hence her impressive collection of expletives.

Oh well now. This is just a great way to top the day, she thought irritably.

Sighing, she turned off her scratched and beat-up green mini and pulled out her headphones, slowing down to a steady walking pace.

Having just moved in a few days earlier, Risse was still unfamiliar with the neighborhood's settings and pathways, but everyday, she continued to explore the area during her nightly run. Even though she moved all the way across the country, she still planned on maintaining a semblance of her previous routines, and that meant she would always run every night for exactly 45 minutes.

And that means NO SLACKING OFF! Rain or shine, Miss Riss! You're already enough out of shape!she exclaimed, unknowingly referring to herself by her old childhood nickname. When she realized where her thoughts had wandered, a wave of nostalgia drew over her, bringing forth all those painful, locked memories.

"Miss Riss, Miss Riss, oh won't you give me a kiss! Miss Riss, Miss Riss, oh won't you give me a kiss! Miss Riss…" a cheerful woman rhymed playfully.

"No. No more," Risse said aloud, startling a walking elderly couple that she passed on the sidewalk. She gave them a quick rueful smile and immediately said, "Oh. Nothing. Sorry," with a wave of her hand and hurried along.

"Talking to yourself again Risse? You, know, that's always the first sign of insanity. Then again, you might just be talking to your imaginary friends," a voice of a girl teased jokingly in her head.

"Oh man… What is with me today?" she mumbled under her breath. It must be from my lack of In-N-Out burgers. She thought amusedly, referring to a popular chain of fast-food restaurants back where she used to live. Maybe I'm going into withdrawal.

Suddenly, she found herself nearing a park, located near the edges of city's "rich" neighborhood. Although she lived in a relatively nice neighborhood, it was still nowhere near the caliber of these houses. Or actually, mansions would probably have been a better word.

That must have been the reason for the park's spotless and picture-perfect appearance. She recalled the park in her own neighborhood, with all the bird poop spotted on the seat of the swings, the faded paint, and the cigarette butts littering the sand as she took in this park's gleaming jungle gym, neatly trimmed grass, and relative perfection.

Now all I need is a picnic blanket and a wicker basket full of food. Then again… Her thoughts trailed off as she surveyed the park again, but as she observed, she felt the creepy sensation of being watched, as shivers ran up her spine. The moon cast distorted shadows through the branches of the leafless trees, as the wind picked up and swirled fall's leaves around her ankles. In the distance she heard a howl and the whine of police sirens.

Yea. Doesn't the attack always occur somewhere really unexpected, where the people are the least likely of suspects? Like… Some old rich lady with 50 cats who stalked people only to kill them and feed pieces of the body to her cats. Or the crazy man locked in the basement, only to end up escaping and attacking short 16 year old girls… Who jog. And have black hair. And green eyes. And at exactly…She nervously checked her watch. …9:18 pm.

Suddenly, a jet plane passed overhead, the noise startling her out of paranoia.

Man. I've been reading waaaaayy too many murder mysteries these days. Get a grip! You're a freaking second degree Black Belt!

But when was the last time you actually went to class? Half a year ago? Said a little voice in the back of her head.

Five months! And besides, I should still be able to handle any-

Her thoughts came abruptly to an end as a hand came down on her arm.

Kaden Tesler had been watching the small blob inch closer and closer to the neighborhood park for quite some time now from his position on curb with his two best friends on either side of him.

He, Royce, and Ian had been sitting in a comfortable silence at the curb at the end of his driveway as they had done every Sunday night since they were 6. But instead of pigging out on candy or chugging down soda to see who could burp the loudest as they did when they were younger, they all sat calmly, drinking beers and making the occasional remark. But finally, with some sort of silent agreement, they all focused on the moving shadow wandering around the park.

It wasn't until the mysterious blob stopped and stood still staring directly at the park that Royce spoke.

"Think it's lost?" he asked softly.

"Probably" Ian smirked.

"Most likely" Kaden replied impassively.

"Think we should help it?"


"Most likely."

No one spoke or moved for a moment. Finally, Royce broke the silence and spoke.

"Well now, don't you all jump up in enthusiasm. I can tell how excited you guys are but you should really calm down," Royce said amusedly.

Silence. Then Ian flipped him off.

"Oh. Such love." Heaving a dramatic sigh, Royce stood up and began to walk forward to the immobile figure, mumbling "lazy asses" under his breath.

"I heard that," Kaden said calmly.

Ian snorted and Royce ignored both of them, moving closer to the figure, and was finally able to discern a little more of the blob based on the subtle glow cast by the street lamp. From the distance, he could tell that it was a rather petite girl, with her dark hair tied in messy low ponytail and standing perfectly still, with her head cocked to the side.

From the rigid stance, it appeared that she was deep in thought, and hoping not to startle her, he cleared his throat before moving too much closer. He couldn't tell whether or not she heard so he stepped behind her and lightly laid his hand on her arm.

Ian and Kaden, from their original vantage point, watched as Royce gradually came closer to the shadow.

Could slightly hear as he cleared his throat.

Watched as he touched her arm.

Winced as they heard her (or a really high-pitched 'him') scream.

And gaped when he went flying over her shoulder.