Is there ever a place for us

Those whose lives have stalled before their eyes?

Everything went so well for so long

Despite the brutal intrusions from reality

And now, nothing

Not progress

Not destruction

Not a glimpse of anything to come

Existence comes to a grinding halt

And for what?

I cannot answer

Even I do not know how to explain what's happened

As though life itself hit a brick wall and sits stunned on the ground

Trying to clear its' head but only seeing through a haze

Not unconceivable

It's happened before

But so unnerving when it does

What to do?

Stuck in a rut

Dead end job, if any

Your judgment in question

Your sense of morality shattered




What is left?

No one believes

No one trusts

No one cares

Broken remains of an overcast world

Loom around you

Deceit stalks your every move

Apathy your only companion

No reason for anything

And yet, no reason for nothing

As though purpose simply ceased to be

Grew tired, and retired

Left the masses to fend for themselves

And we find ourselves back at square oneā€¦

Is there ever a place for us

Those whose lives have stalled before their eyes?