Tequila Sunrise

He groaned and attempted to sit up, failing he just pulled the pillow over his face. He mumbled something and I just stared at him.

"What?" He pulled the pillow away from his face.

"I said, 'What the hell happened last night?'"

"Well, lets see…we went out, got smashed, you hit on a lamp post and after that, I'm not entirely sure." He just groaned louder.

"Why am I in your bed? Why am I covered in glitter? But the real question is why the hell am I naked?"

I just looked at him for a few seconds. His shaggy black hair was hanging in his dark eyes and he was glaring at me.

"I don't know, Kei. I'm kind of afraid to find out." He glared even harder at me.

"Tobias, you bastard." He said, before laughing and smirking at me.


I'm staring at him again, I can't stop myself. Keitaro is my best friend. Has been for as long as I remember. Kei and his dad lived with his American grandmother after his Japanese mother left; I lived next door with my aunt. We grew up together, same classes in school, same friends, same circle. Now we even go to the same college and share a dorm. Kei is the biggest part of my life.

He's sitting across the table from me in the small café, his coffee untouched on the table. It's the same color as his eyes, warm earth brown. He isn't that dark, but he's darker then I am. I have short light brown hair and blue eyes, and I couldn't get a tan if I was standing on the surface of the sun. Kei, on the other hand, was born with perfect skin. Damn him. At least I'm taller, though he is more attractive.

"Well, Tobias, I'm thinking we should get married." I blanche.

"What?" He laughs.

"What the hell man? I wasn't being serious. We haven't dated long enough."

What game is he playing at here? "Dated?"

"Yes, dated. I think we slept together last night, so there has to be an attraction there."

"Kei, we were drunk. You would have slept with a goat, had it spread it's legs."

"Would not!" He seems indignant. It's almost childish in a way.

"Keitaro, you hit on a fucking lamp post!" He laughs.

"But it was a pretty lamp post." I frown at him. "I still think we should give it a shot, from I remember it was pretty fucking amazing."

"You're being serious." I state it. My best friend wants to date me. Is this an alternate dimension? I mean, we did sleep together, I can remember that much. That's it, I am never drinking again.

"Very serious." I just stare at his pretty face. "I don't really see why we shouldn't."

"You don't see why…?" I roll my eyes. "Okay, the fact that we are best friends who have known each other since diapers, we are both male, not gay, as far as I can remember, and that our families would go apeshit?"

What does he do? He freaking laughs at me.


He nearly moans my name. Oh shit, no, down boy down! How can just his voice make me…excited? I twitch in my seat, hoping that he doesn't notice.

"Tobias, I still don't see why not. Sure, we're best friends, isn't that a good thing in a relationship? Who cares if we're not gay, do we really have to label ourselves? And to the fact of our families, your aunt and my grandma have been planning our wedding for years. Even my dad asks me when I'm going to stop 'pussy footing around' and make a move. So I doubt that is a problem."

Shit. "Shit."

Is it just me, or is this whole thing starting to make way too much sense?


We're back in our dorm, on our respective beds. I can't stand the silence anymore.

"Hey, Kei?" I ask quietly. He grunts but rolls over to face me. I guess that's his response. "Kei, did you think about, you know, us, before last night?" He sighs.

"Would you hate me if I said yes?" I shake my head. "Then yes, but let me make it clear, I did not plan last night in any way."

"So…what does that mean?" I get another of his pissy glares.

"It means, Tobias, that I've had a crush on you since freshman year of high school."

"Shit." I glance at him. "Shit! Why the hell did you never tell me?"

"Let's see here, the whole 'apeshit' thing that is getting ready to happen where you attempt to kick my skinny ass."

"I'm not going to kick your ass." I kind of like his ass…oh gods, I did not just think that.

Silence again, damnit!

"Kei, does that mean you're gay?" He shakes his head.

"Never liked anyone else." He says it so quietly, I'm not sure I heard him right.

"You've never liked anyone else? Not even Marla in 11th grade? You fucking dated her!"

"She asked me out, I never even kissed her." I stare blankly at him. This is too much.

"So, are you a virgin?" He pales.

"Was." Oh shit, I took his virginity, and I can barely remember anything. I don't care about the rest of it anymore, I just can't. Kei deserves better then this. Deserves better then me, for damn sure.

"I'm so sorry, Kei." He stops me from saying more.

"Don't you say that Tobias. I lost my virginity to someone I love, I think that counts for something." To someone he…he loves me. He loves me. I suddenly feel like doing something extremely dorky, like singing or yelling out our window. He loves me.

Why does that make me so happy? Keitaro. My best friend. Who was there for me when my aunt had cancer, when the kids at school picked on me. He was there when I got my heart broken, telling me someone was there for me, always going to be there for me.

Why the hell hadn't I seen it sooner? Kei was perfect, and much too good for me, but I'll take what I can get.

"Tobias, please say something!" I guess I must've blanked out.

"Kei, come here." I hold my hand out to him and he crawls into my bed with me. I just latch onto him, wrapping my arms around him. My Keitaro. I kiss him softly before pulling away.

"I don't deserve you, I really don't. I just don't care anymore, Kei. I'll take whatever you give me, and I really am sorry that your first time was a drunken tryst. I want to make it up to you." Smirking slightly I kiss him.

I really have to thank the Tequila company.