Author's note: So, this is the second part to this series of short stories that I've started. The first one is 'My Dark Angel: Silver Wings.' I'm trying to write them where you don't really need to read them in order to know what's going on or whatever. But it would help if you read the other one. But as long as you read both if them(and maybe even go as far as to comment both of them), then I'll be happy. Anyways, without further ado, here's my second installment of this series...

My Dark Angel: Saving Me

I had been without Malachi for weeks. My hope of his return was beginning to dwindle. But at the same time, as each day passed, I seemingly became more and more addicted to him. All I could think about was him, my dark angel. I could still faintly feel, and even taste, his lips on my own. Just remembering the feeling of his flesh on my own sent shivers down my spine. His voice even echoed in the back of my mind every once in awhile.

Day after day passed and I became more and more like an empty shell. I constantly thought of Malachi. Everything reminded me of him. The only real thing I had to prove that he actually existed was the necklace of which he left me.

The necklace, a diamond-encrusted pair of wings, rested around my neck day and night. I held it in my hands every chance I had.

Every night I did the same routine. I would first recite an almost prayer-like saying in which I asked Malachi to come and visit me once again. Then I would kiss the necklace and place it under my shirt as it still hung down from my neck.

That day had gone exactly the same as any other. The only difference was that the smallest spark of doubt had begun to form deep within me. I'm not sure if it was aimed towards myself or Malachi's return, but I knew for sure that uncertainty was starting to plague me.

I had gone to bed that night but hadn't continued my ritual. I had even taken off my necklace and placed it on the nightstand that sat to my right. It was actually rather liberating. And so, letting the light blue covers that sat on my bed devour me, I soon became tired. As my mind drifted in and out of conscience, I heard a small noise sound from somewhere within my bedroom.

"Malachi?" I eagerly questioned the darkened room around me. I sat up and I strained my eyes against the shadows in the room but I didn't see him. My dark angel hadn't come back to me. My heart sunk, as it did every other night that same exact experience occurred.

Letting out a sigh of slight dysphoria, I laid back down in bed. I was beginning to question my sanity. Why was I acting the way I was? Had Malachi already gotten such a hold over me?

As I laid there in the dark, I silently cried to myself. I had lost all hope. Life had seemingly lost all purpose and meaning.

I soon found myself reverting back to my old ways. Telling myself that it would ease the pain, I told myself to start cutting once again. Tears streaked my face as I sat up and leaned over to my right and flipped on the lamp. Under it stood the nightstand that housed a single drawer. Opening it, I saw a pile of junk along with the latest book that I had been reading. I searched through it for a moment then finally found what I was looking for.

Staring hopelessly at the razorblade in my right hand, I remembered other similar nights of which rested in my past. It had become a friend to me over the unforgiving years of mainly my teenage life. But I hadn't even thought about it after I met Malachi. Well, until that night anyways.

I placed the cool sheet of steel on my wrist and glanced at the pre-existing long white scars that will always remain there. I was about to press down when I heard it.

"Lillian..." that familiar voice sounded through not only the room but also myself.

Dropping the blade on the floor, I looked to my left through my long, wavy blonde hair and saw him. I froze as I reassured myself that it was him, my dark angel. My heart had completely stopped. Malachi had returned to me!

Once my heart had begun to beat at it's usual pace, I jumped up and ran towards him. My arms engulfed Malachi with every bit of love and cherishment and every other wonderful feeling that I had left in me. He gently placed his own arms over me. Just in that one moment I could tell that something was wrong, that something was bothering him. And so I released my grip on him and took a step or so away from him. I looked into his two emerald orbs and couldn't place one certain emotion in them.

"What's wrong?" I slowly inquired of him.

"I fear for you," he started saying as he reached out and delicately grazed the backs of his fingers along my face, "Your emotions get the best of you; you let them get the best of you."

"What do you mean?" I once again asked of Malachi. I searched his eyes, his face, and found a hint of such sorrow that I too was slightly stricken by the feeling.

"You feel too much. Emotions control you, rather then you controlling them," he simply said to me. I still didn't exactly know what he was talking about.

I stared wonderingly at him for a moment or two as I let his words sink in.

"I guess that's so, but you can't really control your emotions. You can't tame them like some animal. When you feel something, you feel it no matter what. You may try to hide it but it's still gonna be there," I said as I thought even more deeply about the subject.

"That is true, but-" started Malachi but I soon started talking once more.

"No. Feelings and emotions are real. They are always there and can easily overpower someone. Like after you left, I was very sad. I practically felt lost and hopeless when I was without you," I said with complete sincerity.

A slightly melancholic look rested on Malachi's face as he looked down into my blue eyes. Soon after, he finally said, "Yes, I know. And I wish that you hadn't become so grief-stricken. I never meant to affect you in such a way as I seemingly have. I had been silently monitoring you, if you will, to make sure that you were alright. But when you began to have those.....dark...thoughts, I knew that I had to see you. I had to save you."

My eyes had started to water. I didn't want to do it; I didn't want to feel the way that I had. But it was true that I had felt completely lost and hopeless after he had left me that one night. I wanted to see him, touch him, and taste him on my lips every single day out of all of those weeks. He made me feel loved and wanted. It was the first time I had felt that way in so long.

Malachi had then stepped towards me and embraced me. I wrapped my arms around him and cried for a few moments. My tears seemingly ran off of his completely black suit. The only other color he wore was the dark red button-up shirt under his suit jacket. He was wearing the same outfit as he had when he had first visited me.

Finally pulling away from him, I wiped away the remainings of my tears from my face. And suddenly, without me ever expecting it, he bent down and gave me a kiss. It was fairly passionate, like the first one we shared. But also like that first kiss, it hadn't lasted long. The taste of eternal rest resided on his lips and that was why we couldn't connect ourselves in such a way for too long. But that taste, the bittersweet taste of death, was so addictive to me.

I looked up into Malachi's eyes with a newly found since of happiness. I grabbed his hand and lightly pulled him towards the bed. He sat down directly across from me as he had before. We sat there and stared at each other for a moment or so. Then he had looked over at the nightstand. The necklace that he had given me sat on it, right in front of the brightly lit lamp. I instantly remembered it and turned my head to look over at it.

"I'm sorry, I just..." I started saying while slightly shaking my head from side to side, but quickly trailed off. I grabbed the necklace and held it in my hands as they rested in my lap. Malachi reached into them and grabbed the item out of my hands. I was afraid that he was taking it back. I felt so bad for not wearing it, for practically giving up on him.

But I was surprised when he leaned forward and placed it back around my neck. It took him just a fraction of a minute to put it around me and hook the small latch. I silently let out a small sigh of relief at the gesture.

"You don't have to say anything," almost whispered Malachi as his face sat only inches in front of my own. A modest grin played along his face. His perfectly-shaped pink lips were almost irresistible. I wanted to taste that sin once again but I knew that I couldn't. Maybe that was the reason why I had wanted to so badly.

Malachi slowly sat back but still carried that slight grin with him. Silence had then filled the room.

"So...why didn't you come back sooner?" I had almost sheepishly asked, finally ending that silence.

"I've been busy. Actually, my brothers and I have been busy. Aside from the standard everyday deaths, the war has been causing a rise in the demise of mortals," Malachi slowly replied.

I took a few minutes to try and let everything sink in. One of the first questions I wanted to ask him stuck out in my mind. So then I quietly asked him, "So there are more than just of you? I mean, you're not the only one who does...what you do."

"Yes," Malachi had started saying, "We are not actual brothers though, it is just what we call each other."

While we started talking about this subject, I noticed that his eyes had almost dimmed in some way. I could even tell the difference in Malachi's voice and actions. He did not want to talk about it...about what his life revolved around. I thought about that subject for a moment or so to myself. Wondering about what they do and what they don't do, I found myself going into a new world. In my mind I had tried to imagine what truly existed, if anything, past this world.

"You think about so much," finally said Malachi as a gentle grin sat on his face. But that sadness still slightly overwhelmed his eyes.

I only faintly blushed and looked down to my left. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to think about anything either. But then something kind of unexpected happened. I had yawned. How could I do such a thing? I mean, I was excited to see Malachi, so why was I so tired?

"I didn't do that because you did anything to me this time, right?" I almost sarcastically asked of my dark angel. Only a grin showed on his face for a moment.

"No, I didn't cause you to do such a thing. And I'm sorry about doing so last time. I… I just had to leave and I...," Malachi had stopped talking for a moment, his smile almost completely gone. But then he soon started back with a renewed since of happiness, "But if you'd like me to right now, then..." He started leaning over towards me, his lips coming closer and closer to my own.

Raising my hand, I laid the palm of it on his cheek. I then rubbed my thumb gently over his lips. They felt like velvet. I wanted to kiss them at that very moment. And I wanted to be his so badly.

Once again, I suddenly yawned. I moved my hand from Malachi's face to my own to try to cover my mouth. We both quietly laughed at myself.

"You should go to bed," Malachi practically whispered to me. A slight sadness ran through me, knowing that when I would wake, he wouldn't be there.

"I should. And I will only under one condition," I almost slyly said to him.

Malachi raised an eyebrow and before he could ask me anything, I said, "Hold me in your arms as I fall asleep."

He seemed surprised at my request. And he even seemed to be trying to reassure himself that it was okay to do so. I mean, I didn't expect him to stay there with me the entire night, but I wanted him just to stay with me, to hold me, until I was asleep.

"Okay," he finally said while lightly shaking his head up and down. On the inside I was completely excited. To be held in his arms was like being on top of the world.

So then we took a moment and climbed into my bed. I reached over to my right and turned off the lamp. The room was then covered in darkness. I then turned around and faced my dark angel as he just laid there with a large smile on his face. I then moved closer to him. The arm he was lying on was out in front of him and I laid my head down on it, it pretty much being my pillow. My head sat on his chest and my arms folded up directly under my chin. He then sat his own chin on the top of my head and moved his arm so that his hand was also on top of my head. His other arm rested on my side and his hand ended up on my back. I had loved every moment of it.

It had turned out to be the most perfect night ever. I wanted him to be there, to feel his touch, every moment of every day. To hear his voice drove me crazy. I wished that that moment never ended. But I had soon fallen asleep, leaving him to eventually disappear once again.

Slightly stretching as I first woke, I left my eyes closed. But then I noticed something. Something was different, much different then I had expected. And because of this, I opened my eyes. And I saw him. My dark angel still laid there in front of me. He was sound asleep with his arms still around me. I then gently moved my head and looked up at Malachi. He looked so cute just lying there. But I felt that I had to wake him up.

So I then quietly called out his name and his eyes had slowly opened. It only took him a second to look at me and realize where he was. And at this, his eyes snapped open and he tried to get up as fast as he could as he made sure not to hurt me in any way.

I was slightly surprised at his reaction. He stood up next to the bed and just stared down at me, then looked around the room, then at me again. "No," was all that he kept saying. And then suddenly he fled to my bedroom door. It was open so he didn't even have to stop. I then jumped out of bed after him.

Turning to my right, I went around the corner and through the small hallway that was a part of my bedroom doorway. I then walked through it and went into the main hallway. I didn't see Malachi anywhere.

I had eventually searched the entire house and even went outside but never found him. I only wondered why he was so upset. Had I done something wrong? Was I the reason why he reacted the way that he had?