Author's Note: If you ask me exactly what I was thinking about when I composed this chapter, I honestly don't remember. If you do disturb easily and decide to read on despite of me, I would like to graciously ask you to not give me a bunch of childish crap about this story. However, your constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. Please read and review.
It happened at the river bank. The water turned to blood overnight, as I gutted her slowly. I burned her decomposing flesh and watched it turn to ash along with her pretty golden slippers. The smell was amazing. It smelled of perfume and I longed to wear it. Limb by limb I cut her up, and shoved her dismembered body into a big silver case. No one would find her at the bottom of the Nile River. It was a perfect place to bury her. I carried the case out into the current and slowly let it sink.
It was nearly dawn and I heard someone approaching. I stumbled out of the river and hid myself atop of a rock where I stayed out of sight. My crime had been discovered by an innocent young girl with flowers in her hair, swaying in the breeze. The sand looked like crystals had been crushed and blended in as it made her feet glitter in the rising Egyptian sun. The water was so ruby red and beautiful. She seemed mesmerized as I stood there watching from above. Perhaps it was I who was mesmerized by her. Draped in fine robes and pretty jewels of emerald, she was far too gorgeous. My eyes were fixed on her skin as black as ebony and her hair, a sea of dark curls. She stood there gazing at her reflection in the wine red water, wondering what could have happened.
If only she knew her sister hadn't disappeared. If only she knew I kept her sister in the well all along, before disposing of her beautifully torn up body. I wanted to get closer. I slowly slid off of the rock and made my way across the shore. Her robes gleamed in the sunlight. I didn't walk nearly three feet before she saw me. She saw me there staring, covered in the remains of my sweetly committed murder. I stood there as she ran away screaming. Her glorious figure disappeared over the sandy hill. That was when I had to flee, for her screams were not unheard.
For days I traveled across the lands. I reached the desert by dawn of the next day. For hours I walked beneath skies paved with fire. The scorching hot heat torched my body and sunk my feet into the soft earth. The air smelled of leaves burning on a hot day in autumn. The wind pierced my skin and ensnared all senses. No life could live here. It was a land baron and wasted. Its demonically dead surface could sprout no grass or tall shady tree. It left me stranded and delirious. The taste of salt filled my mouth as sweat dripped off of my forehead. My knees struggled to break free for they were buried beneath cinnamon, un-flavored and rotten. The world became faint after what seemed like an eternity. My head started spinning around the dry cactuses and wide open land. I was spinning so fast that the momentum threw me back. Everything went black. I was a murderer stranded in hot blazing weather with nothing but a worn out body and a thought of necrophilia to comfort me. I suppose I had been dreaming, but it all felt so real.
In the dream, my eyes fluttered open and I saw a black stallion. It lapped blood off my chest before kneeling down before me. Its eyes were comforting and so reassuring. I grabbed hold of his mane. He lifted me onto his scar covered back, and we rode off into the sunset. My fingers ran along his smooth but fragile coat. We were riding on for hours before I was dropped onto hard piercing gravel. With sore and bloody fingers I lifted myself up, trying to recall the events that had just past. Rain poured down hard as though the heavens were crying, washing the crimson color away from my hands. I could see the rough dents from the sharp rocks. The horse must have vanished. It was nowhere in sight. When I turned around I was at the foot of a massive white tower reaching toward the sky. Its walls made of stone reached pass the dark clouds that were soaking me.
I climbed so high that I could no longer see the ground beneath me. I climbed pass the clouds until I came to a small window. Making my way through I came to a white stone coffin. A woman was resting in a black satiny dress with a white rose resting beneath her icy white fingers. She was my victim. She was no longer bloody and torn all apart. She was beautiful. Oh guilt, what a revengeful reaction it was. What have I done?