A/N: Yo. First story posted ever, so please be nice, and yes there is slash in this story. For those of you who don't know, slash is a same sex pairing, in this case male/male/male. for this chapter anywho. so if you're against that goback now, cause if you don't like slash and are reading anyway then you've no right to yell at me. Reviews are always welcome as is constructive critique. But if you flame me I will hurt you. I own everything, so don't steal. THXS!!
Chapter One: Education Bites
I watched my year mates as they chattered on about absolutely nothing important or interesting, in my view any way. They also called out greetings as they gathered into their different flocks. A few ventured to greet me, mostly the females who thought they could still gain my affections, a totally foolish notion, which made me narrow wine red eyes and sneer with contempt. They utterly disgusted me and I made no effort to hide this fact, particularly when it was already well known throughout the school.
A hand reached out to stroke through my foot long ponytail and I growled low in my throat before turning with a snarl to hurt who ever had been bold enough to get close, let alone touch me. Or rather attempting to turn as the hand tightened its grip to keep me rooted firmly in place, causing me to let out a primal hiss of deep displeasure, which received a deep-throated chuckle in response.
"Someone's obviously in a horrid mood this morning," a velvety voice breathed in my ear, making a chill run up and down my spine.
I knew only one person who could make their voice sound so darkly sensual yet so coldly detached at the same time. "Hullo Raphael," I greeted softly now leaning into the continued caress, slightly disappointed when he removed his hand entirely and moved to stand in front of me. I let a growl to escape my throat without thinking about it, focused on letting him know just how annoyed he'd made me.
"Careful, Kitten, it would be a shame to have to clip your claws," Raphael warned me, more amused than actually bothered.
I sighed before tilting my head slightly to regard my long time companion through slightly slighted optics. He'd always been a beautiful but deadly creature, and I saw right away that that had not changed over the break. Blue eyes that were wolfish in their shading and intensity shoulder length hair that was a perfect blend of black, gray, brown, and auburn. Not to mention the soft white skin that covered the rippling muscles of his six foot five inch frame, all of this gave him the appearance of a wolf in human form or at least a demon of some sort.
"You'll do as you please Raphael, you always do," I replied rather insolently with a shrug, though inside I was bracing myself for whatever his reaction would be.
Instead of rebuking me as I rather thought he would, Raphael simply gave another deep chuckle and resumed stroking my hair.
Allowing my muscles to relax and unclench themselves I gave a sigh that was slightly annoyed, but mostly content, I submitted to the petting, a bit relieved. Raphael was unpredictable as were his mood swings and I rather liked my skin the way it was at the moment, without bruises and not at all sore.
I'm not sure how long we stood like that, simply watching everyone else as they passed, but after a while the silence around us was broken.
"Hi ya guys!" A cheerful voice called enthusiastically and we turned our heads to see a red headed teen with sparkling green eyes head over to us.
Ferine Montreal had grabbed our attention in the seventh grade when Raphael and I were fourteen and still in that grade. His wide and innocent seeming eyes were what first got him noticed by us, and his ability to be cheerful no matter what the circumstances were. When we took him under our wing we noticed that he had a bit of darkness in those eyes that were sometimes far too weary for one his age. It was that darkness made us all the more determined to keep him and by the time the year was over we had a new partner.
I smiled and moved away from Raphael a bit to greet the bundle of energy, "Hullo Ferine," I said softly and pulled him into a quick embrace. For a sixteen year old he was rather short at five feet three inches, not to mention rather underfed, but he was a scrapper and could get himself out of most situations without too many scrapes and bruises. He was also fast a cheetah when he had to run and rather good at getting into places no one else could.
"Hey Kid," Raphael smirked leaning against the wall.
Ferine snarled slightly before it turned into an adorable pout, " 'M not a kid," he protested scuffing his sneaker against the pavement.
"I know Fer', just messing with ya," Raphael replied as he messed up wavy locks before laying a quick kiss to his cheek.
I shook my head over the typical banter while I examined the tanned frame of our third partner; it was skinnier than usual and seemed to have quite a few bruises. "Fer' have you been eating properly?" I inquired with a frown.
" You're practically skin and bones," Raphael scolded as he tightened his hold on thin shoulders. The dark look in his eyes told me that he had noticed the bruises as well and was far from pleased.
Ferine shifted uncomfortably under our combined pursuit though he tried to shrug it off, "I ate lunch and dinner Sunday, and I had a snack just yesterday," he said with attempted casualness.
Raphael frowned down at him and I opened my mouth to scold him about the importance of eating correctly when we were interrupted by a group of jocks that stopped in front of us.
"Aw isn't this a sweet sight? Did you miss your red headed whore, Seraphim?" Their leader Danny Montreal sneered at Raphael, the break had obviously made him stupider that usual.
Raphael froze, as did anyone else within hearing range, though some ran for cover further away from where our two groups stood.
"Hey Danny," Ferine greeted softly, cheerfulness gone as he cuddled closer into Raphael's side, he seemed to brush off the comment and the tense silence that followed.
"What did you call him?" The purred lyrics were laced with the unspoken promise of pain and death to the annoying jock in front of him.
"I called him your whore, which he is, although it looks like Verglas missed him as well," Montreal replied flippantly, confident that neither Raphael nor I would do anything to him in front of such a large crowd.
I glared at the jock and felt a snarl pull at the corners of my lips as I stopped petting Ferine's thick red hair to focus solely on him.
"Let it go you guys," Ferine finally piped back up butting his head against my hand, clearly not happy with the lack of movement on my part. Of course he was totally oblivious to the looks of shock he received from all parties involved or watching.
"Let it go?! You want us to let it go?!" Raphael and I chorused, unable to believe our ears.
"Why not? He's been calling me a whore all break," Ferine shrugged, "Besides don't you want me?" he continued, asking the question oh so innocently.
"Baby, of course we want you, but you're our partner, lover if you want, never our whore," Raphael explained in a tone used to soothe easily wounded teens.
"Besides the fact that even if you were our whore, which you're not, it's not something mentioned in public," I added and began to stroke his hair again, making sure to massage his scalp with the tips of my fingers.
Danny watched this all with a smirk and opened his mouth to say something when Raphael slammed him into the wall of a nearby building. "I'm only going to say this once, so listen up shit head. Leave Ferine alone," he growled at the jock punctuating each word by slamming Danny against the wall again before letting him go so he could slide to the pavement in a twitching heap of bruised flesh.
I gave a pleased smile and both Ferine and I rubbed against Raphael's sides, practically purring and totally ignoring the gathered audience.
"Come on you two, the assembly starts soon and we want those back seats," he informed us as he regretfully extracted himself from our twining bodies.
Sighing we nodded and followed him towards the lecture hall, eager for the Headmaster to welcome us back before releasing us to our dorms.
"Hey, Daemon?" Ferine began before stopping, unsure about what he had to say.
"Hm?" I encouraged, turning my head slightly to look at him.
"Are you sure you don't want me as a whore?" He continued straight-faced.
I stopped mid-step to give him my full attention, staring as though he'd grown a dozen extra heads. I opened my mouth to reply before closing it again with a snap, unable to find the right words.
"After all, I'm really good with my mouth," he finished impishly with a mischievous grin before racing ahead, leaving me stunned.
I snapped out of my daze and glared at his retreating form. "You brat!" I shouted and chased after him.
Raphael gave a long sigh of suffering as he followed at a more leisurely pace.
The assembly was long and boring, as usual, and by the time it was over I had no idea what had been discussed, except for the fact that we had a few new teachers for the elder grades. Oh, and that there was to be no more ordering pizza in the middle of the night from our dorms.
Giving an annoyed sigh as everyone slowly filed out of the lecture hall I slouched in my chair, pouting about the fact that we were stuck for awhile.
"You shouldn't do that Kitten, it makes you look entirely too tempting," Raphael breathed in my ear as one hand slid up and down my back.
"Does it indeed?" I teased, leaning my head back to bare the nut-brown flesh of my throat, a tempting target for lips, tongue, and teeth.
"Yes," Ferine growled at me before attacking the offered throat with much vigor, proving his claim of being good with his mouth.
Raphael's lips curled into a smirk beside my ear before attacking it and whatever part of my neck Ferine wasn't working, with an equally talented mouth.
"No fair," I managed to gasp before just giving in and groaning my enjoyment. Though it really wasn't fair that they got to torture me while I could do nothing in return seeing as Raphael had made sure I couldn't move at all.
"No, I suppose it's not really fair, but consider it pay back for teasing us," he murmured before returning to his task.
"Turnabout's a real bitch, huh?" Ferine asked mischievously before he too resumed his task.
I merely groaned and thought of all the ways I was going to make my lovers suffer for this little stunt and thanking God that no one seemed to really be paying attention to our little corner.