
Chapter 1- the homeless

Chris pitied him. He passed the boy everyday on the way to and from school. He would see the boy lying limp against the hard brick wall. When the boy wasn't looking, he'd stop and watch him nap. His face was beautiful even through the black and blue bruises. The boy had long girly eyelashes. Chris couldn't help but be a little attracted to the boy, helpless and innocent.

Chris would have been content just watching him. But fate had its twists and turns. Fate decided it wasn't going to be easy. It practically strangled both boys by the end. But the beginning was on January 9th, on the way home from school, it was snowing lightly but still enough to cover the ground in a cold white blanket.

Chris was a block from his house when it happened.

"Ah!" Chris yelped as he tripped and fell getting a face full of snow. He groaned in pain and pushed himself up to see what he had tripped over. It was a leg.

Ew, creepy.

His eyes followed the leg and saw the boy it was attached to. The same boy Chris was so fond of. The boy lying down opened his eyes slowly and smiled weakly at him.

"Heh, you should really watch where you're going." The boy mumbled. Chris only stared at the boy. He looked weaker then ever before. His eyes were a dull grey, his clothes all torn. He looked as though he hadn't eaten in weeks. But it wasn't just his looks that caught Chris' attention, it was his movements, or lack there of. The boy was shivering, covered in snow. He made no effort to move his limbs and his head remain leaning heavily against his shoulder, even when he had spoken. People could say he look just completely relaxed, but Chris new it was just because he couldn't move.

The boy's eyes shut and his body stopped moving entirely. Chris gasped and realized he had to do something. Chris stood and dusted the snow off of him. He walked over and used a lot of effort to lift up the boy in his arms. The boy couldn't have been older then 15. It was strange that he was on the streets. He rounded the corner and got in the elevator up to his apartment on the 2nd floor. He shoved the key in the lock, turned the knob and shoved the door open with him foot.

He made his way inside and placed the boy gently on the couch. The boy was still breathing and he was just passed out from lack of food was Chris' guess. Chris ran to his room and dug out some clothes that were just a bit to small for him. The boy had only been about 3 inches shorter from what he could tell, but a totally different body type. Chris had muscles and the boy had bones.

Chris also stuck a dry towel in the bathroom for when he woke. He got a few blankets and brought them to the living room. He put them over the boy's body. Chris noticed the color returning to his face.

Good, the outside of him is thawing… now to get some warm food to thaw the inside. He decided on chicken noodle soup, but saw that he had none. That didn't stop him, he was determined to get the soup for the boy. Chris looked at the boy one more time before locking the apartment and going up to room 806.

He knocked on the door and it was answered by a nice looking women.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hi! I'm kind of in a hurry. I go to Halen's school and I saw him in homeroom and noticed he also lived in this apartment complex. But anyway! I live down in apartment 203 and I was wondering if you had any chicken noodle soup handy?" He took in a deep breath. Chris had run up all the stairs and his heavy breathing made it obvious.

"Oh, sure, come in… um… Sorry I didn't catch your name." The woman beckoned him in.

"Oh, sorry, my name is Chris. I'm in a bit of a hurry. I found a kid on the streets passed out in the snow, I need to get some warm food into him."

She smiled, "I see, well no use standing in the cold though." Chris followed her into the kitchen. Chris saw Halen with a boy named Daray, who also went to his school, together. He noticed Daray's arm around Halen's waist and smiled.

So, they're both gay and they look similar. They're like me but at least they can find love.

"Here we go." The woman said shuffling back in the room. She handed Chris a can of soup.

"Thank you so much!" He nodded his head and left. He ran down the stairs back into his apartment. He went to the couch and saw the boy was gone. His heart panicked but then he heard the shower running. He sighed.

Chris quietly grabbed the clothes out of his bedroom and placed them by the bathroom door. Chris took the can of soup, poured it into a pan, and began to stir it with a wooden spoon.

I wonder what the boy is like? He thought. I wonder why he was stuck out on the street. The image of the boy's face entered his mind. He's cute. He caught himself thinking.

No! It's not right, he's like 15 and a complete stranger, I'm 17 and the family reject for being gay!

Yet, despite his convincing, his mind roamed. He imagined clearly feeling the boy's seductive hand sliding up his chest under his shirt, then playing skillfully with his hard nipple. Chris groaned out loud.

"So, that's the way you like it?" whispered a voice in his ear. Chris' body stiffened in shock. He realized that someone's hand really was up his shirt, but who? The boy!


The boy took his other hand and moved it gently across the rim of Chris' pants. He licked the edge of his ear. Chris was breathing heavily and he gripped the edge of the kitchen counter to keep from loosing control.

"Wha-what are you doing?" He asked in gasps.

"Repaying you for the shower and warmth the way I know best."

The way he knows best?

"Now just relax and enjo-"

"-No!" Chris said firmly. The boy froze no one had ever said 'no' to him before.

"No…" Chris repeated softly. He turned and faced the boy.

"I brought you here because I was afraid you were going to die, not because I wanted… sexual favors." Chris blushed slightly, "Now go sit at the table, your chicken noodle soup is almost done."

The boy looked dumbstruck, but did as he was told. Soon the soup was served. The boy ate quickly and silently, thankful for food. Chris watched him carefully. The way his blond hair hung in his face, showing only mocking glimpses of his grey eyes. The way the T-shirt slightly clung to his damp body. Chris felt a tingling in his lower belly, telling him he was turned on. Chris ignored it and attempted conversation.

"So… what's your name?"

The kid looked at him awkwardly like no one had ever cared about his name before.

"I'm Mike."

"So, mike, how old are you?"

"I'm 14, so what are you, some kind of detective?"

Chris was taken aback but recovered quickly, "No, I'm just some one who cares."

"Well, then what about you? Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Chris, 17, living alone because my parents kicked me out of the house. I don't like being talked to like that." The lights flashed. Chris looked at the clock and stood up.

"It's time for us to go to bed. You get to sleep in the couch. Sheets and blankets are in the closet around the corner, make yourself at home."

"I'm staying the night?"

"Yeah! I'm not gonna just throw you back on the streets! Jeez."


Chris went into his bedroom and stripped down to his boxers. He left the door open so he could see what happened if there was an emergency. He heard mike fumbling around in the closet then walk over to the couch and collapse in it.

Chris had almost fallen asleep on his side when he heard moving. Footsteps came to his door and made their way to his bed. Before he could ask what was going on, the boy slipped into his bed behind him.

"Mike?" His only reply was the boy leaning his head against Chris' back. The skin contact was warm and sent chills down his spin.

"Mike?" He asked again. He turned over to his other side, facing the boy. He saw the boy's face, there were tears in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked wiping away the tears that rolled down his cheeks.

"She's everywhere…" Mike whispered, " It feels like no matter where I am, she's watching me." Mike sobbed and Chris couldn't help but put his arms around the boy in an embrace.

"Who? Who is she?" But mike only cried harder in response.

"It's ok, Mike. You're with me. You're safe." Chris held him tighter, feeling his tear against his chest. Mike tucked his head into Chris' comforting shoulder and took deep breaths. Mike's arms found their way around Chris and held on tight, like he was afraid Chris would leave him. Mike's cries softened and he fell asleep in Chris' arms.

Chris sighed. There was something strange about this kid, but that only made Chris want to protect him. Chris fell asleep too, slowly. The boys held each other tight under the cold snowy night.