Home's Edge

On the edge of reality and fantasy

There is a place called 'Home.'

This 'Home' is the best place to be

It's the only place that I'm alone.

No one else to bother me

Or make emotions rise.

Cause they all refuse to believe

They don't know this 'Home' of mine.

Yet, in spite of their disbelief,

In reality they are by my side

Leading me to think them all thieves.

Thieves of my 'Home' and my life.

Wanting to take away my fantasy.

Feeding me nothing but lies

They don't realize I already see

But they can never break my ties.

The ties I have with my place called 'Home'

Are as unbreakable as they are strong.

These ties to this place are all my own

Thinking they can break them is wrong.

I will never allow my ties to be broken

For my 'Home' is my life and my dream.

From this dream I wish never to be woken.

For 'Home' is on reality's seam.

Kourtney McCloskey 1/14/06