Cliché...But I love it.


I tripped over my feet as I heard her screech. Crap. Will she ever leave me alone? I kept walking. Actually, I kept running. I wanted to get away—fast. Once I heard she threw her entire cooking pots at someone. I don't know the reason, but I'm not going to stick around her and ask. It was bad enough I would have to go near her. But calling me? What a death sentence…

"Kisk Eo'ar!!

I grit my teeth.

"I called you, you little thief!"

Great. I turned around. Half the people walking down the dusty street turned their heads in my direction. No going back now, half the friggin' neighborhood knew I was here. I threw my head back, and with the greatest dignity I could muster—which isn't much—I made my way back to Rinda.

She was a large woman, not quite old, definitely not young. Her loose, brown hair was tied back into a lazy bun. The wrinkles in her face clearly showed the stress overcoming her body. The woman wore a long brown skirt, and an old white shirt. She had her hands on her hips, a pot in her left hand. A furious glare crossed her face.

I sighed, waiting for the blow.

"Kisk Eo'ar, I thought you were done flinching the shops when you were caught last month! Now, I catch you stealing again! And from my shop! You know as well as I that I would catch you. Haven't you any sense?"

The last thing I wanted to do was roll my eyes, but my body seemed to react otherwise.


The sting felt warm against my cheek. I knew my face was turning a bright red. The embarrassment hurt more than a slap in the face.

"Kisk, you listen boy, return those spices you stole, and your mother doesn't have to hear about this. I'm cutting you some slack because of the upcoming festival. Just hand me the spices, okay? I'll drop any charges."
"She isn't my mom…" I grumbled under my breath. Wrong move.

"Tas brought you up when she found you wandering the streets, and cared for you when you were sick! And you still don't have decency to call her family? She's the only family you'll ever have with that snotty attitude. Now, the spices Kisk."

I sighed, again. She thought she knew me that well.

"NOW, Kisk."

"I don't have any spices." I said plainly.

"Kisk…" she closed her eyes and sighed as she rubbed her temples.

"What? Look, Tas needed some spices for the festival, and she sent me to look. That doesn't mean I stole anything. I was gonna buy some…I just didn't have no coins."

Her face grew tight, and I could tell she thought I was lying. She closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. She grabbed my arm, and reached into my shirt. I wiggled uncomfortably. Or struggled. She took her hands out with two green packets.

"Well?" she demanded.

By now, there was a crowd starring at us. I averted my eyes from her gaze, and grew hot. She grunted and heaved me into the mud, some still fresh. Yuck. She turned back to work without another look in my direction. She was truly merciless.

"Good-bye Kisk, I better not see you around here again. I suggest you stay away from your mother."
I groaned, and stood up. I brushed myself as if it actually seemed to do something. I took a few short breaths and ran into the crowd. Pushing and shoving into a sweaty crowd seemed the only thing to get away. I heard yelps, shouts, and cursing. I didn't care, just as long as I got away from all these stinkin' hypocrites. Always judging.

Just as I was making a clear entrance, as I planned, some jerk decided to get in my way. And, instead of running the other way scott-free, I tripped and ran smack into him. We stumbled and fell over. I coughed and hacked, compliments of the dusty ground. I sat up and glared at the idiot who decided to get in my way.

He sat rubbing his head, with eyes closed. He wore a long brown cloak, with what seemed, a red shirt. I'd say that he wore old gloves, and long black boots. His hair was light brown, or something. He opened his eyes and looked at me. His eyes were the color of deepest…his eyes were blue.

"Watch where you're going, kid", he said, not unkindly.

I swallowed. He was still looking at me, like looking into my soul. "W-well, you need to look who the hell's running in your direction." Smooth. He was making me nervous, and that was something I don't usually feel.

"Hey kid," he chuckled, "no need to get so insecure."

Insecure? He was calling me insecure?

"It was just an accident," he continued. "Here, let me help you." He grabbed me by the arm and heaved me on my feet. "There ya' go. You okay?" He looked me up and down, an action that made my face grow hot. "You look pretty dirty."

"I'm fine," I snapped uneasily.

He chuckled again. A smooth sound rolling off his lips. "Okay," he said. "If you're so fine, why were you running through a crowded street like you just stole the magistrates jewels, and the operatives were after you?"
Damn. What a perfect time to blank out and forget my list of excuses. "Uh—I—I…" I'm stuttering.

"I see," was all he said. He grabbed my wrist and led me through the dirty crowd, a tight grin on his face.

"Hey! What are you—"

"You'll see"

That didn't sound very reassuring, included with the fact I met this…guy, three minutes ago. Nonetheless, after a few curses, and slight struggling, he managed to lead me through the bustling crowd near a part of the stands I wouldn't dare go near—only the wealthy can afford it, and if I were caught, they would have no mercy. He motioned me to stay near the street as he strolled under the tents only the rich shop at. His mouth moved excitedly toward a middle-aged man with gray hair and a small goatee. The man eyed me suspiciously, before going to his fire. He returned with four, plump dumplings. At the sight my mouth instantly watered. I had only tasted them once, when a merchant near the dock felt sorry for me, and handed me his cold, half eaten dumpling, but I never forgot the rich taste.

The blue-eyed guy took the dumplings, chinked a couple coins at the old man, and headed back towards me. Suddenly, my eyes took a great interest in the crowd passing by me. There were a few children playing ball, not very good either to say the least. Some people were bickering some stands across the street. And the rain from yesterday seemed to make huge puddles…


I turned around and faked my best smile. I didn't care what he did to me, so long at one of those dumplings was mine. Just the smell….it was heaven.

"Here, I got you these." He shoved three dumplings at my chest. Three! "You looked hungry, so I thought this might lighten up your mood. And wipe that fake grin off your face."

I groaned, but thanked him nonetheless. I nibbled on the first dumpling. It truly was heaven! I couldn't control myself, and sloppily ate the rest of it. I eagerly shoved the second one in my face, barely tasting it, but knowing the delicious food was going straight to my stomach. With the third, I licked it, tasting it for the first time. I was still hungry, so I chomped it down anyways. It was soo good! My stomach ached for more, but three was satisfying enough. I was about to a double combo where I lick my fingers, and wipe them on my shirt at the same time, but I caught blue-eyed boy staring at me. He had his dumpling in his right hand, and his mouth was slightly ajar. He blinked a few times, and coughed lightly.

I suddenly felt ashamed of myself. Here I was, in the presence of a man who could afford dumplings, and I was stuffing them into my mouth like a starving idiot. My face turned red, but neither of us said anything. Just silence. We stayed like that for two straight minutes before he softly murmured, "You know, I'm not very hungry, you can have mine if you want…" Before he finished I felt the anger boiling in my blood. He felt sorry for me!

"I'm fine, I feel full anyways." I threw back. There I go again. Lying to everyone I meet, stranger or not. Believe it or not, I'm actually trying to kick the habit.

"Really? So, you wouldn't mind if I just tossed it to the dogs?" He waved it temptingly in front of my face. It was still warm, the rich smell filled my nose. His eyes twinkled with delight as whistled cheerily. Soon a curious bony dog strolled up to him, smelling the treat. It sniffed around, his big eyes hooked on the pastry. I almost wanted to shoo the dog away. My stomach could've used another.

"What for?" I asked, a bit too desperately.

"Oh, well, since you don't seem interested in another dumpling, I thought the dogs would greatly appreciate the action."

I rolled my eyes, and, yes, scoffed. He thought I'd actually jump for it like a little puppy. The only thing was, he was right.

"What? You don't want it? I guess 'bony' over here would love the treat."

"No, that's okay, you don't have to. I'll take it," I pleaded.

He smirked, but not in a "jerkish" way…more of smirk like when you're having a fun time. He handed me the dumpling, my long fingers brushing against his dirty, glove covered fingers. I was a bit startled, and I guess it showed because the next thing he said was, "You sure are a jumpy kid," his head shaking at the same time.

"I am not jumpy," I retorted.

"You're right, you're paranoid." He laughed a bit and held his hands up. "Just kidding. You're a bit edgy is all."

He started walking down the street, and I felt obliged to follow. Walking by him, I tried not to shove my dumpling in my mouth like a vicious animal. Instead I forced myself to take slow, easy bites. I felt him glace at me more than once, and I actually felt a little proud of myself. But it was so good! Ah, the last bite was pure bliss. When I finished, I took a rag out of my pant pocket, and wiped my hands. The dried snot didn't help, but I didn't want him to think of me as a complete slob.

"Wow, you're a real gentlemen, now," he observed.

"Yeah well, the pity was getting old." I replied just as craftily.

"You know, I think I liked you better as a confused, hungry kid."

"What made you think I was confused?"

"Kid, your face is easier to read than first grade handwriting…and that's pretty easy."

I'm pretty sure I blushed, but I managed to stutter a, "There isn't a face for confusion"

"Sure there is!" He replied over cheery. "You're the perfect example. You have a confused, lost, and scared face on your face most of the time anyways. So it's pretty easy to tell."

"That's like a slap in the face, ya' know," I said with a smile.

"Hah, I know, but it is the truth."

At about the same moment, I stumbled over something sticking out of the ground. I tried to hold my balance, but it looked like an exotic dance instead. I fell chest first in the ground, some new mud patches clinging to my shirt. A few seconds later, and I heard laughter fill my ears. I felt someone's greasy fingers grab my hair and roughly pull me upward. I gave a sharp shout, but that only made my assailants laugh harder.

"Well, lookie here boys! It's good ol'Kisk!" From the sound of his voice I could tell it was Reane and his gang of dirty thieves. He was a no good liar on the heafty side. I struggled a bit, but he held on tighter. "Whatsat Kisk? Can't yell in the slums boy, no one'll hear you anyhow!"

The boys roared with laughter. Reane shoved me to the ground, a habit people take up when with me. "Aw, is little widdle Kisk gonna cry now?" he mocked.

Timber, the only guy in his gang who actually looked threatening, stepped up. "Hah! Look at this piece of dirt, can't even defend himself! C'mon Kisk, stand up and fight, you little piece of cheap shit!"
I angrily jumped up and had a clean swing at his left jaw, when one of Reane's goonies punched me in the jaw, taking me aback, and causing me to stumble. It gave Timber the perfect time to kick me back down. They howled, obviously entertained by my pain. I had trouble breathing, and with a face was pretty much numb from the hit. I was about to stand up again and face that rotten guy when a voice cut through the noise.

"Hey, you little shit!! Who the hell do you think you are to hurt people like that?" It was him.

Reane smirked and answered curtly, "A merchant's son, that's who!" Some of his lackeys laughed, but a few had serious faces on, including Timber.

"I don't give a fuck who you are!" Silence. "What the hell did he do to you? Get the fuck out of my face before I decide to use my fists to solve your problem!" To prove this he brought his figure to a fighting position.

Timber decided to be the bad boy and step up to blue-eyed boy. "You don't own us! You're outnumbered, and you're on our turf! I'll take you on to show you your place." With this he charged towards Blue, but he nimbly dodged and kicked Timber down with one swift move. Timber gave a yelp before smacking the ground. He stood up, and tried to punch blue-eye in the face, but changed his course and moved his fist to Blue's stomach. Blue blocked it and sent Timber failing on his ass.

Blue-eyed boy roughly grabbed Timbers face and hissed, "Now, get the hell out of my sight! I never want to see you again, and if I catch you, you're gonna wish I didn't just make a fool of you in front of your friends," he motioned at a dumbstruck Reane. Then he heaved Timber at the other boys, and they fell down in a heap. Without another word they ran away, some yelping, some cursing. I had a grin on my face, and was about to let out a string of curses when I felt a hand on my shoulder. By instinct, I flinched. It was him. He had on a concerned face, even though he barely met me, and didn't even know my name. Well, now he did, considering Reane practically announced my name for all the town to hear.

"Are you okay?" Usually I have something smart to say about a question that stupid, but I guess I could let this one slip. He did save me from those goons. "Yeah…" I barely trusted my own voice. He squatted down in front of me, and looked into my eyes. I wanted to tear my gaze away, but something held me there.

"Do they always pick on you like that?" he questioned.

We were still eye to eye. "Yea—I mean, not really." I shrugged, our eyes still meeting.

"Bullshit. Tell me the truth Kisk." His voice saying my name sent a warm feeling through my body.

"I…they…." I couldn't concentrate. We were still staring at each other's face. Me on my ass, and him squatting down.

"Yes or no?"

"Yes…." He nodded and stood up. He lifted me on my feet, and began walking down the alley in silence. I held on to the side of a building, and started after him, but my side didn't let me. I stumbled, and felt myself falling again. His arm shot out and held me. I was breathing hard, and blushing, I think. To keep myself occupied, I touched my side and gasped. I was bleeding. Bad. Blue-eyed boy noticed, and lifted my shirt to examine it. Now, I was sure my face was red. He grunted, and I felt myself in his arms.

"Gee, you're really heavy for someone who practically starves to death." He sounded annoyed, but I couldn't tell. I barely met the guy and now he was carrying me in his arms! This had to be the weirdest thing, but for the first time since I was six, I felt safe. He was carrying a smooth rhythm, but was doing well for someone who didn't look his strength. I felt myself flush for the first few minutes, and gasped and yelped when my stomach hurt, like a little freakin' girl. I wanted to shove myself away, and run. But I didn't, of course. Instead, I just rested my head on his chest without noticing. I felt myself drifting off, and no matter how hard I tried, I could keep myself awake. The last thing I remembered was his steel blue eyes gazing down on me.


Ah, well, this is the beginning of little Kisky's adventure ride! Probably the most overused theme in SLASH wiritings, "Another Night," is actually supossed to be like all those other stories you've read! Yet, this is one of the those writings that can really be called, pirateKing worthy. Enjoy!