The buzzing fluorescent lights lit up the cold gray cement holding cell, if just barely. I was sitting on a chair, handcuffed with a device extending from the back of my neck, to the base of my brain and around the base of my cranium. The chair was gray, uncomfortable, and cold, fitting in with the rest of the room. There was a table in front of me, also gray and rough. It was as high as the bottom of my ribs, held up by black aluminum legs. I was wearing the bloody, dirty, smelly urban camouflage field uniform that I had been wearing for what may have been over a week. My contacts had been removed. My hands and feet had fallen asleep, the circulation cut off by the one-size-too-small handcuffs that were attaching me to the chair. I had nothing to stare at except for the old metal gray door opposite of me.

Right now, I wish I had never heard my dad talking on the phone. I wish I had never heard anymore of the Twilight Crystal. I wish I had never hacked the government out of curiosity. Doing that set off a chain of events that landed me here. They caught me. They blackmailed me until I agreed to their terms. They sent me to get the Twilight Crystal. All that work, all the times I had nearly died, and when we blew through the door to get the Twilight Crystal out of it's chamber, there was nothing there.

I love messing with you.

Anyways, I will be making a Sequel, check my profile in a few days, a week at most for it.