Richard looked out over the road, checking the identities of anyone who entered, and left the facility. The job of the security staff primarily was to keep intruders out. But Richard knew as well as anyone else who worked at the facility that it was just important that something in the facility stayed in the facility. Richard didn't know what they were supposed to keep quarantined in here. But with the amount of money the government paid, both for security and secrecy, it must be something sinister. Indeed, security here was so important, the vast majority didn't even know this facility existed, even as they looked at it every day when they viewed the mountains.
Only the security staff of precisely 2647 people who worked here even knew this place existed, as well as an unnamed government agency. They were paid billions of dollars to keep this facility up, running and secret, however. And thus they did so unquestioningly.
Richard had to admit it made him uneasy. They were paid billions of dollars weekly to guard something, and keep it secret. And he, the head of security didn't even know what it was they were supposed to be guarding. And the scientists hired to do the "research" probably barely knew what it is they were studying. Whatever it was, they were paid even more than the security staff to keep it quiet.
"Security Breach! Initiating lockdown level six!" Richard jumped as he heard the computerized voice suddenly echo around him. A metal screen slammed down on the window in front of him, and the doors were magnetically sealed. He then felt his hair stand up on end as an electromagnetic pulse flowed through the street outside. He was effectively stuck in his security booth until the lockdown was over. And the people in the streets were stuck as their cars were shut down from the EMP, as well as doors closing on either side of the entrance to the facility.
"Great… here we go again" Harry, Richard's partner moaned. Harry was right. They had "Security breaches" a lot. Last time, a squirrel had climbed into a tree too close to the main complex, where whatever they were guarding was stored. Perhaps security here was a little too tight. There was even an entirely separate security staff for when there were security breaches. But the orders were clear. Not even an animal like a squirrel, or bird was to get too close to the facility.
"How long you think it will take to catch the mouse?" Richard mused.
"A good six hours at- wait, did you hear that?" Harry replied. Sure enough, Richard had heard it too. It sounded like panting. But it was far too loud for it to be any dog Richard had heard of. Maybe if someone had given a German Shepherd a critical amount of steroids.
The panting was followed by a scream, which was followed by several screams, and then many more screams. But all of the screams were drowned out by the sound of a great howl. Richard could hear steel being torn, and bent. And one by one, the screams died down.
"What the fuck was that!?" Harry shouted, and was hushed by a harsh glare from Richard. Whatever was out there killed everyone locked down in the street. And Richard could hear the panting again, and it was coming closer.
A door opened up behind them, leading into the barracks of the facility.
"Run away little men. It's hunting time. I'll give you a ten minute head start before I let the Werewolf get you," A woman's voice echoed over the intercom in the security booth. Not taking any chances, Richard and Harry took off into the Barracks.
"Grab your gun" Richard said, "I think I know what the emergency supplies we were given are for" Richard slammed the but of his gun into an emergency storage glass, and pulled out the box. Sure enough, it was gun ammunition. He pulled the box open to see what it was. Silver nine millimeter bullets designed for a regular Glock 17. His backup gun, thankfully, was a Glock.
"Here!" Richard tossed an ammo clip to Harry, who promptly loaded it into his gun.
"Should take it down if it finds us," Richard finished loading his gun.
"Let's hope the legends are true... you think this... Werewolf is what they were testing?" Harry asked as they shut off the lights.
"Sounds like it. Don't know who it is that told us to hide though" Richard responded.
"Run away, mortals" a whisper echoed into the room. Richard winced at the cold chill that came with the whisper, and it unnerved Harry so much, his twitching finger pulled the trigger of the gun. The following bang made Richard cringe again, before he grabbed Harry by the shoulder.
"Don't do that again, you idiot!" Richard growled, breathing heavily. His eyes, a harsh, cold glare in them, went pale when they heard the panting again.
"Open fire!" Richard shouted, turned around, and unloaded a shot in the direction of the panting. There was a loud spark, followed by a crash when the bullet hit something.
"What did you shoot!?" Harry gasped, and turned the lights on. Before Richard could insult him, and turn the light back off, they both saw a grim sight. Richard had hit a lamp on the ceiling, and the lamp was about to fall off, and crush a fire extinguisher.
"Run!" Richard said, and took off in the other direction, Harry following closely behind. In their panic, they didn't realize they had run deeper into the complex. The panting they heard, however, kept getting louder, and louder, and was accompanied by loud footsteps and growling.
It wasn't until it was too late that Richard stopped, and realized they'd ran into a dead end. There was a door ahead of them that should have led into the main lab. And he could hear the footsteps and panting getting closer, and closer.
"Harry?" Richard asked out loud.
No answer...
"Harry! This isn't funny! Where the hell are you?" Richard shouted.
Still, no answer...
"Great, idiot got himself lost" Richard cursed, "Probably going to get killed no-" Richard was interrupted as he heard a roar, and a scream that was no doubt Harry's. Richard wiped the sweat from his forehead, and walked into the lab. Maybe there was some kind of sedative in the lab he could use to stop the creature with. He didn't know if it was a Werewolf, or what it was, but he needed to stop it. He slipped into the lab, and his eyes slowly adjusted to the dim glow of the emergency lights.
The room was the scene of a slaughter. Dead bodies littered the ground. Most had enormous lacerations across their chests, as though giant claws had ripped into them. Some had their necks bitten, others were given a quick, painless bullet to the head. All of these were scientists. In the center of the room, two large tubes, large enough to hold a Human-sized body each. Wires, and chemical tubes extended from these large chambers to various machines all over the room. Both had been shattered, and whatever was inside would have gotten out.
"Help... me!" Richard heard someone moan in the center of the room. A scientist lying in the center of the room was struggling to crawl toward Richard. Richard ran over to the scientist, and helped pull the man up to his knees.
"Sir, are you okay?" Richard recognized the scientist. The man was Randy, one of the top scientists working here. There were no injuries on his body, and no potential causes of injury. But Richard could tell the man was dying.
"I... tried to make a deal with her. I offered to let her out in exchange for her making me into... a... She bit me... drank almost all of my blood... She... must... be... stopped..." Randy's voice trailed off, and he gagged. It took a few seconds of him convulsing and dry heaving before he just stopped, clearly dead.
"That's it! It's time to kill this piece of shit." He would kill it, or go down trying. Clearly though, the Werewolf that took Harry wasn't the only thing that had gotten loose.
The halls outside were beginning to dimly light up as the emergency lighting came on. Richard cocked his gun, and stepped back out into the corridor. It was dead silent. The creature was either gone, or was trying to be silent, and was doing a damn good job. Richard heard another scream echoing down the halls, and pointed his gun in that direction as he looked down the dim halls. He silently stepped down the hall, keeping his boots from padding on the hard cement floor.
Eventually, he heard the panting again. Richard was back outside, by the security checkpoint. It was probably around two in the morning now. And there he saw it. Standing over a corpse it was biting into, the Werewolf was. It bit into the corpse, seeming to not notice Richard. Whether or not it was an actual Werewolf, Richard didn't know. But it had a generally bipedal body. It was covered in brown and orange fur, with a lupine snout and face. It had bright, glowing yellow eyes and a long shaggy tail. Its hands were larger compared to the body, and had elongated fingers ending in cruel, sharp claws.
"Time to die!" Richard had his gun aimed at the beast, and pulled the trigger. It almost happened in slow motion. The silver bullet burst from the barrel of the gun, and traveled toward the Werewolf, who, without even looking, jumped to the side. It reacted too slowly though, and the bullet embedded itself in the side of the Werewolf's left thigh. Richard suddenly noticed the Werewolf had bruises, and bloodstains matted all over its fur. But the wound caused by the bullet was the only that seemed to last. The Werewolf growled, and turned to Richard, yellow eyes gazing into Richard's. Right as Richard pulled the trigger a second time, the Werewolf ran toward him. This time, the bullet penetrated the Werewolf's stomach, making blood flow from the open wound.
The Werewolf continued its bound toward Richard. A third bullet flew from the barrel of the gun, piercing the chest of the Werewolf just as the Werewolf leapt into the air, pouncing on Richard. He could feel his ribs beginning to break under the weight of the Werewolf. He unloaded one last bullet into the Werewolf's chest, making the Werewolf's dark blood splatter everywhere. The Werewolf bit down into Richard's arm now. Richard screamed in pain for a few seconds, and leveled the gun to the Werewolf with his other hand. His finger reached for the trigger, and he tried to squeeze. Seeing what Richard was doing, the Werewolf leapt off of him. It ran quickly, but it limped, weakened by the silver bullets in its thigh, chest, and stomach.
Barely conscious, Richard sat back up, feeling his arm. The bites in it had torn through his flesh, and it felt like it was going through his bone too. His arm had gone numb quickly, and so was the rest of his body.