to all my reviewers and readers : - very grateful that all of you who are reading this now are able to bear with my inconsistant updates and gramatical errors ever since blood rain started especially to all my beloved reviewers!! it's your reviews which keeps me going!! thankz!! YOU GUYZ ARE THE BEST! MUARKZ!
Roxanne handed her son, Charles, to Carla in the dining room. "Thanks Carla. I haven't been getting much sleep these past few days.
"No problem, hon. Pleasure's all mine." It had been two months since they've shifted back to Cianiery and all had been well and going on smoothly. Because the whole country especially those in the royal family were too busy building up Cianiery, Roxanne and Seth's wedding and bonding ceremony had been postponed till a week from now. Preparations were almost complete and everyone was exhausted from the lack of time given.
Seth was still waking up from nightmares about Stephen, but that'll pass. It was just a matter of time. Roxanne grew homesick once in a while but Seth had promised her to bring her back to her world, they had settled everything down.
Not long after Roxanne left, Chris came rushing into the room frantically, screaming for Seth, Drake, and Carla, jerking her away from her trail of thoughts.
The tension in the room grew as Carla studied Chris's horrified expression. Something had gone wrong, but what? Everything was over and they should have a peaceful life from then on. She dismissed all the maids and servants away with vigorous waves of her hands, never taking her eyes off Chris.
"What's wrong? Drake's with Seth in the library." Carla handed one of the maids Charles before trying to calm Chris down.
When the door closed, Chris burst into tears and gripped her sleeves, sinking onto the ground. "Where is our Lord? Where is he?!"
"He's in the library with Drake..."
"Oh, God. No, no, no. Please, no. It can't be that fast! The stars only showed it a moment ago!"
"What is it, Chris? What did the stars say?!" Carla shook Chris by his shoulder jerkily as fear flooded over her. He handed her a piece of paper, and she snatched it away from him, reading what was written on it aloud.
"The wheels of fate has taken a turn,
And what seems to be, is not.
The end isn't an end.
Not until the devil and the fallen God makes a pact.
Another battle shall occur,
In the place of where knowledge is found…"
Carla let the piece of paper slipped through her hands. "Drake… Drake's with Seth! Drake!" Carla cried out as a horrified and grief-stricken scream accompanied hers, flooding the whole castle.
Carla knew who the screamed belonged to and rushed to the library. When she reached there, she found Roxanne, kneeling on the floor beside Seth's body that was butchered and hacked like a cow being slaughtered for meat. Roxanne's eyes were dull and dead, her face drained of all colors. Her body remained still and hard as a rock and her hand was clutching Seth's head that was chopped off from his body, cradling him in her arms, probably unaware of the blood seeping into her velvet gown.
Blood pooled the library as Carla shifted her eyes jerkily towards to the vampire leaning his hips on the table down to the other butchered body beside Seth's. Drake was sprawled and his clothes ripped off from his body. Punctured wounds of that of a vampire's covers his face, hands and body. His skin wrinkled from the lack of water and his face bluish-gray from the lack of blood.
"Oh dear. I've ruined perfectly good carpet…" the vampire clucked his tongue in distaste and gently brought Roxanne up to her feet, mummering something in her ear.
Carla watched as Seth's and Drake's body turned into ashes before being blown away by a gust of wind, disappearing out of sight. She would had cried, would had run up to Drake's body but she couldn't move. Not an inch. She watched as the ashes of Seth's head slipped through Roxanne's fingers while her queen stared into thin air. Her body was an empty shell with haunting eyes. Her soul lost.
The vampire turned his head up and stared into Carla's eyes slowly. His eyes were glinting, full of amusement and sheer eagerness and it pierced right through her soul. Carla let out a loud gasp as she could feel the vampire forcing her down on her knees in a bow with just the mere look of his eyes. With all her might, she forced her eyes to look up and in a choke she whispered his name while his red lips curled menacingly into a smile.
A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL THOSE WHO CONTINUE TO READ BLOOD RAIN UNTIL THE VERY END!! hope you had enjoyed this story and forgive me for what i did to seth! i just HAD to do it!
lasty, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! and buh-bye! i'm gonna go on a loooooooong hiatus before i come up with another story! cheers!