Saving The Mountains

One day mountains will dance before the whole sky and all will live in peace and harmony. But now the mountains roar, yell, screech and fight. No one can control mountains, and they're to young to control themselves. Everyday they bang themselves up with all their fighting and disagreements. They long for someone else to sort out their problems and let them play, but Humans and Astaids are to weak, Gibbles, Diffs and Ricklefins (and other animals like them) don't have the intelligence, and Quiokten are too wicked to care about anyone but themselves and have to be controlled by the mountains. No one but Estalasphy, creator of worlds could help the Mountains and she mysteriously disappeared right after creating Bientray.

Legend says that at the beginning of time there was a single ball of matter about three feet in diameter. This ball would have weighed about 999zillion tons. This matter was slowly pushed into this ball before time. Then it exploded. From this ball came seven Creators. Alphado, Sereralaya, Ristoro, Dalameties, Estalasphy, Tromoten, and Falayis. These seven creators were to create worlds, and galaxies. Together they created a Universe. This universe had Nine Galaxies. Each Creator created his or her own galaxy. Then Serealaya, Estalasphhy, and Falayis created another galaxy together. Now the boys couldn't take this lying down, so together they created their own galaxies. By the time they started working on the group galaxies, there was an established set of rules for creating rules.

1. Mountains must rule all

2. There must be a variety of different species, which must include 1 or more of the following categories:

a. Critolens—Intelligent and wise species, capable of understanding the environment how the balance of the world is kept.

b. Xacrones—Dumb species that tend to their own business and have no understanding of rest of the world, but are balanced by nature.

c. Lepiedos—in between species that are intelligent but not wise or (in the case of Astaids) vise-versa. Understand some things but not all. Often (in the case of humans) hurt environment.

3. World must be able to provide for inha bitants naturally.

4. Last but not least, the creator of the world MUST raise the young mountain so that they can rule properly, and the creator must keep the balance between the other inhabitants until the Mountains are old enough.

If the creator does not do this all havoc will break lose and it will destroy the world, if left unchecked for too long it will destroy the entire universe.

It should be clear to all now that mountains are desperately needed for a world to survive. Because other wise all the inhabitants would destroy each other the world, and eventually the entire universe, and who knows if the universe would be able to regenerate itself like it did the last time. It also should be clear that mountains have to be taught how to rule and that they can't rule while they're young. Also when a new world is born so are the mountains. The mountains are just babies that have to be carefully guided when there is a new world. The rest of the inhabitants get on just fine, for a while at least when a world is still knew. Another thing to remember is that mountains DON'T know how to rule, they have to be taught. So if they're not taught when they're young they'll never rule. Since only the Creator of the world can control the mountains on the world, and Estalasphy is gone, Bientray is doomed.

Falayis loved here galaxy because it was peaceful. Falayis was the youngest of the seven creators. She had a soft spot for animals that most would call hideous. Falayis had the unique talent of creating harmony between the oddest and most (seemingly) random creatures. She knew that if you give any creature a good heart and put it in a nice in environment that it would be nice. Although some people perhaps would be disgust by her worlds they were homely. Even if you searched her galaxy you find it hard to find even one inhabitant who as unhappy for more than a couple of hours or so, and even then you find more than a couple. It is because Falayis is so nice and sweet that I have chosen her to narrate this story.

Thanks, for reading please review. :)