Souls' Dance


This story has been in the works FOREVER. It popped into my head and the characters wouldn't leave me alone, so here they are. I originally wrote a very bad ending for this for a contest, so a lot of the time has been spent reworking this to the original story I imagined. The story itself is dedicated to my best friend and my beta K-Dub. Hope you all enjoy! Ice Angel

He hated crowds, especially loud, pulsating, gyrating, dancing crowds. He could feel just as alone, if not more so in a crowd as in a room by himself. He couldn't remember exactly why he was here; if he remembered it correctly his friend had begged him to come with him, which had stopped being the truth when his friend deserted him at the door to find a girl. It wasn't that he blamed his friend, if he himself had a date or prospective date waiting, he too would have gone off. That however didn't seem a likely possibility seeing as how he had never actually dated anyone. And to make matters worse, he felt like he stuck out like a sore thumb.

His clothing placed him as an outsider, this was not his world. In the sea of designer shirts and pants, in more colors than he cared to name, his black clothing stuck out. He wore his favorite fishnet shirt under a form fitting black shirt with the words, "If you could read my mind you'd be running away", written on it. He knew that most likely in this atmosphere that it was more true than normal. He wore his low slung, baggy, black bondage pants with the straps swinging as he walked on the edge of the crowd. His eyes were heavily kholed, bringing the light blue into sharp contrast and accentuating them perfectly. His hair hung to obscure those kholed eyes, the rest longer and a gelled to hold the messy style. His ears were hidden under the dark hair, and each had a couple studs in each. There was also a dangling ear cuff that had a moon charm that hung almost at his shoulder and a couple of loops through his cartilages. Finishing off his ensemble was a black ribbon choker with a small silver pendant that was an abstract shape that looked like a cross between a bird and a flame.

He started to edge his way around the crowd, looking for a corner or wall to help ground himself. Or maybe even an exit to leave all the madness. Alec, his friend, wouldn't even remember that he had brought someone with him to the club. Most likely he would just leave with some girl and if he could spend the night with her.

Continuing his trek for the bench he kept pushing through the crowd. He had just found an empty bench right along the wall when his favorite song started up. How could he resist one of the best songs to dance to? He succumbed to his desire and gave in to the music completely.

As one the entire room began to jump up and down to the techno favorite. He was bouncing right along with all the people he had considered so different from him. He even caught himself smiling at least once but he found that he couldn't care while the song played. As the song faded out he came to his senses and realized that somehow he had danced his way all the way to the center of the dance floor. He was in the heart of the enemy territory and his defenses where unable to function in the crowd; he couldn't just blend into the background nor was there space to make a quick escape. Even as the next song came on in full force he was already pushing his way back out of the crowd. It felt like he was slowly suffocating, the crowd just seemed to pull in closer instead of thinning out. There were people surrounding him and pushing him in every direction. He had no space and he was starting to get panicked.

He tensed as he felt two strong, well muscled arms wrap around his waist. Alec was the only one he knew at the club, and his arms weren't that muscular. The arms pulled him closer and firmly held him against a muscular, and very male, body directly behind him. He began to struggle against the unknown assailant; this was defiantly what the teachers would consider an 'unwelcome touch' when they taught sex-ed. A warm breath tickled his ear as he continued to struggle against the arms unsuccessfully.

"I saw you dancing out there, it was amazing, you have a natural talent and it was obvious how into the song you were." The deep husky voice spoke into his ear above the blaring music. Some hair that wasn't his brushed his ear. He went limp; there was no way this could be happening, why was a guy grabbing him? "Dance with me, one song?" It wasn't really a question as much as a statement.

Suddenly he realized what was going on, the guy behind him thought he was a girl. He cursed his friends for telling him he looked like one and should get his hair cut and change his style of clothing. Obviously in the dark dance floor with all the other bodies and his naturally short stature and thin build, he had been mistaken for a girl. He hated his life at that moment and cursed whatever celestial being was having fun at his expense.

"Will you let me go if I do?" He asked uncertainly, not sure he wanted to know the answer if it wasn't a yes. He hated that he was so much smaller than other guys, especially in a situation like this. In a fair fight he could hold his own but in a place like the dance floor; he had been taken by surprise. The song right after the one he had danced to was ending. Why hadn't he told the guy straight off that he had made a mistake? He figured he didn't want to embarrass the other guy, and he certainly didn't want to face another homophobe. He wasn't even sure if he liked girls or guys more, or even the same, but homophobia angered him above anything else.

"I guess if you want to go after the dance I'll let you." The voice was surprisingly sincere. He could see a little bit of blonde hair when the voice spoke, but besides that all he could tell was that it was a guy, a well muscled one. Who was also at least a head taller than him, and probably weighed twice as much. "Now let's go dance!"

"All right." He murmured and let himself be pushed back into the throbbing heart of the dance floor. He was once again submerged in the mindless blob that moved to the beat, only this time there was someone holding on to him possessively. The dance started it was another techno song; at least he could dance to these semi-well. The boy was startled when they reached the middle of the dance floor and the arms around him didn't loosen instead it pulled him even closer to the man behind him. The man behind him started to sway forcing him to do the same.

It was a completely new experience for him to dance with anyone else, at least intimately. He was used to dancing in a circle with friends at dances; it was always like a protective shield. He could feel whoever it was behind him very well. He swallowed at the thought and tried to concentrate on the music and moving to it like it called for. The arm loosened around him and then turned him so that the two were finally face to face, but still dancing really close together.

The young man that had grabbed him was a complete surprise to the boy. He was tall, just over six feet. He had shaggy blonde hair streaked with what looked like blue highlights down to blue tips, with a little bit of gel sticking it out all over. He had bright blue eyes that shone even in the flashing lights of the club. The goth boy could see one simple cartilage piercing flickering in the light. The young man's clothes, however, marked him as part of the preppier clique. But the boy couldn't say he wasn't easy on the eyes. The guys face had sharp angles and an easy smiling mouth. He was a guy that made girls' knees go weak; he was the type that all the guys wanted to be. Something about the guy seemed familiar too, but in that moment the boy couldn't place who the man was.

The boy looked down, embarrassed by how he must look dancing with this perfect guy. He felt so out of place even more now than he had before. He peeked up through his hair at the guy who still held his own smaller hands captive in his much larger ones. He was surprised to see the guy was obviously checking him out, seeming to be trying to pierce his soul while staring at him. The gaze made him feel even more uncomfortable and unworthy. 'Maybe he's finally figured out his mistake," the boy wondered but found for some reason he was hoping that wasn't the case. He felt something for the guy, probably just the need for a friend, but then again, he was really good at lying to himself. And protecting himself from getting hurt by never getting too close to anyone.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you, just dance," the guy leaned forward to whisper in his ear. As an afterthought he added, "Please?" The boy tried to nod but he wasn't sure if the guy could tell or not. The guy suddenly twirled the boy by his hand that had been held captive and pulled him in close again. They started to sway again; the boy suddenly realized they were dancing very well together. He had almost completely dropped his shield and was almost enjoying himself.

Looking around him as the song started to come to an end the boy realized there were a lot of eyes turned their way. Almost every girl around was watching the two of them dance together. He detected a lot of jealousy in those glances and some of defeat as if they had just lost a fight or something. It just reminded him how awkward this really was especially since he hadn't told the guy his gender, and the guy hadn't seemed to notice. He resolved then that he would not keep this game up; he would just leave after the song was over.

As the dance ended the other man did not let go of him instead he turned the boy around and brought them nose to nose, then after a quick locking of their eyes the man leaned in. He pressed their lips together in a scalding kiss. A jolt of electricity shot through the boy and he felt like his knees were about to give under his weight. He gripped the other man close and he felt the other's hands around his slight waist pulling them closer. But before they could get too close they had to pull back because of the lack of air. The boy couldn't figure out why he had reacted so strongly to the kiss, he had kissed plenty of girls but never had it felt so perfect before. The man looked a little dazed too, or maybe the goth was being too hopeful. Suddenly the larger man gripped the goth's smaller hands very tightly again and dragged the boy through the crowd. The larger man cleared an easy path through the still dancing bodies to a corner.

Once in the corner he turned to face the now very confused boy. In his confused haze the goth teen suddenly realized the almost complete isolation in the corner. He glanced around nervously, not knowing what the other man wanted. He noticed that the exit was within his sight in case he needed to get away quickly. Looking back at his captor he realized he was being studied again, more specifically his face was under intense scrutiny.

"Do you mind if…" The prep started as he reached his hands towards the goth boy. The boy was still so confused he allowed the hand closer, and was mildly surprised that it pushed away his hair gently. It brushed his bangs out of his eyes. Their eyes met for the first time without the bangs in the way, and it felt like electricity was coursing under the goth's skin and through his blood. He felt a slight heat rush up and color his cheeks at the exposure.

"Wow!" The prep gaped in a low voice. "You're gorgeous." The goth made a face and pulled his head away from the hands, shaking his head as he did so. He knew the other still thought he was a girl, so the compliment meant almost nothing to him. His nose wrinkled in disgust as he realized there was no good way to get out of this situation, and yet at the same time he didn't want it to end.

"I don't know what it is but I feel drawn to you. I was," The prep paused a moment as if unsure about how to phrase his request. "I was wondering if I could see you again some other time after tonight?" The prep looked cute when he was unsure of himself, the goth thought before he caught himself. He couldn't let himself think about that but instead needed to focus on the question: how could he answer that? The guy still thought he was a girl, he decided he couldn't do anything to encourage the prep. He'd leave soon and never see the guy again, that was the whole of it. But why did that thought hurt him?

"I don't even know your name." The goth tried, stalling for time and inspiration.

"Oh, sorry, my bad. My name's Blake." As his name rolled off his tongue the goth remembered why he thought the boy looked familiar. He did a quick double take to make sure. This was the same popular heartthrob of the college lacrosse team, the captain even. The goth remembered the rumors he had heard about the man that stood in front of him. Supposedly Blake never asked any girl out, but they all flocked to him. It made sense now why so many girls had been watching as the two had danced. But the question was why had Blake asked him to dance, and then asked him out afterward?

The boy also remembered going to watch a couple of the lacrosse games. The games themselves are very violent, with the men beating each other with their sticks. He also remembered the viciousness that the captain had played with. There had been a couple really big guys from the other team that had to be carried off the field. This added a whole new and even more dangerous element to the whole equation.

"Are you not going to tell me yours then?" Blake teased the boy. His expression and posture were completely relaxed but still powerful. And yet strangely enough the boy felt very comfortable in Blake's presence. He already knew he couldn't tell Blake his name or any other information. But he also couldn't tell him about the mistake he had made that evening. In his heart the boy knew he would love to see what would or could happen between the two of them. But he was afraid not only for himself emotionally but also physically. Blake was a very powerful figure in the college and had a lot of friends both in lacrosse and other sports. It was a very bad situation for the boy because he knew he couldn't deny the obvious attraction he felt to the lacrosse player.

"I'm sorry I can't." The boy mumbled as he looked down at his shoes. He knew he had to do this. Why is it always so hard to do the right thing? He knew he was doing the right thing. There is no way this "thing" could ever work out or even end well. They had only met and already he felt a connection. But he needed to do this now, before the connection got even stronger, or before he got really hurt physically or emotionally. But part of him was saying there wasn't any harm in playing along with the mistake for the rest of the night. "Whatever we have can't go past tonight. It'll be better for both of us that way." His legs were shaking a little now.

He was surprised to feel a hand pulling his chin up to meet Blake's eyes. Again the eye contact caused an electric currant to run through his skin. It was not helping his resolve to make sure nothing else would happen. This time though Blake's eyes were searching his, they were looking for something. Slowly a small smirk kept on to the lacrosse player's face.

"It's not another guy is it?" His voice was light and joking. The goth just shook his head as much as he could in Blake's hold. He could feel a slight blush color his cheeks. "Good, then I can be content with tonight, knowing I can still change your mind." He let his hand drop slowly as his smirk turned to a smile.

"You live in South Hall right?" Blake asked looking sincere.

"No, I live in East…" The boy caught himself, he had been set up. The boy kicked himself mentally, but he really doubted that it would matter. The hall was very large, and there wasn't really a reason for Blake to look for him after the night was over. He was just another dance partner, to be forgotten in the morning.

"I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that, would you repeat it?" Blake asked, and for a moment the boy wasn't sure with the music in the club if Blake had heard him. But there was no way to really tell.

"I can't, I said more than I should have. Nothing can happen after tonight ends." He just had to keep saying that and it would come true, right? The boy was surprised when Blake held his hands. He pulled gently to bring the boy closer to him. There was a smile still on his face.

"You can't blame me for trying can you?" Blake told him. His face took on a sincere and mostly serious look. "Would it be alright if I kissed you again?" The goth was really surprised, not that he would mind in the least.

"You never asked the first time." He pointed out bluntly, and felt his face flush a little at his statement. The smirk reappeared on Blake's face.

"You're right I didn't, and it seemed to work so I'm going to try it again." With that he leaned forward and brought their lips back together.

The second time was even more intense than the first kiss. The goth felt his knees start to give way as the feeling spread like a wildfire through his veins. It felt like there was fire and ice rushing all over. His body went on autopilot and responded to the kiss. He was kissing back tentatively, but definitely reciprocating. Blake's hands had released the boy's, and one was on his lower back and the other at his neck. The boy felt his hands trapped between them resting lightly on Blake's pectoral muscles. It all felt so perfect, like there were no other lips he was meant to be kissing, or other arms to be held in. The music, the club and the people all faded from his mind, Blake and the kiss were all he could think about.

"Ky? (Pronounced like High, but with a K)" A voice broke through the haze of the kiss. Slowly it registered what had been said, it was his name. Startled the boy pulled back, and looked around for the source of the voice. There standing just behind Blake and looking confused with a girl hanging on to one arm was his friend, Alec. The boy could feel Blake's confusion to what was going on, he hadn't yet turned around.

"Ky, are you alright?" Alec asked looking at Blake suspiciously. The boy looked at his friend the confusion, then glanced at Blake who was still holding but was now turning to glance at who was speaking from behind him. Ky panicked at the thought of having to explain things to either or both Alec and Blake. He took his chance and slipped from Blake's arms and took off for the door. He knew exactly where it was and took off for it at a sprint.

Behind him he could hear as both Blake and Alec realized he was running. Alec was turning to start yelling at Blake, demanding to know what was going on. Blake on the other hand was trying to follow. But his larger build meant he couldn't cut through the crowd as fast as Ky could. Ky could hear the shouts as people were first moved by him, then Blake and then Alec. He knew he couldn't risk looking behind him. He just needed to keep running and put all of this behind him.

As he burst out into the night air, he paused for a split second and then took off through the park to his dorm. He started to sprint again. He didn't pause to listen to see if he was being followed or if so by whom. He just kept his feet moving, even as his vision clouded over with tears. The tears began to fall, but he kept the sobs in. At least until he made it all the way to his room and had the door closed behind him. Then he just sank down to his knees with his back against the door and cried. The night and his Cinderella story was over, in the morning there would be no prince trying to find him.


Please review, if only to say you read the story all the way to the end! Constructive criticism is welcome.

Ice Angel