Souls' Dance- 2
So the 2nd and 3rd chapters have been sitting finished for several years, but because my beta didn't like the story and never edited them, they stayed that way. Upon switching computers I found them recently and edited as best I could. However, the 3rd chapter needs HUGE changes so I will be working on that, but until then enjoy this! IADM
A loud knocking noise slowly brought Ky back to consciousness. It took a moment for it to register that it was the door. He slowly tried to open his eyes, only to find they were a little stuck. Carefully he opened them all the way and looked around. The knocking continued as he realized he was still on the floor resting against the door. Then the memories of the night before came crashing down on him. But he didn't have time to dwell on it. A quick glance around the room revealed that he was still alone in the room; his roommate had not come back the night before. He realized he should be happy, because it meant fewer questions, and not getting hit by the door while he was on the ground.
It wasn't until he started to stand that he realized that the position he had slept in was not the most ideal. His feet were all tingly and had couldn't stand up right without holding the wall. His muscles ached at the awkward position they had been held in all night. He knew he must look like some sort of zombie. His crusty eyes were probably puffy from crying the night before and his makeup was smudged all over. His clothes were rumpled and still smelled like the club. His hair which had been held with the light gel was all akimbo and being held in that shape by the gel. In most cases he would just ignore the door but by now there was yelling accompanying it.
"Ky, open that door right now or I will get the front desk to open it for me." Alec's voice boomed. A quick glance at the clock showed it was only 8 in the morning; it was too early for Alec to be yelling in the hall like that, especially if Ky didn't want more people involved. Bracing himself for what was to come he slowly opened the door.
"It's about time!" Alec stated as he lowered his hand from the pounding position it had been in. He glanced at Ky quickly and his eyes widened. "Damn you look awful!"
Normally there would be a light banter started and other conversation but Ky was still just too drained to deal with it. Alec quickly realized this and stepped into the room, pulling the door behind him. Ky realized he would need as much support as he could get to face his best friend, so he climbed onto his bed and pulled his pillow to his chest and waited.
Alec watched Ky and then slowly followed while grabbing the rolling chair from the computer desk. He sat down and watched Ky for a moment. He gave a sigh and leaned back in the chair and looked at the ceiling.
"I'm sorry to barge in this early, and I don't want this to be hard on you, but I was worried about you. I'm not really sure what went on last night, so I gave you some space to yourself but I was also worried about what I would find this morning." He paused and looked at Ky. Ky was still huddled in the bed but he was looking at Alec this time. "I don't know if you want me to start with what I saw or if you just want to explain what actually happened last night?" He was giving Ky a little more time if he needed it. Ky realized this and shook his head, no he did not want to start by telling his side of things.
"Alright, so I was with this totally hot girl and she was totally digging me." Alec started, a smirk sliding on his face as he tried to lighten the mood. Ky cracked a small smile, but then it disappeared almost as quick as it took Alec to register it was there. "So we're looking for a corner to go get more 'acquainted' when we find that the one we wanted was taken." Here Ky grimaced a little. "What I see though seem to be a big guy talking to a smaller girl, but he is much more interested than her. Then he pulled the smaller person to him and suddenly he was kissing her, but she is still not really reacting. So I being the gentleman I am," there was a small snort of disbelief on Ky's part. "I went to go see if I could lend any help. When I get closer though I realize that it is not a girl but a guy, and my best friend. And by this time, it looks like you are reciprocating. I called out to see what this whole thing was all about. You look up see me, while looking like a deer in the headlights, and next thing I know you're making a break for the exit. Then the hulk that you sucked face with takes off after you and so do I. However, seeing as you are much more nimble it was a lost cause on our part. Now here is were it gets really fun." Ky looked up with curiosity plaster across his face; this was the part he would not know about.
"After you escaped, the behemoth you were with realizes he can't catch you so he turns and comes after me! He starts asking me about you. What is your name, Ky or something, where do you live, etc? I have no idea what just happened so I just tell him that you are my best friend and if you didn't tell him there must be a reason." Ky looked away at that and started to fidget with the pillow in his lap.
"Ky? What really happened last night? It must have been pretty bad if you ran and didn't even change your clothes?" Alec tried to make his voice soft and soothing, and it seemed to work on Ky. He nodded silently then looked up at Alec slowly.
He started speaking slowly about how he had been leaving then about the mistake. Alec interjected about the stupidity of jocks, and that Ky didn't look THAT much like girl. Then Ky talked about the conversation in the corner and trying not to lead the guy on. He skimmed the last few details and finished in a rush.
"Who was he though?" Alec asked after Ky had finished.
"His name is Blake." Ky paused a moment to see if any recognition dawned on Alec's face, but it didn't. "You know the star lacrosse player we saw beating up those guys the one game we went to?" Ky watched as Alec's eyebrows skyrocketed as he put the name, face, and the game he had watched all together.
"Wow you sure know how to get picked up, the star athlete and local heartthrob! But you still have to answer one more thing." Alec paused and made sure he had eye contact with Ky. "How do you feel about him? How do you feel about last night?" His face was serious and he watched Ky intensely.
"I don't know what you mean?" Ky tried to stall. How did he tell his best friend that he really liked what had happened the night before and really liked Blake?
"Kyle don't play games with me. You know exactly what I mean!" Alec pulled out the full first name to show how serious he was. That did it for Ky and he knew what he needed to say. He pulled himself up and looked directly at Alec.
"I really enjoyed last night. And more importantly I really liked him. I've always thought I might lean more towards liking guys, and last night just confirmed that. If that is going to be a problem you can leave." He stared Alec down and his eyes held the determination to be himself. Alec waited a second and then let his smile take over his face.
"I knew it! I was wondering when you would admit it or tell me!" Kyle just rolled his eyes and threw the pillow at his best friend; the one had accepted him and even provoked him into admitting who he really was. "It just sucks that it was Blake and he thought you were a girl." Just like that Ky deflated again. It was very unfortunate that he liked Blake, and that he liked Blake a lot!
"So what are you going to do next?" Alec asked.
"Just remember the night and move on. Avoid him, and let him believe it was just a random girl or something." Ky shrugged his shoulders dejectedly. "It's not fair that my first big crush has to be like this. It sucks." He muttered as he could feel tears welling up in his eyes. He didn't want to cry anymore, but he could seem to stop them.
Alec stood up from his chair and sat on the bed next to Kyle. He pulled the smaller boy to him and hugged him. Messing up his hair like he usually did. Kyle muffled his crying into Alec's shoulder.
"It's ok to cry, crushes suck. They crush you, trust me I've had my fair share. I think my first was my second grade teacher. That was an embarrassing year, let me tell you." Alec grinned at the memory and Kyle laughed into Alec's shoulder while the tears continued to fall and he thought of the bright blue eyes that had sent electricity through his veins the night before.
"Ok, so Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom?" Alec asked while he wiggled his eyebrows in something that was supposed to be a suggestive manner, but only came across as comical. Ky rolled his eyes and jabbed his best friend in the side with an elbow.
"Why all this sudden interest in who I like, or find attractive?" Ky raised his eyebrow in return in a questioning manner.
"It's not everyday your best friend comes out of the closet. Besides this way I can lean a little more about how girls think." His logic made no sense to Ky.
"One, I'm still a guy, albeit a gayish one, so I still don't understand how girls think. Two, I came out to you almost a week ago. And three, my opinion is still only my opinion, even though we all know I have impeccable taste!" Here Alec jabbed him back as he laughed.
"I know you aren't a girl, but you can still tell me which guy is hotter. And I'm curious about what type of guy you're attracted to?" The question sounded innocent enough, but Ky knew Alec better than that. He was checking to see if the thing for Blake was on par, or not.
"Ok so there is the really pretty one, who is so pretty that even Elizabeth has to dress like a guy so he can keep being the prettiest, and in another one of his movies goes crawling back to his brother for help. Or there is Hollywood's bad boy, who is absolutely gorgeous and looks smashing in eyeliner, and can play almost any role, no matter how unique." Ky answered in a roundabout way.
"So that means you like Orlando right?" Alec teased. He was so busy enjoying his joke he didn't see Ky move until he had Alec in an uncomfortable martial arts hold. "Ow careful, you're the one with the black belt not me!" Kyle just increased the pressure so that Alec was standing on his toes to try and alleviate the pressure.
"Just remember that next time and we wouldn't have this problem." Ky stated bluntly as he grudgingly released Alec, but a smirk lingered on his lips as Ky knew he had won this round.
"You're right, but then it wouldn't be any fun." Alec was going to add more when he caught sight of something behind them. "Looks like we're being trailed." He paused and gave his own smirk, "Looks like lover boy is still looking for you!" Ky rolled his eyes but glanced behind them discreetly. He swore quietly to himself, while he felt his heart speed up at the sight of the blonde haired jock that was slowly moving closer to them.
"Damn this is the third time this week. I swear I never saw him this often on campus before this!" Ky stated with exasperation.
"You know you're probably going to have to talk to him eventually or else he'll just keep following you." Alec stated seriously, but with his pause in speech his grin returned. "But just think, it'd be like having a dog only he doesn't drool. Ok well maybe he'll drools less!" Ky rolled his eyes and poked Alec in the side. This made Alec yelp and bend in the middle, which only proved how aggravated Ky was. Alec thought about teasing Ky for his response but he saw the sadness that had only just started to lift fall back into his best friends eyes. This whole mess was still causing Ky a lot of pain, and it was all that jocks fault. Alec hated seeing Ky like this and he just wanted this whole thing to blow over and for them to move on.
"Look, I was serious when I said you need to talk to him. Whether you tell him the truth or just try to get him to stop following you doesn't matter to me, but you need to do something." Ky nodded his head and glanced behind them again, Blake was still a little ways off. "I could stay with you if you would like." Alec offered, he knew there was no way that Ky would let him but he offered all the same.
"No, that's all right, I think I can handle this." Ky started to walk away from Alec towards a small alleyway.
"Remember you didn't do anything wrong, and since it was his mistake you can still enjoy the kisses!" Alec wove a reminder and a bit of teasing together in the hopes that it would help alleviate some of the pressure he saw forming on Ky's shoulders. Ky didn't turn around he merely raised his left hand above his head and flicked the bird to Alec. Alec laughed out loud and turned away towards his next class, Ky could handle things by himself.
Ky didn't look behind him anymore as he left Alec's side. He wasn't sure what he was going to say to Blake, but he knew it wasn't the truth about himself. He ducked into the small alleyway, it was a dead end and no one came in there so it would be private enough to talk in. He turned around and faced the entrance of the alleyway and waited. In a few moments Blake turned the corner and stopped dead in his tracks as he realized that Ky was waiting for him.
"Hey, fancy meeting you here." Blake tried to act nonchalant, but Ky could tell he had flustered the jock.
"It shouldn't be this is at least the third time this week you've followed me. I thought I told you that whatever happened that night had to stay just for that night?" Ky latched onto the little bit of anger he felt, it was easier to be angry than to think about all the other emotions swirling in his mind. Blake at least had the decency to blush as his actions were mentioned.
"I wondered why you disappeared so fast those other times." He murmured. "I'm sorry but the first time it just happened; I saw you and I was surprised but I wanted to talk, and then you disappeared again, so then I decided to keep trying. You seem to have a thing for disappearing." Ky felt a little of his anger dissipate as the smile found it's way back onto Blake's face.
"Why didn't you just come talk to me if you felt the need, instead of just slinking after me?" It really wasn't a relevant point, but Ky didn't really want to have to stop talking to Blake.
"I didn't want to have to talk to you in front of that other guy from the club. I thought he might be the reason you didn't want to see me after that night." Blake was casually moving closer to Ky, but there was still a couple feet between them.
"It was never that I didn't want to see you after that night, it was I shouldn't see you after that night. And that guy has nothing to do with it; he's my best friend, nothing more." Ky made a mental note to tell Alec later that Blake had thought they were dating or something, it would lighten their moods if nothing else. "So what is so important that you had to come find me alone to tell me?" Ky was starting to feel the need to run now before he did anything stupid that he would regret. He was no longer as confident as before now that his anger was draining and Blake was moving closer. Blake smirked at the question, but his eyes seemed to hold a serious intensity.
"I wanted to ask your name, see if there was anything else I could learn about you. And most of all see if I could get you to reconsider on the thought that the night at the club can only be a memory." He moved so his hand was cupping Ky's face so their eyes could meet. Ky felt his breath catch as he was again mesmerized by those bright blue eyes. He closed his eyes to gather his wits and took in a breath to stead his nerves.
"You heard my name that night, you asked my friend to confirm it. And we still shouldn't be anything more than a memory. For both of out sakes it can't be anything more than that. I need you to forget about me and move on." It hurt him to be saying these things when he could just easily keep lying and have almost everything he wanted, but that wouldn't be real. The hand on his chin shook him slightly.
"Look at me," there was a slight pause as he kept his eyes closed, "please?" Almost against his will his eyes slowly opened to again meet those blue orbs that now suddenly seemed even closer. "I can't forget about that night, I've never felt anything like that before. I've never gone out of my way to ask anyone to dance, but you captivated me with your dancing. Then I've never felt anything like that kiss, it was like liquid electricity. Ky, you can't tell me you didn't feel it!" His eyes searched Ky's trying to find something. Ky tried to turn his face away so he wasn't looking into Blake's eyes, but Blake held his chin firmly. He felt a slight warmth in his chest from hearing Blake say his name.
"It was…." Ky couldn't finish his thought, because there was no way he could deny that it was an absolutely electrifying kiss, one that he had never felt before and wasn't sure he'd ever feel again. He was trying to think of something to say or what to do next when he felt something on his lips. It took him a moment before he realized Blake was kissing him again.
The kiss was like the others, the same intense and shocking feeling. His eyes closed, and he started to return the kiss before he even comprehended he was being kissed. His hands rested on Blake's shoulders, and Blake's hands were gently stroking his face. Even with as amazing as the kiss was Ky felt depressed, the kiss was like a relationship between them would be, false. With that thought he gently pushed Blake away by the shoulders. Blake's face filled with confusion. He had felt Ky returning the kiss, and wasn't sure why they couldn't try for a relationship.
Ky turned away from Blake's confused face, he couldn't be tempted. He took a deep breath and continued to face out of the alleyway. He clenched his teeth at the thought of what he had to do, but there was no other way.
"I'm sorry I just can't." He started to walk out of the alleyway, but Blake's voice stilled his steps.
"I won't give up that easy, at least not without more of an explanation." His voice was filled with determination and a little bit of frustration. Ky knew he wouldn't be able to stop the tears that would soon be running down his face.
"Please don't come after me again." He stated. But as he started to walk away he mumbled mostly to himself, "I'm not sure how much longer I can keep doing the right thing." He wasn't sure if Blake heard or not, but as he walked away there were no footsteps following him. He wondered if there was anyway he could walk away if there was a third time, but he stopped thinking about that and merely focused on keeping his feet moving while his tears smudged his eyeliner into black streaks on his face.
Please leave a comment, even if it's to say "I read this"! Please let me know if there are any errors or really confusing/incomprehensible sentences as well!~IADM