Dragon Lady

The woman deftly held the sword in her slim, dexterous hands. The man's life, the one in front of her, on his knees, promising and praying and begging all the while, was in her hands. She considered this for a moment, and only a moment. With a monotone expression, and a firm flick of the wrist, his head came toppling of his shoulders, and his body limply slouched to one side. She stood straight, and looked at the corpse with disgust. Soon a short stocky man toddled to her, a staff in one hand, and a praising expression on his face.

"That was as excellent display of skill Miss Haruka! That loathsome villager stood absolutely no chance against you! You are the most skilled warrior I have ever met—er…"

Here his high-pitched voice trailed as she turned sharply towards him with eyes cold enough to freeze Japan twice over. There he stood, unsure of what effect his actions might have toward her. She simply stared at him for several minutes, and who knew in several minutes a person was capable of sweating so much out of nervousness?

The woman turned from his ugly features, and scanned the scenery, in search of any more survivors her eyes might have missed. She found none, of course. Her cat-like eyes were sharp as the eyes of a hawk. When she felt everything was destroyed, she was ready to go.

"Shou…saddle the horses." Her voice was commanding and sharp, as if it could pierce your very heart if you did anything she didn't abide with. The shout plump man stuttered out a reply, bowed deeply and almost stumbled over his oversized robe. He looked anxiously at her, searching for her approval. She kept her head bent toward the forest, and he quickly ran off to do as he was bid.

When he left, she curled her lips in disgust and focused on her next target. This assassination was a complete waste of time. If she was to find this…dragon creature, she was going to need as much information as she could get. So far she managed to come across scrolls and parchments as valuable as time itself. Yet they gave little information, and what she was currently seeking, involved a detailed search and journey for the most precious of books…

"The horses are ready Miss Haruka!"

The choking, gurgling noises were the only sounds in the still forest, aside from chirping crickets. She wrinkled her nose in annoyance, and didn't bother to stay and watch his pathetic form die, a huge gap where his stout neck used to be. He grabbed at his throat frantically, and pawed at his chest. Her boots made a small "thud" against the soft brown earth. She reached her horse, and climbed on. With a tired sigh, she kicked her heels into the side of the horse, and went spurring away into the misty forest, leaving a mass of bloody bodies behind her.