Hello! I have multi personalities so I'll tell you that I may be...weird at times...
This my first poem online so please go easy on me
I mean when I a simple review can get me flame
Uh, I should stop talking and let you read
I need vodka!! and a pocky plushie
...That was hyper me, can't even spell correctly...
Do u see a page break?
Reflection of Love and Life Through My Eyes
Those who love, ignore everything.
Those who hate, hide a burden of feelings.
Those who cannot be love,
they break...deep inside.
Those who hate another,
they hide...their concerns.
Those who love, hate, feel...
are human...and I envy it.
They have a heart, soul,
a sphere of yellow...
No matter what, yellow.
Why yellow?
My dear child, naive aren't you? It's
quite sickening.
Yellow is our light, not white.
White is given to angels,
they don't exist...
We're not angel even if we try.
My sphere has a black touch to it,
Stained in sorrow, anguish, and false hope.
None has black but me...
Those who hate, paint their sphere in black.
Inside them, they still have,
Hope, light...
My black builds from the inside,
Eating me away.
And here I watch standing,
Hoping for it to stop.
I want to do something,
but I don't...
Still standing, watching.
Have I really let myself go?
Taking a step back,
There's nowhere to hide.
I've fallen.
Falling in a dark abyss,
Not caring what would happen to me.
I don't care anymore.
I couldn't care anymore…
I'll let it eat me inside out,
While you watch,
To leave a bleeding soul and fading heart...
I am a wreck.
Do u see a page break?
Well that's my first fic out of the two sister sites
It's soooo embarrassing!
I have another chapter on this poem but I didn't know if I show post it
Should I?
Occifer I swear to drunk I'm not god! O.o
I smell alcohol...and smoke...
Excuse me, I think hyper me is drunk...
Don't put the alcohol in the smoke!!
Uh...I really have to go now!
Ja ne, may your life be angst or really wild
I sadly have both