Will you come back?

-Dedicated to my very own Ponta! Because, I know she enjoys these sappy stories just as much as I do. Huggles for you, my ninja, because no one will ever replace you-

Don't Knock Softly

Will you come back?

Reid read the last line with a lump in his throat. Here it goes, he thought. He closed his eyes, and sealed the envelope. Reid shakily stuffed the letter in the box, and forced himself to walk away. He wiped the sweat off his palms on the side of his grey faded shirt, and took slow lingering steps. Hey, he could go slow, but…

The patience would kill him.

He wanted to grab his letter, and hand deliver it.

It's only for a few minutes, I dunno if I have a new message—Laura was supposed to message me on MySpace…

Few minutes my ass, he thought. And then she had to go and break the damned thing. His only computer! And now what? He was stuck in the past delivering letters like an idiot.

He sighed heavily, and shoved his hands in the pockets of his old baggy jeans. He shuffled his feet as he walked down the colorful sidewalk, littered with dozens of Autumn leaves. The wind blew slightly, moving his bleach blonde hair out of his eyes. His sharp forest green eyes were focused before him, yet his attention was elsewhere.

Out came his hands, as his mouth busily worked on chewing his nails. His leg would not stop shaking, and it almost killed him to turn the curb and walk yet another street.


Reid slowly turned his attention to Sydney's voice, growing louder as he ran further down the street towards Reid. Reid blinked the hair out of his eyes, and popped his knuckled out of habit, hoping his shaky leg wouldn't give him away. Sydney reached him, panting painfully, gasping for air.

"Hah, I tried—to reach you—but—hah, you weren't—you weren't—at home…Hah..."

Reid gave a nervous smile. Sydney had tall figure, chestnut hair with pink highlights, and those piercing blue eyes. And Sydney wasn't the kind to run a mile in record time, but his figure managed to stay above average. It was a wonder to Reid how Sydney could eat so much, still have room in his stomach for more, and not gain a pound. No, it was a mystery.

"What were you going to tell me?" Reid asked, the anxious strain in his voice noticeable. Sydney pushed this aside in his mind and grinned, beads of sweat trickling down his face.

"Motion City, man!"


"Haha, Motion City Soundtrack! They're coming to town! We've got to go! I've been saving money since the third grade, and it'll finally pay off!"

"Ah…" Reid blinked, wishing his hair would stay out of his eyes for the millionth damn time. "I dunno, when is it?"

Sydney gave Reid an annoyed look. "I ran down the whole damn neighborhood looking for you, just to tell you the great news, and you say, 'I dunno.'?"

Reid shook his head, the little daydreaming clouds disappearing. "What?"

Sydney rolled his eyes in annoyance, and waved his hands in front of Reid's tanned face. "He-llooo! Where the hell have you been, la-la-land? Motion City Soundtrack, the band, man! What's up with you lately?"

"Oh! Sweet! Well, I, uh…" Reid quickly went over his options. He could lie to Sydney, he was damn well at that, he knew. Or, he could tell Sydney the truth, the bare naked truth, the origin of his sweaty palm syndrome.

"Nothing, I was just thinking of my Chemistry grade, ya' know? I don't wanna fail that dumb class, my mom would shoot me straight."

Sydney nodded knowingly. "Yeah, that test was a bitch. Did you get the extra credit? I sure as hell didn't"
Reid softly sighed.

If he could just get the word out—God knows he's trying.


Shounen-ai...Straight. Slash...Normal. Damnit, I just can't pick, but I think I might know which one—I am writing the story, after all. Welp, this is what happens when things manage to trickle out of my brain in a avereage amount. Sydney sure likes to cuss, doesn't he?