Will you come back?
Update time. :0 It's a freakin' miracle
White Lies
"Hey Reid."
What now…
"I was wondering…when you were going to finish failing our lab?"
Reid glanced up from his wandering fingers to see Emily waiting impatiently, leaning on the lab table with a scowl on her face.
"Whut?" he drawled out slowly, his eyes dropping by the second. He rested his head on the table and decided it was too heavy to hold up on his own.
"The lab, Reid, that one we're being graded on. Jesus-Fucking-Christ, help me so we don't fail." After a pause, she added, "Again."
Reid blinked through his hair and yawned as her response. Personally, he really didn't care either way. Emily, on the other hand, cared a whole fucking lot to grab him by his collar and hiss in his ear, "If you don't get your ass on this Physics lab, so help me God I will fucking kill you outside the goddamn classroom."
He swallowed and nodded. He wasn't one to question Emily a second time. He learned that the hard way.
Reid sat up slowly and surveyed the supplies in front of him, a blank stare on his face. He had absolutely no fucking idea what he was doing, and a small glance at Emily assured him it was going to bite him in the ass.
He waved his hand awkwardly, one last time, before slowly closing the front door with a click that rang throughout the now silent room. Trey sighed and leaned against the door, running his hand through his charcoal hair in a stressful manner. He let his shoulders drop, and shuffled to the kitchen. As he grabbed a glass of water, his eyes glanced over at the mail.
Trey groaned at the thought of mail. He picked up the mail and went through it, trashing some of the useless ones, and opening the more important mail. As he opened the trash to chuck yet another pointless letter, he glimpsed the familiar letter which he had thrown away earlier. His gaze lingered, and he shook his head finally, ignoring the persistent throb in his stomach. He walked over to his desk, mail in hand, and sat down lazily.
Trey laid his head on the desk and let his shoulders relax, closing his eyes and letting his thoughts drift, smiling at the thought of finally having some peace and quiet after work. He became frowned, however, when they settled on a particular subject that made his skin itch.
It wasn't as if he didn't care for the boy. He did. But he knew he had to leave before he got in too deep. Thankfully, his graduation was the perfect excuse to leave the boy. But he regretted not making the decision to end it earlier. He almost missed the times when he would knock at Reid's window, especially when it rained, and simply lay with him in bed and converse, enjoying the warmth of his body and the covers.
He remembered the time when Reid accidentally locked his window, and Trey was stuck in the rain, knocking softly at the pane, careful not to disturb his parents. Reid finally woke up and ushered him in. The next day Trey got a cold and missed school. Reid had visited him and even brought him a flower. Trey didn't forget, though, the tremendous blush that accompanied the gift. That quickly brought a smile to his features, and he shifted in his seat to become better adjusted. Yet at the same time, he expected that that was when he realized things were getting too serious for his liking.
His brow furrowed.
He wasn't shallow...was he?
He guessed Reid probably moved on to someone else, and he didn't need to worry about the boy anymore. He sighed
But what the hell was he supposed to do about that now? His mind brushed against the thought of the unopened letter lying in the trash. He shook his head against the wood of the table. He wasn't going to fall for it now that he'd made up his mind. He stayed there in the chair, his arms clasped tightly around his head, for several silent minutes.
He got up and headed for the trashcan.
Reid glanced over his clothes one last time. He didn't want to go to the concert looking like he didn't belong there. Technically, it wasn't for another day, but he wanted everything to be perfect. This was Motion City Soundtrack, after all, and he wasn't going to waste an opportunity like this for anything. He hung the clothes he planned to wear neatly on hangers, stood back, and surveyed his work with a grin.
As he turned around for something else to keep him occupied, there was a knock on his door. It was Emily.
"Hey," she said shyly, tucking a strand of long straight hair behind her right ear. Reid raised an eyebrow. Emily, shy?? "I wanted to say…" She paused. "I'm sorry about what happened with you and Trey." She finished and looked away quickly.
It felt like someone slapped him in the face. He wasn't ready for this. For his friends to know. About Trey. About him.
"Don't worry," she said quickly, "I don't mind. I just wished you would've told me."
"What is there to tell?" He countered quickly. He was still shocked.
She paused. "Forget this shit. Just tell me next time, okay?"
"There won't be a next time." He looked her in the eye, and she sighed.
"Look…I don't know what it's like, to be gay and all," she made a face at the word gay, "but I just…Jesus, is that why you've been such a bitch lately?? I mean, shit, we all thought you were going through puberty or something stupid." Reid purposely let his hair hang, so she wouldn't see the tremendous blush on his face. She saw, however, his trembling hands, but she ignored it. "Anyways, I just wanted to tell you I knew. Only, I know."
"How?" he asked meekly.
She shrugged. "I went through your e-mail. Plus, I found the bottle of lube in your dresser."
His head snapped up sharply, his blonde hair flying everywhere. "What?! We never—I don't…we didn't! I mean—"
"Relax," she cut him off, "it was a joke. Jesus Reid, you're such an easy catch." She snorted, and looked away, but he caught her grin. His shoulders slumped, and he let out a shaky sigh. He collapsed on the bed, and let the pillow swallow his face.
"You came all the way over here to tell me this, in the middle of the day, after school, for no apparent reason?" His voice was muffled by the pillow. Emily sat on his bed, then lay next to him.
"I wanted to make up for yesterday." At the word yesterday, he cringed. "I know, I know, threatening to shave your head and dye all your clothes yellow and other hideous things was…wrong. I guess. But we got the lab done, didn't we??" Reid was silent. He shrugged. She patted his back. "Anyways, I was looking through you IM's earlier today, and I was taken aback! My Ried!! A flaming homosexual!!"
"I'm not flaming!"
"Yeah, I know, I just always wanted to say that."
"…You are so weird."
"You love me." He gave her a weird look, and she continued.
"So I was having an internal debate with Harry and Moe, and—"
"How are they, by the way?"
"Oh, they're doing fine. Just the other day, Harry suggested I—We're off topic! Ugh, so I had the debate, and then I came over here."
"How did you get through my IM's?" He lifted his head from the bed and peered at her through his bangs. She looked away.
"Uh, uh, I'm not creppy!" He rolled his eyes and let the subject drop. He had to, anyways, Emily was already ranting about something or other.
A/N: Okay, okay, was this short? It was short, right? Short shorts??
I mean, I know it was short, but maybe the next chapter will be longer since that's the concert chappie?? I mean, does anyone hate how baby books are long than my chapters????