Welcome to the Family
I sat on my bed wrapped up in my sheets, with my door closed. Although what I was going through was becoming pretty normal, I still didn't like it. I mean, I did, but I didn't. I laid on my side, with my back to the wall, and curled up into a defense ball to protect myself. I stared at my door, almost in hopes that he would come in. As I laid there, I thought what I could possibly do. I couldn't tell anyone what was going on, they would never believe me. I couldn't run away or anything. There was no place for me to go. So I just had to sit here and take it. Like he tells me everytime, I'm getting what's coming to me. Although I don't believe that at all.
He was having fun doing this. Just the sheer fact that he could do it and get away with it was the part that made him happy. My mother never found out about what was going on, and I could never tell her. She was happy with him. She was going to get married to him soon. This man, he was my brother's father, and soon he would be my stepfather. If this is what he did to me and I wasn't his son yet, what would he do when I was? This was torture to me and I could never tell. Now although this is torture, there are some aspects that I like about it. But the fact still remains, this isn't supposed to be happening. He's engaged to my mother and he's her boyfriend, my soon to be stepfather. What was wrong with this picture?
He would tell me that he does what he does to me because I was more his type. I was cute, petite, and just right. I had just the right build and frame, as he would put it, and I was just right for this type of thing. When I asked him why couldn't it be his son, he would just laugh and say, 'Because beautiful, he's not right. He doesn't feed my hunger like you do'. And then he would go on with what he does. He only wanted me because I was venerable and I was still young, for the most part.
His son, his real son, is eighteen. As for me, I'm sixteen. I'm a fragile boy who can barely protect himself from wind, though that's an exaggeration. I have a small frame and pretty much no build. Apparently, that's how he likes them. Young and small. You see, his son has the athlete build and a much bigger frame. Tatsumi, that's my stepfather, said that it's harder to trace something that has more lines than something that doesn't. In English, he's saying that he'd rather trace my frame than his son's. His other excuse, which is the one that really gets me, is that his son is too close to his own age so it won't feel right.
Tatsumi is twenty-six. He feels as though since he's only in his mid-twenties, he should have someone young. In comes my mother. She's only twenty-nine. She had me when she was only thirteen. So when he has any 'regular' cravings, he goes to my mother. But when he has his 'other' cravings that's when his sight gets set on me. He'll wait till my mother leaves and then have his fun going unnoticed.
By now, you're wondering what this 'fun' is that he's having at my expense. Well, it all started three years ago, when he started dating my mother.
A/N: So, there you have...the intro to my story. well tell me if you like it. thanks. later. Infamous.