Indecisive Decisions
-Unwinding Path-
The girl made her way slowly towards town. Her red brown hair—reaching past her shoulders— was let loose and free in the morning wind, creating natural highlights that shone brightly in the fuzzy sunlight. Her short dress wavered, moving with the wind. She glanced up, grey eyes flicking towards the trail that stretched in front of her. She took long strides, wanting reach her destination in the quickest time possible as she passed old beach house, after old beach house. Walking in the new light of the day made her feel sleepy, and she desperately wished she asked for their caddy. It would have made things faster.
She sighed at the time it was taking her to reach the small "snug" town, just shy of the golden tourist-attracting beach. When she walked a while, the smell of the sea reached her nose, and she inhaled deeply. This brought a dimpled smile to her features, and slight color to her checks. With new enthusiasm, she stayed in silent thought for a few minutes, oblivious to the tall shadow soundlessly following her. She caught note of slight movement before a voice rang loud and clear, with mischief and delight.
"Boo!" the voice shouted. The girl jumped in surprise, then grinned at the boy who stood at her side. He had shaggy, slightly curly hair, darker then the night, darker than hers, even. Light brown eyes twinkled behind long bangs. He wore a plain blue shirt, and baggy blue jean shorts that reached just below his athletic knees. A thin black necklace graced his frame, and a few homemade bracelets rested on his wrists.
"Hello, Adrien." She nodded slightly, and continued walking along the path, wanting to regain her thoughts.
"Hey, Adeline, wait up!" Adrien called. He took a few quick steps, and reached her side again. "You sure are a weird girl. Why can't you be a normal sister for once, and treat me like a teen, huh? I mean, I am 15. You're…what, 16? What the hell? That's only a year apart."
"One year of more experience than you." She said quickly, reciting a line from their past arguments. At that, the boy rolled his eyes.
"Ooo, Someone knows how to memorize…" He grumbled. She changed the subject without thought.
"How's Melissa?"
"Oh, poo. Just when I thought you might not be polite for once." When he received no reply, he continued. "She's alright," he said, kicking at the rocks that happened to be in his way. "I took her to see that stupid movie yesterday. Ya know, the mushy gushy one Dad wanted to see too? Then I come home to hell." He sighed, and she regarded him thoughtfully. "I still don't know why you hate the girl. I mean, she is Melissa."
She pondered at these words, and wondered is being someone like Melissa meant people treated you all right in private. Personally, she disliked the girl. That twitter-brained, skinny blonde, with absolutely no upstanding values. Her complete luck in having genes that didn't falter below, "Average." Genes that obviously showed through her soft complexion, pale blue eyes, and tall figure.
It's not the stereotypical blonde she hated. She was rather fond of them, in fact. A certain John Haynes brought a slight blush to her cheeks, only to grow dim with the realization that he didn't even know she existed.
"Thinking of your secret boyfriend, eh, Adeline?" Adrien gave her a soft shove, only to be shoved back, harder.
"I don't have one, and I am very content without one thank-you, you skirt chaser."
"Hey, what can I say? Chicks dig me."
"'Chicks' do not 'dig' you. You just happen to have a very funny personality. That's what attracts those idiot girls, not your little freckles." With that he self-consciously rubbed the bridge of his nose, and wrinkled his forehead.
"Whatever..." he mumbled.
Silence crowded around them, and their steps fell into rhythm. Finally, the boy spoke up.
"So…you slept at Jesse's again, huh?"
"What in God's name do you think I was doing?" she snapped back, suddenly angry at the thought of someone unwelcome sleeping in her house. "Wandering around fairly land?"
"Calm down, geez. Dad and I didn't think you'd freak so much after…ya' know, she came home. I mean, Christ Adeline, you practically called her every name those bastard priests disciplined us not to say. Don't think Dad didn't hear any of your shit, either."
She walked faster, with more passion than before. She felt the tears rising to her eyes, yet somehow she shoved them back down angrily. Adrien was soon at her side, walking to the pace she demanded.
"Hold on," he pleaded. By now she could see the edge of town in her view. Several cars rolled down the street, oblivious to her hurt and betrayal. The sun had snuggly found itself in the sky, casting a light that awakened half of the busy town. She stopped to catch her breath. Being on the same soccer team as her brother all year round had its advantages, but sooner or later she grew tired, and her lungs demanded air. She stood there, panting alongside her only sibling, who himself had beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.
Simultaneously, they sat in the grass, thankful for the creation of dew. They soon regained their breathing before Adeline softly whispered, "She had no right…"
The boy slightly turned his head towards her direction. "She never did. But…" he continued, "I don't think that really matters right now. I think we should just wait and see what Dad thinks. If he's glad, I think we have something to worry about. If he's angry, I'll let your chain loose and you can have at her like a crazy harpy." Adeline smiled at her brother's imagination. She stood up, and he quickly followed.
"Deal?" he asked. She nodded, and at once they spat on their right palms, and shook heartily. The boy grinned madly, wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and they walked towards town.
This was sitting around for a few months. Maybe two. So I guess, I'll post it on here for my own delight.