His eyes were blood-red; his snowy hair fell about his face. His black hood was up casting his face into shadows; his lip ring glinted in the fluorescent moonlight. Ivory fangs glistened wetly upon his lips. Beads of crimson blood trailed down his chin, he licked his lips smirking.
I sat bolt up right, sweat plastered my burnished curls to my head. My eyes glazed with fear. It was the second night in a row that I have dreamt of him. My heart pounded in my chest, he was so real. I felt as if I knew him, yet I could not place it. I glanced at the clock 4:31 blinked back at me. I got out of bed and dragged on a pair of raggedy jeans, a black hoodie and my vans. Stumbling out the door, I made my way to school. I knew I was early so I lay on the grass under the oak tree. A cold breeze caressed my face, shivering I curled into a tighter ball. The wind softly spoke into my ear, lulling me into sleep. Soon I began to drift, slipping in and out of sleep; finally I fell asleep oblivious to the dark figure casting its shadow over me.
I slowly woke to the feeling of someone gently running their fingers through my hair. Opening my eyes they were drawn in by the crimson color. My mind flashed to my dream, screaming I jumped up. "Who the hell are you?" I backed up as far as I could; unfortunately it was into a tree. His face never twitched, he moved closer till his body was against mine. His mouth near my ear, sent shivers down my spine. "Your worst nightmare" he whispered into my ear, gently biting my ear lobe. He glided away never paying attention to the cold, he wore a black long sleeve t-shirt and jeans. I gaped after him, what the hell?! That was…uh…random. Shaking my head I walked into the doors of school people stared at me as I walked by, I didn't even glance around. "Anya" the voice whispered tauntingly in my ear. I glowered at nothing in particular, scaring some freshman as they looked at me. "Go Away" I growled running my hands through my hair.
Sitting in history, I was trying to pay attention but my focus wavered. Soon I fell asleep on my arm.
He sat there staring at me, his fangs glistening wetly. "Hello Anya. Come to play?" he smirked. I began to shake backing up, "ah, ah, ah" he shook his white head ever so slightly. Beckoning me with his finger, I moved as in a trance. I sat on his lap, "so obedient" I still shook; I felt his breath on my throat. I suddenly broke free of the trance and ran for my life. "You can't run away from me forever Anya. I will be every where."
"NO" I shouted jolting awake.
The class erupted into laughter; the plastic blondes snickered to their friends. I blushed up to my hairline. Shivering I bolted out of the room into the hallway, reaching a row of lockers sliding down I held my head in my hands. God who is he, why is he tormenting me. I banged my head back onto the lockers, sending pain jolting through my brain. "What the hell you idiot, what are you doing?" Looking up I met the confused look of the sleaziest guy in school, Lane Michaels. I rolled my eyes and pulled my knees to my chest. "Go away" I muttered. "Right, why the hell were you just doing that?" Shrugging I sluggishly got up. "You are not walking away from me." Oh great I thought. He slammed me up against the wall, "I want to have a little fun, and you wont tell anyone will you" I glared. All the while in my mind I was calling for the one who would not leave my head. When Lane began to kiss me I thought I was going to throw up, then a cool breeze whipped through the halls. I smiled against the kiss, "you like it huh?" my eyes stared behind him into the blood-red eyes of my nightmare. Lane spun around and screamed, glistening white fangs pierced the skin on his neck drawing every inch of blood he could without killing him. When he had finished his body slid limply to the ground, the blood dripped in rivulets down his chin, I grimaced. "Thank you" I whispered, he smirked "you cant ever get rid of me" I turned away, when I looked back he had disappeared, only the soft caress of the icy breeze let me know he was there. shivering, I decided to go home, telling the nurse I didn't feel to well, it wasn't a complete lie. When I arrived home, the house was empty. Climbing the stairs exhaustingly I fell onto my bed. I began to fall into a deep sleep, when his arms were around me his lips on my neck. I shivered involuntarily and turned, snuggling deeper into his warmth. His warmth, oh the irony, his body heat emanated from him to wrap me up keeping me from the biting cold. The dreams that seeped into my mind were of him, yet when were they not. He never left me, always there lurking in the darkness of my own mind.