
Just read it and tell me what you think. It was written as an onomatopoeia--spelled it right!--for English.

Tick tock


Quiet whines crooning

To the tick tocks of the clock

Tick-tock tick-tock

Small sharp claws

Scratching on the wall

Scratch scratch

Soft padded feet

Pacing lightly on the paper

Tick tick tick tick

Bold brass tones

Running wildly in her voice


She whimpers to herself

In the dead of night

Striving for human attention

She cries in her sleep

A soft solemn cry


And when light stepping feet

Roam into the room

She looks up ecstatically

At the dreary eyed human

Furry tail wags

Red tongue lolls out

Sweet chimes of joy ring out

Rugh! Rugh!
Cross-legged and heavy eyed

The human struggles to keep awake

Soon, human and dog

Lie peacefully dreaming

To the tick tocks of the clock

Tick-tock tick-tock


A stout pup of sound body

Skits around the yard

Brazen barks are thrown at passersby

Unsure what to do

She watches the clock

The tick tocks of

The mind numbing clock

Tick-tock tick-tock

To her, 3 o'clock can never

Come too soon

She waits at the gate

Ears perked, waiting

Waiting, waiting for her humans

And just like before

The car drives up

Her tail wags

A pink tongue lolls out

And sweet deep barks ring out

Bark! Bark!



Cars rushing by

Are the only things to watch

As young dog sits

Head in paws

Eyes downcast

Listening to the ticking clock

Tick-tock tick-tock

Nothing to do

On that got summer day

As she waits and waits and-


Her head shoots up

And she sprints to the back

"C'mon Roxie!"

Calls the human

Her tail starts beating

Pink tongue lolls out

And deep booming barks ring out

Woof! Woof!


Tick-tock tick-tock

The grandfather clock

With it's mighty golden arms

Chimes in her ears

A tired, worn melody

Of sweet days passed

And the warm fire

Crackles and burns

Memories into her soul

As her worn and weary heary

Lays down for the day

And her human pets her quietly

Her tail wags leisurely

Her coral-pink tongue rolls out

And in a low, tired voice

She howls quietly


To the tick tocks of the clock

Tick-tock tick-tock

Ok you know the drill, review if you feel like it. But I would appreciate it a million times over if you would just click that small button and take a few seconds to tell me what you think!
