A.N: I guess you could say this is the prequel to 'Contemplations of the ExBoyfriend Kind'. This is basically the story of how Claire came to meet Warner and why she feels the way she does about him. Whether you wanted to know or not, I got bored and needed something to do.

The sun shone through my window, disturbing my peaceful sleep with its vicious rays. How I hate waking up early. I suppose it would be for the best that I work before going off to college, but I can't seem to find the energy to get up in the morning.

Some summer before college this is turning out to be. I feel like I haven't had a moments' rest and yet I'm still running around. Two weeks and I'll be moving into my new dorm, hundreds of miles from the place I've inhabited these past few years.

And honestly, it couldn't come any sooner.

It's time for a change of scenery. I need to experience new things or my head is going to implode. That is, of course, assuming I survive my surgery tomorrow.

Well, maybe it won't be so serious. It IS only my wisdom teeth, after all. What's the worst that could happen?

"Claire, are you ready yet? We're going to be late!" My mother's voice cut through my thoughts, a knife through soft butter.

"I'll be out in a sec."

Work always seemed to last longer at the end of the week. Eight hours felt like sixteen and I am quite ready to be finished with it. Today was particularly hectic; I didn't have a moment to relax.

Thankfully I have friends.

"So, I want you to talk to this guy." Nothing good can ever come of those words, especially when Beth says them. Considering she did say she wanted to set me up with someone.

"I'm frightened." I'm nothing if not honest.

"You have nothing to worry about. He's a nice guy. I met him last year; he lived in my building and we took a class together." So he's older than me… that could be a plus.

A few days passed before I was actually able to get online and talk to this guy Beth wanted to set me up with. Of course, now I'm heavily medicated, drooling and passing out every few minutes.

"Hey" the conversation went pretty smoothly, other than my passing out. His name is Warner. He's a sophomore from farther north than my parents live and we like a lot of the same things. Maybe there is hope for me. Then Beth informed me that she was having him talk to Tara and my hopes fell. He'd definitely fall for Tara. With her sparkling green eyes, wavy brown hair and petite build, he was sure to fall for her. My entire high school career consisted of every guy she ever met falling for her. I guess that means I shouldn't bother trying to impress him. There's no point in wasting so much energy on something that won't happen for me.

The remainder of the week is a blur, my medicated mind refusing to hold onto the memory of anything that happened. After being examined by the surgeon a week later, I drove to Jacksonville with my father, glad to have my surgery out of the way.

A few days later, I was in my dorm room with Tara, checking my email when Warner's screen name popped up. He informed he was on his way up to school and wondered what our room number was.

20 minutes passed before my white cordless phone started calling attention to itself.

"You answer it!" Better to have Tara start the conversation. So much for not worrying about impressing him, my stomach is in a knot.

"Your turn!" The phone was pushed towards me quickly, causing it to nearly die a tragic death against the ugly blue Berber style carpet. Luckily I'm not nearly as clumsy as I claim to be.

"Hello?" Dear God, please don't let me sound ridiculous. I don't care I don't care I don't care. Let's hope that worked.

"Hi. Which one is this?" He had a pleasant sounding voice, if nothing else. Not too deep but not too high either; something very rhythmic about, an almost song like quality. Snap out of it, he's expecting an answer!

"Claire." Tara keeps looking at me like I've got three heads. She knows I'm interested in him, that's probably why she pushed the phone to me; though that doesn't make any sense if she likes him as well. Oh bother.

"Ah well, I just left. Should I stop by your place? I should be there by midnight." I glanced at the clock, noticing that it was 10pm already. He wanted to come here? Now?! I surveyed the room; not too messy. Though I'd definitely need to change. No point in showing so much skin to someone who will only be a friend to me anyway.

"Where are you coming from?" My eyebrow made its way up my forehead. How close could he possibly be if he was going to get here in two hours or less?

"Orlando." I laughed. That was a three hour, if not longer, drive. There's no way he'll get here in time.

"There is no way you'll make it here in 2 hours." I teased him, laughing slightly. What am I doing? Am I FLIRTING? Claire, stop it!

"Well if I get into an accident because I'm speeding to get there by midnight, it's your fault!" What?!?!? How is that my fault?

"No, it'd be your fault for speeding. Don't blame this on me!" How dare he try to blame his speeding on me? Pfft. I don't care if he's kidding! You don't say that to someone you haven't met yet.

After we hung up, I decided to finally change. I'll leave the fishnet sleeved shirt for another day. You know, when I know him better. Hah. Or not. One never knows in these situations.

Around 12:30 a.m., the phone rang again. The Caller ID showed the number he'd been calling from earlier, so I only assumed it was him.

"Hello?" Don't sound nervous, whatever you do Claire!

"I'm parking. Come downstairs and let me in." So this was it. Now we'd finally meet him in person. I swallowed, attempting to calm myself down. What if he was extremely good looking…and completely ignored me once he saw Tara?

I hung up the phone, threw on my flip flops and started the journey downstairs with Tara and our neighbor Anne in tow. Anne is by no means unattractive. Her shoulder-length blonde hair falls straight around her face, framing her chocolate colored eyes. She's taller than Tara but not taller than me. However I don't have to worry about her and Warner, because she has a boyfriend. He goes to a school nearby.

My thoughts and the trip were interrupted by some guy on the staircase. He had green eyes and was grinning in a strange matter in my general direction. His curly strawberry blonde hair was grown just enough where it started to curl, but not enough to afro out. He smiled like he knew something I didn't.

I don't like him already, and he hasn't said anything yet.

"Hi. Meeting someone?" How is that his business? I mean, it's not like I know this guy.

"Um, yes…" He's starting to creep me out.

"Why are you smiling at my roommate like that, do you know her?" Tara interrupted his next question. I love that girl, really. She has no problem with being completely forward… about most things.

The guy's smile expanded. My eyebrow rose higher on my forehead and I silently cursed him in my head. Who the hell is he?

"Is it a guy?" Again, it's his business how?

"Um, yeah…" Now I'm really scared. This guy won't quit looking at me and it's starting to perturb me. Yes, he's cute but there is something off about this. I don't like that he looks like I'm not in on something. Not at all.

"What's his name?" I need to get to the door to let my friend in…

"Um, Alex… I'm gonna go let him in now." His eyes sparkled as if he found this whole exchange humorous.

Tara stayed on the staircase talking to him, while Anne followed me to the front door. I glanced back when I noticed no one was at the door.

"Wouldn't it be funny if THAT was Warner?" Anne questioned, laughing a little.

Just then, something clicked inside my head. He was smiling because it WAS him. He knew who I was the whole time and didn't feel compelled to inform me that it was he whom I am coming down to meet in the first place. No! I can't help that all the pictures I saw of him were poorly lit/angled etc.! That jerk!

Spinning around, I yelled "I HATE YOU!" All out of frustration, mind you. He started laughing even harder once he realized that I figured out who he was.

I stomped up the stairs, glaring at him.

"You knew I didn't know who you were and still didn't tell me?" I practically growled at him. His voice sounds different in person than on the phone. Grr he sucks at life.

Don't fret though. I got my revenge when we spent multiple hours (and I mean Tara and I) tickling him. That'll teach him for saying he's ticklish… and playing mean jokes on people.