Note: I am in no way associated with any brand names or trademarked items mentioned in my story. The characters, school, town, etc in my story belong entirely to me and came strictly from my imagination.
Angels on High
Meet Skye Harrison. Meet five feet, ten inches of shaggy blonde hair, golden honey eyes, and a dazzling smile. Meet the object of every girl at West Lakes High's affections.
This boy seemed to have it all. He had manners that other guys didn't, like holding the door open for a girl and letting her in rather than just giving it an extra push so it wouldn't close, or offering to carry your books to class for you. He was cute and charming and his smile caused every girls' knees to turn weak. He was funny too, and witty without being lame.
He wasn't just popular with the girls either, the guys all thought he was awesome. He was good at sports and transferred from a school with top national ranking football and lacrosse teams. He was apparently incredibly intelligent, and all the teachers had even taken a liking to him.
He was all around amazing. Nearly everyone in the entire school loved him.
Meet Claire Snow. The one girl who didn't. Who is this crazy girl? I am. I mean, come on, the guy's been here for less than a week and he's already got the whole school twisted around his finger with just the hint of a smile. That's not normal. I can see right through his little act. He doesn't impress me at all. He's just a spoiled know-it-all from Cincinnati craving attention. It's pathetic. So why am I the only one wise enough to see it? Because I'm surrounded by superficial idiots.
"I don't know Claire, he doesn't seem that bad. I think he's kind of sweet." And when I say 'superficial idiots,' I say that with the utmost love and respect.
"No! Remmy, not you too!" I exclaimed.
"Look, Claire, all I'm saying is he seems nice. He hasn't done anything to make you hate him. Maybe you should just give him a chance," said Remmy, shrugging.
"Give him a chance? Give him a chance? After he stole the entire school from us and now he's even taking you, you think I should give him a chance? Well there is no way in hell for that one missy. I've seen guys like him before. All they want is attention and some action," I said resolutely crossing my arms over my chest and walking to class.
"But," said Remmy quietly by side, "he hasn't accepted a date from anyone. He says he's not looking for a relationship right now." I was about to retort with disbelief at the last statement when another thought overpowered me.
"Why do you know that?" I asked, rounding on her. "You didn't ask him on a date did you?"
She huffed herself up and rolled her eyes at me. "Oh don't be stupid, why would I ask him on a date? I like Tim, remember?" She stared straight ahead, eyes fixed away from me, but I still noticed the color rise in her cheeks.
"You did! Remmy, how could you? He's a jerk," I said shaking my head.
"I didn't okay, I already told you. And how do you know he's a jerk, huh? Have you ever even talked to him?" We stopped outside the door of my first period class.
I bit my tongue. Okay so maybe hadn't actually spoken to the guy, but I could tell! It's all just some sham act. I mean, honestly, no one's that perfect, if you want to call it perfect anyway.
"Well, no, but-"
"Then I don't think you have a right to talk about things you don't know," said Remmy tensely. "Maybe if you actually talked to him you'd realize how ridiculous you're being." She turned on her heal and marched off to class. I let out a deep sigh and took my seat at the back of my first period. I guess she would just have to find out for herself.
I rested my head down on my arms and silently rejoiced at not having to share my lab table with anyone. I was even in mid-mental leap of joy when whispers from the front of class just before the bell rang caused me to look up. Oh. My. God.
You've got to be joking me. What is he doing here? He's not in this class. Maybe he's 'lost' and asking for 'directions'.
"…schedule change so now I'm…" I overheard. I groaned miserably and was about to sink my head down and wallow when another, more horrifying thought occurred to me. I quickly glanced around, searching for another empty seat. Good, there was one next to Jordan Port—no, why do you have to sit there Katie? I searched for another but couldn't find one. Why? Why did the only open lab table have to be mine?
Ms. Geller sauntered into the room and Angel Boy over here handed her a note. She read it and looked back up at him. "I see. Well, welcome to Advanced Chemistry," she said, completely monotone, face dull and unchanging. Skye Harrison gave her a big grin and thanked her. "The only open seat is in the back next to Ms. Snow, so I supposed you'll have to sit there." I groaned again to myself between the many syllables of one long note. And then, as Skye smiled and thanked her again, Ms. Geller actually smiled. I nearly fainted. Ms. Geller never smiles. Ever. She was the one teacher I thought I could count on not to fall for the charm of Angel Boy, but my last hope even failed me. My future is bleak.
Mr. Harrison took his seat next to me quietly and I didn't even give him the courtesy of looking up. Instead, I pulled out my book and starting reading. After twenty minutes of uninterrupted reading, save Ms. Geller's monotone lecture, I was finally disrupted by a soft whisper to my left.
"Is this class always this boring?" asked Skye. I stopped reading and just stared at by book a couple seconds before finally turning to him. He was smiling brightly at me as his hand rested under his cheek. I didn't smile back. I didn't even blink. I just looked him in the eye for a couple seconds before shrugging and turning back to my book.
Pff, if you think all it takes to get to me is a little grin then you've got another thing coming for you buddy. I snickered to myself facing my book so he couldn't see and went back to my reading.
"I'm Skye," he said a couple minutes later. I just rolled my eyes and kept looking at my book. That's great, but honestly, I could care less if you were Marco Polo. "You are…?" he asked after I didn't respond.
"Pst, Claire!" someone else whispered next to me, filling in the blank for the name that I wasn't going to provide. I looked to my right and Lily Sanchez was looking at me holding a note. Lily and I were friendly enough, but really no more than acquaintances—I had only had Econ with her last semester—so I wasn't sure why she was passing me a note. But I took it all the same and opened it.
Oh my gosh! Claire you are sooo lucky to be sitting next SKYE HARRISON! Isn't he so cute?!
I quickly folded the note back up and glanced to my left to make sure Skye hadn't read it, the last thing he needed was an ego boost. He was looking in the other direction with a humorous smile on his face. I quickly scribbled back an answer and passed the note back.
No, he it is NOT cool and no he is NOT sooo cute! In fact, I think I'd rather him be a rat!
Lily read it and looked at me like I had four heads and passed it back.
You're crazy.
They just don't get it.
"So, is there a reason you don't like me or are you just a spiteful old hag?" came a whisper to my left. My jaw dropped and I turned to face Skye.
"Excuse me?" I whispered. Oh, I could not have been more right about what a jerk he was. None of this 'I-think-he's-sweet' nonsense.
"I was just wondering if there was a reason behind your dislike for me…Claire, isn't it?" he said quietly, sitting up from leaning on his elbow.
"It's Ms. Snow to you, and yes, of course there is." I said defiantly, turning fully in my seat so I was facing him.
"Oh," he said, grinning, "well then, as long as there's a good reason, hate me all you want."
"What?" I exclaimed under my breath. What kind of idiot was he?
"I didn't seem like there was anything I could do to stop you from hating me if you had a perfectly good reason, so I didn't see why I should try. Unless, that is, you didn't want to hate me and were therefore looking for a reason not to hate me, in which circumstance I would have to apologize for whatever it is that I did to make you hate me," he said. Oh quite trying to be clever you infuriating twit, you're no Johnny Depp.
"Don't be stupid! I'm not an idiot you know!" I exclaimed softly.
"I never said you were," he said looking surprised.
"Yes but it was in your tone of voice," YOU LITTLE SNOB!
"I see. Well then, I am terribly sorry. Next time I talk to you, I'll be sure to use a different tone," he said. His mocking smile was full of self-reprisal.
"Look! I-"
"Ms. Snow, Mr. Harrison, is there a problem?" Ms. Geller said loudly from the front of the room, whipping both our heads around to face her.
"No ma'am," said Harrison.
"No Ms. Geller," I mumbled looking back down at my book, still annoyed from all of his sarcasm.
"Good," said Ms. Geller before returning to her lecture.
Needless to say, the rest of the class was silent and tense. Just as I had reached the door to leave, a hand grabbed my arm and caused me to turn around.
As luck would have it, Skye Harrison was the owner of that hand. "It was nice to meet you Ms. Snow," he said with a trying-way-too-hard-to-be-charming smile. Before I had a chance to reply to his unheard of 'manners,' he slipped past me and out the door. It was only a second before a returned though and said, "Oh, by the way, I believe this belongs to you." He handed me something small and, a second later, was gone.
I looked down in my hands and saw that it was the note that Lily had passed me earlier. Great. Just great…Jerk.
This was going to be a very long—no, unendingly long semester.
A/N: Please tell me what you think of it! I just came up with this so I'm not sure if it's any good. I think I have an idea for it to go somewhere, please give me your opinion!