Amends And Such
"Hey, Claire, what's up?"
I stood outside of Remmy's front door ready to make reparations. For the past two weeks I had been neglecting my duties as best friend and hadn't spent much time with Rem at all. My guilt had caught up to me though, so here I was, with two orange Fantas as a peace offering, in hopes to make amends and such.
"Fanta?" I offered quietly, rather hoping she'd interpret my sad attempt to patch things up rather than have me awkwardly plunge through an explanation.
She looked at the drink in my hand, her favorite, and smiled enormously. "Love one," she said taking it from me and stepping aside to let me in. We went into the living room and plopped down on the couch, turning on I Love Lucy re-runs and chatting animatedly, they way I had realized I'd missed. After a couple hours, we had talked ourselves into a hole and were stuck, each of us trying to think of something else to share.
Something pulled at my mind and I shifted uncomfortably. "Sorry I was so, judgmental, about Skye. I guess, he's really not that bad after all," I muttered quickly.
Remmy looked up at me and shrugged, "Don't worry about it, it's no big deal. He did mention that you guys weren't arguing so much anymore." I nodded and waited for her to say something else.
"Do you have to do that English project?" she asked changing the subject. I'm sure she knew I didn't; we were taking different English classes, nonetheless, she didn't give me a chance to answer her. "It's ridiculous! It's so much work and my partner! Uuugh! He is so infuriating!" She uncrossed her legs and stretched them out to rest on the arm of the couch. I looked up and grinned knowingly at her, shaking my head.
That's my Remmy. Half of them always start out as 'so infuriating' and end up 'so adorable'. She didn't see my look though, so I asked, "Who's your partner?"
"Chris," she said sourly, "Brandon's younger brother."
My smiled widened as I recalled who she spoke of. "Oh, you mean the devilishly good looking, lacrosse star?"
Remmy glowered. "He is NOT devilishly good looking!"
"Rem, if I recall correctly, those were your exact words when you pointed him out to me at the last lacrosse game."
She pouted furiously at having her own words used against her and finally thought of something to say. "Okay, so he's attractive! That doesn't mean he's not a chauvinist pig! I mean it, Claire; I seriously can't stand this guy!" I nodded and let her rant about how annoying said 'pig' was.
We ended up playing video games for a long time while Remmy chatted happily about everything that popped into her head. Well past dark, I heard the front door open and close, followed by footsteps, and then a familiar voice.
"Hey Rem, hey babe," Leo's voice said from above me. I was upside down on the couch with my feet resting on the back and my head hanging off the front.
"Hey Leo!" I said cheerfully, waving a foot at him but keeping my eyes glued to the screen, attacking Remmy's man while she turned around to greet her brother.
"Hey!" she exclaimed as I right hooked her, "That was a cheap shot!" I chuckled evilly as she fought back.
"That was a cheap shot," agreed Leo. I felt something brush the underside of my feet lightly and squealed, kicking freely.
"Stop! Stop it!" The tickling continued, however, and I rolled over, pulling my feet away, and sitting upright, laughing uncontrollably. As you clearly noticed, I am extremely ticklish. It's one of my greatest faults.
"Not fair!" I yelled as Remmy killed my man, "You cheated." I pouted and crossed my arms shooting cold looks at Leo.
"What?" he asked innocently.
"You're supposed to help ME win, remember?" I said indignantly.
"Well, she's my sister, I was morally obligated." I rolled my eyes.
"Excuses, excuses." He laughed and jumped over the couch, sitting between Remmy and myself. "Where were you, anyways?" I asked.
"I was at work, something that somebody couldn't relate to!" he said pointedly.
"Hey! I worked yesterday!" I exclaimed defensively.
"Not you," he clarified, "Remmy."
She grinned. "You have the whole working thing under control, I would hate to invade on your turf in the working world." She put a rather sarcastic emphasis on her last two words that caused Leo and me to shoot each other looks. At the same time we both wacked her with a pillow.
"Ah! Hey!" she exclaimed trying to block our shots.
We eased off after a minute and Leo yawned. "I'm heading up to bed to get some shut eye, probably won't get any tomorrow."
"Why not?" Remmy asked. I hugged the pillow I had been hitting her with on my lap and looked up at him, waiting for an answer.
"There's a party tomorrow night at Deana's house," he said, standing up and acting a little too casually, "I'll probably be there most of the night."
I reached up and yanked him back down, sharing a knowing look with Remmy and grinning expectantly. "Who's Deana?" His face contorted and visibly paled, all the color flooding from his face and into his flaming neck and ears.
"No one," he said shortly, moving to stand up again; Remmy and I held him down.
"Uh huh," she said, looking at me, "No one."
"That's definitely a someone then," I said, "It looks like our little Leo's going to have a busy night ahead of him tomorrow."
"Grow up," he said irritably, shrugging us off and crossing the room. We laughed and let him going, figuring we'd wait until we knew more before humiliating him too badly.
"It's late," I said looking at the inside of my wrist to check the time—quarter past ten. "I have to go do my Chemistry homework but tomorrow night, you're mine. I don't care what you or your boyfriend say, I have a movie with our names all over it."
"Alright," Remmy laughed nodding.
"I mean it," I said sitting up properly and looking at her, "Six o'clock tomorrow, I will be at your front door."
"It's a date," she grinned.
Just as I promised, as six o'clock rolled around the next night, I walked up her front steps and was welcomed as she opened the door to let me in. "Perfect timing," she said as the clock in her foyer chimed the hour.
"I couldn't decide," I said as I followed her into the kitchen, where she poured a bag of popcorn into a bowl, "chick flick or action packed?" I held up my movie choices for the night, Pride and Prejudice and Casino Royale.
"Definitely action packed," said Remmy nodding to the Bond movie since both hands were occupied by the bowl of popcorn, a bag of chips, and a Coke. I grinned and grabbed myself a Coke out of the fridge and followed her into the living room.
"So good," I said as the infamous theme music rang throughout the room and the closing credits came on. "I admit, I had my reserves about Daniel Craig, being blonde and all, but he's won me over. He does the whole rough-around -the-edges look very well." I laid curled up in a ball with my head resting on the arm of the big leather chair I was in and looked over at Remmy, sprawled out on the couch.
"He was good," she agreed with giggles, recovering from the fit of swoons we'd both ascended into from the movie. "But still, he's no Sean Connery."
"No one compares to Sean Connery," I said fairly, adjusting the pillow under my head.
She laughed and cut the movie off. "Now what do you want to do?"
I shrugged. "Chick flick?" She raised her eyebrows at me, then nodded profusely, bursting into laughter. Neither of us could resist since Pride and Prejudice was one of our favorite movies. Despite our enthusiasm to watch it though, both of us ended up falling asleep about halfway through, which I figured wasn't too bad since it is a long movie.
Bzzzzz! Bzzzzz!
I woke up suddenly to a loud buzzing the coffee table behind my head. I sat up and picked my cell phone up from vibrating on the table. I didn't bother glancing at the caller ID and answered groggily.
"Hello?" My voice was lower than usually and scratchy, my typical morning voice, but I was too tired to care what I sounded like on the phone.
There was a pause and then a voice said on the other end, "Uh, Claire? I, uh—it's Skye."
A/N: So I wanted to try to get at least one last chapter out before the end of spring break. I realize this chapter may seem pretty pointless but I needed it to lead into the next one, which is a pretty important one. I don't know when exactly I'll get it out but it shouldn't be too long. And as always a HUGE thanks to anyone who reviews and I always would really appriciate more. I love to hear your opinions or any constructive criticisms you may have. Thanks guys!!