His jeans were tight around legs that were long, and lean, and muscular. They were frog-jumping legs, and I imagined him as a giant green bullfrog, frog-hopping his way to my house with me after school, frog-hopping into my room, landing with a PLOP! on my bed. I was there with him, and with my frizzy dyed-green hair I was a frog too. We were on our own lily pad, just the two of us. I wondered what would happen if a frog prince and a frog princess kissed, and I had to lean forward and try it. It was as magical as any transformation. And it was a transformation, we were both human again, because there wasn't enough room in two little frogs for all our love. We fit together perfectly, he and I. I was his Flower, he was my Cake. When he and I got together, we were no longer poet-with-big-green-hair and dark-brooding-crooked-smile-boy. We were almost always frogs or birds or trees or rivers or anything that we happened to turn into. We chose to transform together and leave Their world. We made our own. Our reality was made of floating and clear blue skies and gentle caresses, and it was all held up by our arms holding each other. Whenever we got close enough to one another, the air between us became electrified, as if the molecules were ready to evolve into something magical just for us. The physical world sometimes ran together with ours, and we spent plenty of our time in this zone, playing together.
So right then we were half-frog-people laying on my bed-lily pad. The Intrusions who own the house I live in were gone for the week, as was Sibling, and I suspect we would have remained frog-people for days if not for the fact that frogs cannot properly kiss. Now, let me tell you, I did not call that boy Cake just because he was a bit dense sometimes. He was sweet, sweet all over. His skin smelled faintly of vanilla, his lips always tasted as though they were frosted with strawberry cream, and I know his heart was made of solid milk chocolate. I wanted to melt into his deliciousness, and what was stopping me? That night we kissed and more. Our bodies came together as one, then we fell asleep in each others arms. In the morning I told him I had been walking through the Land of Sweets. He told me he had been in the Garden of Eden. He murmured that he loved me, and I told him he was love.
Cake's dead now. They killed him with medication and hospitalization . Someone decided he was too magical to be safe, he was too threatening. It's a miracle they never got me. They suffocated him with their reality, shoved it down his throat until he choked. I believe his empty shell works as an accountant now, but that really doesn't concern me; Cake was not a body. Cake was the only one I've ever met who took me somewhere beyond myself. I can't find a way back into our world without him, and I'm not sure I'd want to got back alone. I'll always love him though, and I know he, wherever he hides, will always love me too.